This month launches two new features for our e-Letter. As you know, EEM works with 9 primary energy systems. Each of our next 9 issues will carry a piece that teaches you about one of them, beginning with this issue’s focus on THE MERIDIANS.
Meanwhile, we are continually amazed and gratified as we hear about applications of EEM in different nooks and crannies all around the globe. Beginning this issue, we are instituting a new column, “Energy Medicine Around the World,” with a glimpse into a class that was just held in a centuries-old building in the Czech Republic.
Our July issue provoked the largest response we’ve ever received, based on our comments about our policies regarding taking a political stance. The replies were all favorable. This was representative: “Good for you for not using your Energy Medicine platform to foray into the realm of politics! I would be disappointed if you veered off topic -- you are an expert in the field of Energy Medicine -- that's what folks like me turn to you for. There are tons of other places and people where I could find discourse and opinions on the political realm. I personally do not like when experts/celebrities in one field try to influence followers or interested people in the political realm. There is a time and place for that sort of thing -- not an Energy Medicine gathering.” If you’d like to continue the discussion on our Facebook page, click here.
Donna and David
Energy Healing in Action:
Sedating Meridians for Pain Relief
A physician who is also an Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioner (EEM-CP) in North Carolina successfully treated a client with severe pain using simple Energy Medicine techniques.
Bill Milligan, M.D., treated a 58-year-old woman who described a repetitive, sudden onset of excruciating pain in her upper right chest, where the second rib attaches to the sternum. Even minimal movement provoked intense pain described as "knife-like." She had no previous history of trauma or other aggravating factors.
This condition is called Costochondritis, or inflammation of the rib/sternal junction. Bill knew that in most cases it affects women, and the etiology cannot usually be discerned. Due to the severe pain associated with the condition, it is usually treated with potent anti-inflammatory medicines and/or opiates for pain control. It normally runs a benign course, but the first few days are very painful.
On the day Bill saw her, even minimal breathing produced a severe lancinating pain. He first attempted an EEM technique called "siphoning off the pain," then counterclockwise hand movements over the painful area, and, finally, Qi Gong energy movement, all without significant help.
Are you confident with Energy Testing?
Do you trust your results?
We’ve asked Madison King, one of Donna's original and most accomplished practitioners and teachers, to offer a course that will help you become a more savvy energy tester.
Why focus on Energy Testing?
Energy Testing gives you crucial feedback on what's going on in the body. Once you are confident that your energy tests are providing reliable information, you have a foundation for freely following your intuition and quickly testing the results of your interventions, step-by-step.
Energy Testing, Intuition, and Beyond!
How to Be An "Energy Sensitive"
Taught by Madison King, EEM-AP
Madison will give you tools you can use immediately to improve your energy testing, your ability to sense energy, and your ability to trust your inner wisdom!
Phoenix, Arizona -- or Live Stream online anywhere in the world!
October 26 - 28, 2018
Take $100 OFF with our Early Bird Discount through August 31st
Click HERE for more info!
Eden Energy Medicine Around the World!
Eden Energy Medicine teachers
Vladimira Dragnea and Stania Sestak
teach in the Czech Republic!
We have over 200 authorized teachers teaching Eden Energy Medicine in North America, Europe, and other parts of the globe. This workshop recently took place in a centuries old building in the Czech Republic with Authorized Eden Energy Medicine teachers Vladimira Dragnea and Stania Sestak.
Vladimira Dragnea, Ph.D., N.D., is a naturopathic physician who utilizes EEM as a core part of her practice. Stania Sestak, RMT, combines EEM with massage and other holistic practices, specializing in stress-management and stress-related conditions. Vladimira’s practice is in Bloomington, Indiana; Stania’s is in Houston, Texas. Both Vladimira and Stania were born in the former Czechoslovakia, still have family there, and have found it deeply gratifying to bring EEM to their home country. This summer they taught two weekend classes in Prague, one in Olomouc, and are generating great interest for more, including for our Certification Program. They recently received an invitation from the psychiatric hospital in Opava to teach EEM to its psychologists, doctors, and nurses.

For more Eden Energy Medicine locations
around the world, click here!
We're Celebrating the Nine Energy Systems!!!
Welcome to The Nine Energy Systems Series!
This month is dedicated to the Meridian System
People who "see energy" can describe with some precision the anatomy of the energy body, and their descriptions tend to corroborate one another. These descriptions are now backed by electromagnetic measurements, and they also correlate with descriptions of subtle energies found throughout the world, understood in each culture’s own terms and concepts. The meridians, chakras, and aura are three terms that have entered our language, but other energy systems have been identified as well.
In addition to these three systems you may already be familiar with, Donna describes an additional six primary energy systems that impact body and mind. Starting this month and through April 2019, we will feature one system each month in this e-Letter! We will include an explanation of what each system is and how it can best be worked with. Tune in to the video just below...we will dedicate the featured e-Letter video to an introductory technique dedicated to working with that particular system!
The Body's Meridians
In the way an artery carries blood, a meridian carries energy. As the body's energy bloodstream, the meridian system brings vitality and balance, removes blockages, adjusts metabolism, and even determines the speed and form of cellular change. The flow of the meridian energy pathways is as critical as the flow of blood. No energy, no life. Meridians affect every organ and every physiological system, including the immune, nervous, endocrine, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, skeletal, muscular, and lymphatic systems. Each system is fed by at least one meridian. If a meridian's energy is obstructed or unregulated, the system it feeds is jeopardized. The meridians include fourteen tangible channels that carry energy into, through, and out of your body. Your meridian pathways also connect hundreds of tiny, distinct reservoirs of heat and electromagnetic energy along the surface of the skin. These are your acupuncture points, and they can be stimulated with needles or physical pressure to release or redistribute energy along the meridian pathway.
Trace Your Meridians with Donna!
We're celebrating the Nine Energy Systems Series! In this video, Donna is tracing her meridians to encourage flow and balance in each. Follow along with Donna and breathe deeply while you trace your own meridians!
To view the complete collection of Eden Energy Medicine videos, click www.EnergyMinute.Innersource.net.
For more information, see Energy Medicine, (Tarcher/Penguin, 2008).