For nearly four decades, Donna Eden has been teaching people how to work with the body's energy systems to reclaim their health and natural vitality.
Donna is among the world's most sought, most joyous, and most authoritative spokespersons for Energy Medicine. Her abilities as a healer are legendary. She has taught more than 100,000 people worldwide, both laypeople and professionals, how to understand the body as an energy system. Now you can study with her through her videos, DVDs, books, and other home study resources.
Able from childhood to clairvoyantly see the body’s subtle energies, she not only works with those energies to further health, happiness, and vitality, she has made a career of teaching people who do not see energies how to work with them— joyfully and effectively.
Donna’s classic book, Energy Medicine, is the textbook in hundreds of healing classes. Available in 18 languages, it won golds in both the U.S. Book News and Nautilus competitions, and her most recent book, The Energies of Love, achieved best-seller status on the NY Times Relationship List. From her clairvoyant-like ability to see the body’s energies, she has developed a system for teaching others, who do not have this gift, to nonetheless work effectively with their own energies.
"The contribution Donna Eden has made with Energy Medicine will stand as one of the backbone studies as we lay a sound foundation for the field of holistic medicine."

Caroline Myss, Ph.D.
Five-time New York Times bestselling author
Donna offers exciting, empowering, invaluable classes that consistently exhilarate and amaze her audiences. More than 1,200 practitioners are certified “Eden Energy Medicine” practitioners and are, in any given month, teaching hundreds of classes and providing healing services to thousands of clients around the world. Many of Donna’s students are physicians, nurses, and other mainstream health professionals, and she is widely referenced in the alternative health field. She has been a consultant or guest speaker in numerous universities, hospitals, and corporations.
More Praise For Donna's Work
Donna Eden's body energy work is perhaps the most brilliant, comprehensive, and effective system in the genre that I have ever seen.
- Jean Houston, Ph.D.
Author, The Possible Human
Even the most hard-nosed doctor will admit that some people have a healing presence that makes us-and our immune systems- better than before. Donna Eden is one of those rare healers.
- Gloria Steinem
Donna Eden's unique clairvoyant observations of energy patterns have led to a fabulous, practical guide to managing the body's subtle energies.
- Richard Gerber, M.D.
Author, Vibrational Medicine
One of the most enjoyable accounts of energy medicine . . . it is impossible to come away unchanged from reading this text.
-Eric Leskowitz, M.D.
Harvard Medical School
Energy medicine is the future of all medicine [in endorsing Donna's first book]
- C. Norman Shealy, M.D.
Founding President,
American Holistic Medical Association
Read, learn, and explore your innate healing abilities [in endorsing Donna's first book]
- Bernie Siegel, M.D.
Author, Love, Medicine, and Miracles
Donna Eden is widely recognized as one of the most gifted practitioners and captivating teachers of these methods...
- Warren Jacobs, M.D.
Pioneer in Medical Applications
of Touch for Health
Donna Eden is one of the few practitioners whom I would call a `Master Healer.' Her empathy, insight, and curative powers are so strong that she is able to consistently locate the deepest source of her clients' problems, free their reservoir of untapped vitality, and lead them on a road back toward health.
- Stanley Krippner, Ph.D.
Author, The Realms of Healing
This is a great book! The author is probably one in a million in her gifts of seeing, feeling, and transforming energy, and those who follow her suggestions will receive wonderful benefits for themselves and their families.
- John F. Thie, D.C.
Founder, Touch for Health
I have never worked with a speaker where I have received so much positive feedback after their talk. And that includes all the big names.
- Anne-Marie Lewis
Conference Organizer
Donna Eden is perhaps the most incredible woman I've ever known. As soon as she enters a room, healing begins.
- Angie Dickinson