Join the FREE LIVE Webinar

Your Path to MuscleTesting/ 
Energy Testing Mastery

Discover How to Enhance Your Skills and Develop Confidence in Your Results!


A FREE Two-hour Webinar with Anne Jensen, Adam Lehman, and Madison King, moderated by David Feinstein.

We'll take your questions after the panel discussion!

Webinar Date:



10:00 AM

Pacific Time

Free Replays Included

What you’ll discover in this Webinar:

This dynamic discussion, among three highly experienced and widely respected practitioners, is designed for those in the healing profession who use muscle testing (a.k.a. energy testing) to enhance skills and accuracy!

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    Ways to describe muscle testing to a client. To a colleague.
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    The biggest pitfalls to getting clear and accurate results.
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    Best practices.
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    Important preliminaries.
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    Is self-testing valid?
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    How to address desires, expectations, and beliefs about what the test should show. 
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    What you and your client should do with your minds during the test.
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    The role of intention.

Time left until registration closes:


Places on the live Webinar are limited! Reserve your seat now and join us live (or tune in later) for a deep discussion that will help you build confidence in your energy testing skills...

Your Panelists:

Ann Jensen image

Anne Jensen, Ph.D.

Anne Jensen is a forward-thinking healer who earned her doctorate from Oxford University researching the validity of muscle testing. In addition, through her background in chiropractic and psychology, her empathic ability and sense of curiosity, she developed HeartSpeak, a unique and empowering stress-reduction tool. Website.

Adam Lehman image

Adam Lehman, En.K.

Adam Lehman is the Director of the Institute of BioEnergetic Arts & Sciences in Sonoma, California, and has trained practitioners around the US, Canada, Europe, and AustralAsia in various programs based on Energy Kinesiology (muscle response). With more than 30 years experience, Adam helps heart centered people discover how they can fulfill their goal of helping others lead richer happier lives. Website.

Madison King

Madison King, EEM-AP

Madison King was one of Donna Eden’s original students in the U.S., built a thriving practice in Central London, and is the author of seven published books and more than 100 articles, radio and television appearances. She set up and now runs the Eden Energy Medicine program in Europe and also runs retreats and workshops in Spain and UK on her own approach, Madison’s Medicine. Website.

Your Moderator:

David Feinstein image

David Feinstein, Ph.D.

David Feinstein is a clinical psychologist and a pioneer in developing innovative therapeutic approaches, leading to nine national awards for his books on consciousness and healing. David and his wife, Donna Eden, have built the world’s largest and most vibrant organization teaching the hands-on use of Energy Medicine, with their 1,400 certified practitioners serving thousands of clients and teaching hundreds of classes throughout the world. Website.

This Webinar is relevant for any health care practitioner who uses muscle testing/energy testing. Please invite your colleagues.

Although this Webinar was originally conceived to enhance the skills of Eden Energy Medicine practitioners, it soon became apparent that an in-depth discussion with our talented presenters could help other health care practitioners as well.

If you want more help with testing after the Webinar, Eden Energy Medicine will also be offering a live (and streamed) 3-day class in October on enhancing testing skills

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Eden Energy Medicine

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Eden Energy Medicine