Spring and politics are in the air! Who would have thought that an outspoken advocate for energy healing would be in the running for U.S. President? Or that our EEM Foundations trainings would be offered not only in the U.S. but also in Australia, Canada, England, Ireland, Portugal, Scotland, and Sweden. Or that our 2021 Energy Medicine River Boat Cruise down the enchanting Rhine River would fill while we were still in the pre-registration phase? Or that our community would be pushing us to create the first Eden Energy Medicine app when we are busy doing so many other things? Or that our one daughter would be interviewing our other daughter along with 34 other leaders in the Shift Network’s acclaimed Energy Medicine and Healing Summit?
Read about all this and more in this exciting issue of your Energy e-letter! Meanwhile, we send you our love and blessings for a wonderful springtime!
Donna and David
Our Beginner Level Foundations Classes
Are Starting All Over The World!

Foundations Students Practicing Hands-On Techniques
Eden Energy Medicine relies on using our hands to test, shift, move, and balance energy. We have found that a great way to learn Eden Energy Medicine is under the guidance of a seasoned, highly trained, and supportive mentor.
That’s why we have trained over 80 Foundations teachers to take Eden Energy Medicine into their communities and show you how it’s done.
To show you the techniques. To guide you.
To help you develop your unique skills as a healer.
Foundations classes are small and intimate,
with 4 quarterly classes, held over extended weekends
throughout the year.
When you complete your Foundations year, you’ll walk away empowered – confident in your Eden Energy Medicine skills and ready to start bringing healing into your circle of family and friends, or for those of you already with a healing practice, to your clients. You will also be qualified to then enter the Certification Year of the program!
Energy Psychology Enters the Presidential Race
David and Dawson about to testify in front of the
House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs
On July 21, 2010, David Feinstein and Dawson Church presented testimony about EFT/Energy Psychology in front of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs at a hearing on “Innovative Treatments for PTSD.” Earlier that year, the two had met with a number of Congress members, and a bipartisan effort was initiated, formally asking the Director of the Veterans Administration to incorporate Energy Psychology into its research and treatment programs. Despite the gravity of this request, and the stature of those making it, the request was ignored. Nine years later, the V.A. is still struggling to treat veterans suffering with PTSD more effectively, and it is still largely ignoring the research showing that EFT/Energy Psychology is more effective than the methods that have been and still are its primary interventions.

(L to R): Representatives Chet Edwards (D-TX); Chris Smith (R-NJ); Cliff Stearns, (R-FL); an Army Lieutenant who credits energy psychology for his having overcome PTSD; and David Feinstein. 2010.
Through all of this, perhaps the most active advocate for EFT/energy psychology has been 17-year Congressman Tim Ryan. Congressman Ryan has also brought mindfulness and well-being programs into school systems, and he is one of the most recent candidates to throw his hat into the presidential ring. We are not recommending who you should vote for, but rather giving you the good news that Ryan’s candidacy can bring Energy Psychology and Energy Medicine into the national dialogue as a promising solution to some of the nation’s most pressing mental health challenges. Nick Ortner, founder of the Tapping Solution, expands on this with some very interesting history and perspective.
Our Ultimate Eden Energy Medicine
Reunion Cruise is On!

We are thrilled at the overwhelming response to our idea of a European River Cruise. We had an inkling our tribe would love a cruise but we had no idea we’d fill the boat in such a short time!! Thank you for making this reunion possible.
There are still a few spots left for people willing to share a cabin.
All the cabins are booked but some people booked a cabin in the hopes of finding a roommate. If you’d like to share a cabin with another member of our tribe, click here to visit our roommate finder forum to find a roomie.
We are also keeping a waitlist. The cruise is over 2 years away so it’s possible some cabins may open up as people’s plans change. If you’d like to join the waitlist, click here.
Want to hear more about the cruise?
Donna and Dondi will be on Facebook, LIVE,
today, April 19 at 3:00 pm, Pacific!
Donna and Dondi have enjoyed broadcasting live from Dondi's living room to connect with all of you on Facebook regarding the Cruise. Visit our Facebook page today to watch them tie up any loose ends about the cruise and celebrate the good news with all of you!
Let’s join together to put the Daily Energy Routine in as many people’s hands as possible!

