Donna Eden & David Feinstein Interview
One of the Greatest Minds of Our Time...

Jean Houston, Ph.D.

Jean Houston, Ph.D.

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Meet Jean:

Jean Houston, Ph.D.

Jean Houston, Ph.D.

Jean Houston, Ph.D., scholar, philosopher and researcher in Human Capacities, is one of the foremost visionary thinkers and doers of our time. She is long regarded as one of the principal founders of the Human Potential Movement.  Dr. Houston is noted for her ability to combine a deep knowledge of history, culture, new science, spirituality and human development into her teaching.  She is known for her inter-disciplinary perspective delivered in inspirational and humorous keynote addresses.

Meet Your Interviewers:

Donna Eden

Donna Eden

For the past 40 years, Donna has been relentlessly proclaiming, teaching, and demonstrating that our bodies are, in essence, but a collection of energy systems and that there are ways to naturally and systematically reclaim our health and vitality. Donna shares her experiences with Energy Medicine in many of her books, including the New York Times bestseller: ‘The Energies of Love.’

Today Donna is the leading proponent of Energy Medicine in America, and together with her husband, David Feinstein, Ph.D. (pioneer in Energy Psychology), they run the world’s largest Energy Medicine school. More than 100,000 people have attended their classes (including physicians, nurses, and other mainstream health professionals), 

David Feinstein image

David Feinstein, Ph.D.

DAVID FEINSTEIN, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and a pioneer in developing innovative therapeutic approaches, leading to nine national awards for his books on consciousness and healing. He and his wife, Donna Eden, have built the world’s largest and most vibrant organization teaching energy medicine. Their latest award-winning book, The Energies of Love, achieved best-seller status on the NY Times Relationship List. David has served on the faculties of The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Antioch College, and the California School of Professional Psychology.

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