Hepatitis C Virus

I have been diagnosed with Hepatitis C virus. There is nothing that my doctor can do short of considering a liver transplant. Do you have any suggestions?

I have only one experience with Hepatitis C virus, but we did get him over it. Here are some of the interventions that were helpful in that instance:

  • Working with liver meridian—twice daily—sedating and then strengthening the meridian using the acupressure points
  • Massaging the neurolymphatic reflex points all over the body
  • A liver cleanse (you can find good recipes at health food stores or book stores)
  • Energy testing for methionine and silymarin, available at health food stores, and if either or both test strong, taking them in the quantities that test strong for as long as indicated by periodic energy tests. To do this:
  • "Energy localize" liver (have someone do a general indicator test on you while you lay your whole hand over your liver)
  • Repeat, holding the bottle between your hand and your liver
  • If either or both test strong, you can use the same test to determine the quantities you need, which may change from day to day

It is important to understand that no organ exists on its own. The energy that vitalizes one organ depends on the health of the others, so at a minimum, use the "Daily Energy Routine" to keep all your energies in balance.

The liver can restore itself so it looks like a newborn baby's liver if you can find the right key. I hope these suggestions will help you find it.

EverettHepatitis C Virus