We are joining together with you, our tribe, to create an Eden Method app for smart phones! You have been asking for this for a long time, and we want you to have the opportunity to be the spark to make our mutual dream a reality.
Crowdfunding is a special way for you to invest in and be part of something you really believe in. This will be your app as much as it is ours. And, it will be completely FREE!
In this first phase, the app will be focused on helping everyone learn and practice Donna’s Daily Energy Routine.
Imagine how great it would be to help someone get started with the Daily Energy Routine by saying “Download the app and it will walk you through the exercises".
We need to raise $20,000 to get the app written and launched. We are already halfway there at $10,000 in ONLY two weeks. We have 30 days left in our campaign, and if we raise more, we will do more! We have received superb suggestions from those of you who are already participating. And the more you fund, the more we can build!
To recognize you for your investment and partnership in getting the Eden Method app started, we’ve created fun and valuable perks. They range from having your name listed as a Founder on the app itself to autographed books to customized routines, etc., depending on your level of investment.
Follow this link if you’d like to be a catalyst in bringing the Daily Energy Routine to the world.
Ancient Traditions & Modern Techniques for
Your Highest Health
The Energy Medicine & Healing Summit Starts Next Week!

Donna, David, and Titanya are honored to be among more than 35 of today’s highly sought-after teachers, doctors and healers — including Dr. Judith Orloff, Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton, Heather Dane, Robert Peng, Wendy De Rosa, Lee Harris, Dr. Sue Morter, Anodea Judith, Daisy Lee, Dawson Church, and others — bringing to light the curative and evolutionary powers of a wide range of proven energy practices! Dondi will serve as the host of this year's summit once again!
The summit runs from April 22-26 and you can watch their interviews on the following dates:
- April 22 at noon, PST
David Feinstein: What’s All the Fuss About Tapping - April 23, 9:00 am, PST
Donna Eden: The Assemblage Point: Our Soul’s Lens - April 23, 2:00 pm, PST
Titanya Dahlin: The Importance of the Chakras for Children’s Health
If you can’t watch live, replays are available. Register NOW for FREE or purchase the Entire Summit and discover the latest in leading-edge energy healing practices.
We're Celebrating the Nine Energy Systems!
The Electrics
Part Nine of our Nine Energy Systems Series
The Electrics
The electrics are an energy that seems to emerge from the electrical dimension of the other energy systems. They are not an independent energy system like the meridians, chakras, or aura, but they are rather intimately related to all the major energy systems: separate from each but also an aspect of each, something like the way water is separate from yet part of each of your organs.
The electrics serve as a bridge that connects all the energy systems at the basic level of the body's electricity. Donna usually has no idea what will occur when she first holds a person's electric points. The energy goes where it is needed. There are reports of scar tissue being healed during an electrics session, heart ataxia eliminated, a knee replacement operation avoided, and all manner of emotional trauma overcome.
Most important, in terms of whole-body healing, is the way the electrics connect all the systems. If energy fields such as the aura and chakra align the organs and other energies by surrounding them, the electrics move right through them, connecting and coordinating them at the tangible dimension of their electrical nature.
Relieve Stress and Balance Triple Warmer
with Donna Eden!
When you feel stressed, your fight/flight/freeze response comes over you. This technique will help to release tension while also relaxing your eyes.
To begin this exercise, place your thumbs in the middle of your forehead, press in, then pull both of them out toward the temples. Follow your breath while you do this. Next, hold your thumbs on the temples and wrap your fingers around the back of your head, allowing your fingers to touch. Hold this position while breathing deeply. This not only lifts the stress off of you, it also helps to refresh the circulation around your eyes. Take a break now and watch Donna lead you through this powerful one-minute technique.
To view the complete collection of Eden Energy Medicine videos, click www.EnergyMinute.Innersource.net.
For more information, see Energy Medicine, (Tarcher/Penguin, 2008).
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