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Energy Medicine | Energy Medicine

EAN: 9788497777469

Donna Eden is a pioneer in the field of energy medicine. In this book, he teaches us how to work with the body's energy systems to promote health and well-being, both physical and psychological and spiritual.

The research contained in this book is based on the author's work with thousands of patients and students over the last decades. It is a practical guide that explains numerous exercises to follow, step by step, in order to achieve a healthier body, a more lucid mind and a happier spirit.

Donna Eden has given lectures worldwide for more than thirty years, and is one of the most qualified experts in therapies where the body is considered as an energy system.

Dr. David Feinstein is a clinical psychologist who has worked in medical schools at Johns Hopkins University and Antioch College. His books have won several awards and include: Personal Mythology, The Healing Power of EFT and Energy Psychology and Energy Psychology Interactive.

Energy Medicine for Women | Energetic Medicine For Women

ISBN-10:  8497778030

ISBN-13:  978-8497778039

Publisher:  Obelisco, Ediciones SA

Align the energies of your body to improve your health and vulnerability.

Donna Eden, after the success of Energetic Medicine, a work that I consecrate in the world of these therapies, focuses on this new book in the care of women. Hormonal health is essential for women's well-being and in this book the author shows how to control hormones by aligning energies. Energetic medicine offers the right treatments for a large number of health problems: from premenstrual syndrome to menopause, through heart disease or depression. / Eden shows women how they can work with energy to strengthen their immune, circulatory, lymphatic, and respiratory systems to promote health, vitality, and inner peace. Blending a compassionate voice with a profound grasp of how the female body functions as an energy system,

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The Little Book of Energy Medicine |El Pequeño Libro de la Medicina Energética 

ISBN:  978-84-15968-39-9

Publisher:  Obelisco, Ediciones SA

El pequeño libro de la medicina energética es una guía de fácil uso que permite poner en práctica las enseñanzas de la mundialmente conocida Donna Eden, pionera de la medicina energética. En este libro, su autora, con más de tres décadas de experiencia en el campo de la sanación, ofrece a los lectores una sencilla introducción a los ejercicios que constituyen el centro de la medicina energética; y lo hace acompañada de su hija pequeña, Dondi Dahlin.

Mediante una rutina diaria de cinco minutos, uno puede reestablecer el flujo natural energético del organismo y sentirse más feliz, más atento, con menos ansiedad y más rejuvenecido. La obra ofrece asimismo una serie de ejercicios específicos para combatir diversas enfermedades y dolencias, desde las náuseas al dolor de cabeza, el insomnio o el resfriado común.

El pequeño libro de la medicina energética es una lectura esencial para cualquier persona que desee mejorar su salud y su bienestar.

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