As the election approaches, don’t you find all the fierce disagreements we are witnessing and feeling a bit baffling! What seems obvious to one group is malicious fabrication to another.
One of the ways we, Donna and David, make sense of these clashes is by drawing upon David’s background as a psychologist exploring the extraordinary dimensions of the human psyche combined with his fascination for mythology. Many don’t know this, but he wrote a critically acclaimed book about how we create our personal realities.
The book is also about how to examine your personal reality—at its roots in your biologically inherited ways of making meaning and in your early experiences—and how to update it so it supports your highest self. It empowers you to rise above the constraints of your culture, to see outside the box, and to become your own authority as you move through a disorienting world.
One of the strongest forces shaping your personal reality is in your culture’s narrative. Cultures tell stories that are still as potent in their influence as were the cultural mythologies of ancient times. And these shared deep beliefs are not necessarily designed to bring out your best. They are often shaped by the vested interests of those in power and implemented through the social levers of the day. Newly adding to these influences is the hefty muscle of social media.
The book, Personal Mythology, is an antidote to the hypnotic force of the culture’s mythology, a 12-week empowering experience based on a model tested through the first half of David’s career. We are each responsible for cultivating the deep stories that guide our lives. We are also more capable than any previous time in history of doing this. And carrying out this responsibility well is perhaps the most important thing we can do as citizens in a democracy.
The great scholar of mythology, Joseph Campbell, called Personal Mythology “a fresh and intriguing synthesis of a mythological perspective with contemporary psychological methods.” Twelve years and many additional lectures and workshops after the book was published in 1988, David and two close colleagues wrote a paper about the cultural implications of the personal mythology model. Called “Waking to the Rhythm of a New Myth: Mythic Perspectives for a World in Distress,” it was published in the prestigious journal, World Futures. It seems more pertinent today than even when it was written. While it is a long academic paper, we invite you to take a look if you are curious.
Donna and David

Removing MS Brain Lesions With Energy Medicine

Brianna used Energy Medicine and other alternative therapies to overcome MS.
Case History As many of you know, Donna successfully overcame Multiple Sclerosis (MS) through Energy Medicine. Like Donna, doctors told Brianna there was not much they could do about her MS, but she was determined not to let it be a life sentence.
Did Donna "Steal" Techniques From
Ancient Traditions?
David Feinstein Answers This Awkward Question

Help Bring Diversity to Eden Energy Medicine
Donate to Scholarship Fundraiser for People of Color

In an effort to bring much-need diversity to Eden Energy Medicine, EEM Certified Practitioner Valerie Rice has started a fundraiser to provide scholarships for Year 1 and/or Year 2 students of Eden Energy Medicine who are of color. David, Donna, and Innersource are matching the donations! Click the link below to donate (please note you must be a Facebook member).
3-Day Energy Healing Virtual Weekend
Super Early Bird Ends in 3 Days

September 11 – 13, 2020
We’ve asked 9 visionaries and healers to join us online to create an uplifting, joyous, and healing energy field so powerful that it will nurture and sustain us through whatever the future brings.
We are bringing together Jean Houston, Dawson Church, Marcela Lobos, Vishen Lakhiani, Lee Harris, Stephen Washington, Eileen McKusick, Madison King, and Junia Chou to each teach a 2-plus hour long classes over the course of 3 days. (Donna and David will be teaching, too.)
The Super Early Bird ends on August 24, which is just 3 days away! Click HERE for details. >>
Eden Method Teacher Training Goes Online AND Opens a European Satellite Program!
We'll Repeat the Broadcast on London Time

Great news if you're a Year 2 grad -- we moved the Eden Method Teacher Training Program online! Because it's not a hands-on program, we can go online during this time when people are feeling very uncertain about travel and there are still restrictions in place. Even better, we have created a “satellite” for people outside of North America! Every day, when we finish our live stream from the U.S., we will upload the footage to be watched the next day on a broadcast delay at 9 AM London time. Madison King will be leading the class—answering your questions, teaching you in your small group, and helping to mentor you after the class ends. It will never again be this easy to take Eden Method Teacher Training!
We don’t plan to teach this class online again. This is a special year! |
Month 8 Of The Radiant Circuit Series!
Explore the Radiant Circuits In This 8-Part Newsletter Series

The Belt Flow Circuit
By Donna Eden
Now that we have reached the final segment of the series on Radiant Circuits, remember that achieving radiance is not just about tools and techniques; it is a way of being. How can you incorporate more radiance into your life? Here are a few suggestions:
- Spend time in nature
- Give gratitude and appreciation, both inwardly and outwardly
- Let go of attitudes that don't serve you (dwelling on the past, worrying about the future)
- Savor the present
Don't forget, though, that you can also do specific exercises to help you unleash your inner radiance. Learn more in our free one-hour class with Donna that will show you how to shift into a more joyful state—even when you can't seem to "think positive." Sign up here -->
Your Energy Minute
Heaven Rushing In with Donna!
Upcoming Events and Programs
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Important Update: Level 1 Classes scheduled for May and June can be taken from home. Please contact your Fundamentals teacher for details.

Did you know that in addition to David and Donna's events, we also spread the word about other exciting talks, courses, and book releases occurring in the healing community? This includes events sponsored by such luminaries as Hay House and Mindvalley as well as exciting new movers and shakers in the industry! You can now select the emails you receive from us, including offers from our partners.
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