By Vicki Matthews, ND ©2006
Based on the work of Donna Eden
I. The following list of pre-checks will help assure that the results you obtain from your energy tests are accurate.
1. Choose the indicator muscle you want to use and test. Is it strong?
a. If not, rub K-27 points deeply for a few seconds. Retest.
b. If yes, go on to the next step.
c. On occasion, if one cannot get strength in the indicator muscle, it will be necessary to strengthen the meridian of that indicator muscle. Do this, then retest.
2. Can the energy to the muscle be turned “on” and “off” manually?
a. If strong to begin, pinch the belly of the muscle. Retest. Did the energy to the muscle get turned off, taking away the muscle strength during the energy test?
b. If weak now, massage the ends of the muscle (the Golgi tendon apparatus) with pressure. Retest. Did the energy to the muscle get turned back on, giving the muscle strength during the energy test?
c. If the energy to the muscle can both be turned "on" and "off," proceed to the next step.
d. If not, place each side of a magnet on the muscle. Test to see if it stays strong with both sides of the magnet. If so, it is frozen (energy is not flowing through the muscle). If it is weak with both sides, the energy has both lost its polarity and is frozen. In either case, hold the north side of the magnet on the belly of the muscle for 10 seconds and retest.
3. Does the energy in the muscle respond to true/false statements?
a. If no, make sure the “false” statement you used is really false for the client. If it is, rub K-27 points deeply for a few seconds and retest. If still weak, check for homolateral patterning or brain scramble. May need to do Cross Crawl or Wayne Cook.
b. If yes, go on to next step.
4. Begin the energy testing.
II. The use of pre-checks may not always be necessary. They are a good discipline when one is learning energy testing, but once you are comfortable with energy testing, you may find that the “pre-checks” become more of a “post-check” to help determine why the indicator tests are not seemingly in line with what you would expect given the conditions in the client. Thus, these pre-checks can become trouble-shooting techniques for the more advanced energy tester.
III. Other issues that can interfere with accurate energy test results include:
- Dehydration (if suspected, try hair tug test).
- Eye contact between tester and client (have client look over your shoulder).
- Expectations on the part of either tester or client (take a deep breath in together, exhale together, then retest).
- Certain pieces of jewelry (if it catches your eye several times, ask them to take it off).
- Clenched fingers in a fist (make sure client’s fingers are loose).
- Neutral emotions on the part of the client (no smile, no stress)
- The tester standing too close to the client (back away).
- Pushing down too hard when testing (lighten up).