April 2021 e-letter

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The theme of this issue focuses on careers. The first article shows how an executive at a major U.S. company introduced energy medicine by teaching 30-minute classes during lunchtime to a growing number of enthusiastic of employees. The second describes a class we are sponsoring on using energy methods to shift your energetic relationship with your career and attract work that is more aligned with your deepest calling, even in today’s society. If energy work seems part of that calling, the third article is for you. It invites you into our energy medicine training program, which has been the springboard for many into a successful energy medicine practice.

This got us thinking about our own career leaps. Up until 1999, we had comfortable, deeply fulfilling practices in the wonderful hamlet of Ashland, Oregon. David as a clinical psychologist; Donna as an energy healer. Then Donna’s Energy Medicine was published, and we found ourselves responding to a strong calling to teach what we had written about. We stepped away from our practices and have been on the road ever since (well, the pandemic has altered that for now, but way more than 1,000 appearances all over the world up until the pandemic).

For David, this was a massive shift. He loved exploring the human psyche in ways that empowered people to live the lives they desired, and he was highly respected. Going on the road with Donna would mean totally stepping away from a career he loved. But Donna’s seemed the higher calling, so off he went. As it turned out, however, rather than never again being involved in psychotherapy, he was pulled into a dimension of the art he had never envisioned, Energy Psychology. That has not only become his passion, he is an acknowledged leader in that field. Who knew!

David before going on the road!

Donna’s massive career shifts came earlier. When she was in her early 20s, she had an amazing job. She helped Sea World get ready to be opened. One of her main responsibilities was to help take care of the dolphins, brushing their teeth and mid-wifing their births. By the time David met her a decade later, she was a photographer for the stars, and not because she loved cameras. The personal photographer for a celebrity friend couldn’t make it to his performance one evening. Donna took some photos. They captured his spirt so perfectly that she became a legend among his friends and was soon in wide demand. Then energy medicine tapped her on the shoulder, and the rest is history.

Donna at Sea World

Blessings that your work be deeply gratifying,
D & D

Eden Energy Medicine in Action

Making a Joyful, Positive Difference at Work

Pam Aronson was new to energy medicine when she attended the Alaskan Eden Energy Medicine cruise. When she returned home after the trip, a few friends from work asked Pam about what she had learned.

So, she offered to run a 30-minute “Daily Routine” class, during lunchtime, 3 times a week. What happened next, took Pam completely by surprise!

Falling in Love with Mondays

How to Use Energy Tools to Build a Soul-Driven Career

What would your life be like if you woke up every morning thinking, “I can’t WAIT to get to work?” It might seem like an impossible dream to most people but it doesn’t have to be.

When you know how to work with energy tools, you can release blocks holding you back from enjoying and enriching your current career (or finding a wonderful new one!).

Eden Method for a Soul-Driven Career is designed by our Advanced Practitioner Marjorie Fein. Marjorie is a much-loved energy medicine teacher with 20 years of experience, helping people use energy tools to start or build rewarding careers.

Eden Method for a Soul-Driven Career could be the path to a beautiful new phase in your life… one that includes a fulfilling, successful career that you truly enjoy.

Learn more and save your spot today.

You Have Access to Remarkable Healing Power

Learn How to Work With It In Level 1: Fundamentals

Fundamentals is one of our most popular programs of all time, and it’s no surprise!

It’s a transformational yet easy-to-follow experience where you’ll learn exactly how to tap into the reservoir of healing power within so you can confidently heal yourself and your loved ones.

Fundamentals offers custom, individual attention and guidance from our dedicated, talented instructors, in over 50 locations around the world (there is no other energy healing program quite like this!).

Some teachers are offering online options for the first class depending on the region, so reach out to the teacher in your region to know more.

The Fundamentals program is open for registration just once a year, and if you join before May 1, you’ll receive 3 bonus classes for free!

Learn more here. >>

Month 6 of the Five Elements Series!

By Donna Eden

Explore the Five Elements In This 6-Part Newsletter Series

Donna Eden and the Five Elements



Metals are methodical and principled. They are spiritual seekers and consistently in search of a deeper spiritual connection.

Thoughtful and deliberate, metals are also highly efficient and dependable. You can rely on them to get the job done (they’ll hold off from having fun until they’ve checked off every task on their to-do list!).

Metals hold their heads high when they walk and tend to move with regal grace and elegance. They rarely speak without thinking about what they want to say. The stress emotion for Metals is grief.

This is the last installment of the Five Element e-Letter series. We hope you enjoyed learning a little bit about the Five Elements!

If you want to learn how to use the Five Elements to improve your life, we’re excited to announce a brand new 5-week experience called Living the Five Elements. This unique online course can show you how to work with the Five Elements and create powerful, positive changes in every area of your life. This course will launch in July.

Be The First To Know When We Go LIVE!

Join our Living the Five Elements Insiders’ List and be the first to know, when this transformational course goes live! Click HERE to join and you'll be automatically added to the Insiders' List. >>

Your Energy Minute

Burnout, Begone! How to Relieve Stress with Titanya

Deadlines, commitments, complicated projects... it’s easy to burn the candle at both ends when you’re busy at work. When you’re stressed, it’s important to support your adrenals, to avoid burnout. Titanya shows you exactly how to do that in just 60 seconds!

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Karen BerryApril 2021 e-letter