On November 25, driving to Ashland for Thanksgiving, an SUV going the other direction on a two-lane mountain pass spun out on an ice patch, crossed over into our lane, and crashed into us nearly head-on. It all happened in a flash. Our rented Ford Fusion was totaled.
We both walked away under our own steam. While we were banged up a bit and shaken, the paramedics did not detect any internal organ injuries. Donna did wind up with a cracked rib and some ugly bruises, but no blood was shed. We were amazingly lucky. And we are profoundly grateful. Plus we have had energy medicine for the banged up part and energy psychology for the shaken part.
While everyone knows it in theory, it is quite sobering to be in direct contact with the reality of how everything can change in an instant! As the sight of the rapidly advancing vehicle filled our windshield followed by the loud crash and our car careening into a ditch that kept us from going over a cliff . . . well, it was a very vulnerable moment.
One of the things about being able to walk away from an accident like this is how clear it is that the rest of your life is a gift! And we are remembering to appreciate that gift more profoundly, even as it whizzes by in our crazy lifestyles. Please join us in taking a breath and remembering that the rest of your life, from this moment forward, is Nature’s gift to you.
“May you use it well” is our Holiday toast to you....

Stopping by the Fire Station a few days after the accident to thank the three paramedics (AJ and Mike are pictured – Rusty was not there at the time of this photo) who checked our injuries and kept us warm with kindness in this ambulance during the two hours following the accident until they were able to help clear the wreckage from the road. Mike, on the right, a medic during the Vietnam war, massaged Donna’s feet for a long time. All are volunteers.

The car we walked away from. We are in new gratitude for the engineers who have designed cars to “accordion” in a collision, absorbing much of the impact.
Love,Donna and David

Farewell to Ram Dass
David Feinstein, Ph.D.

Ram Dass in 1998, the year after a massive stroke
If you travel the same social media circles as do we, you have probably seen a dozen tributes to Ram Dass upon his passing last Sunday at the age of 88. I won’t try to recap them but will recount some of our personal experiences.
Overcoming Challenges Through Energy Medicine

Donna, Dondi, and Titanya with scholarship recipients Sherri Nicholas, Effie Roberts, and Ann Sheridan.
CASE STUDY Ann Sheridan's life drastically changed in 2012 when a car accident and resulting brain and spinal cord injury forced her to quit her job. She and her partner, Sherri Nicholas, would experience more setbacks in the months to follow: four family deaths, foreclosure, and bankruptcy.
NIH Report on Complementary Medicine

NIH Study Reports More Than Half of U.S. Office-Based Physicians Recommend Complementary Health Approaches – Where’s Energy Medicine? That’s Where the EEM Scholarship Fund Comes in! |
Classes Are Beginning Soon!

Are you ready to take an active role in healing yourself and your loved ones? To say goodbye to feelings of powerlessness?
Our Level 1: Fundamentals Classes are a series of 4 classes, held over 4 extended weekends in the course of a year.
You’ll receive highly personalized instruction by our extremely qualified teachers who are also advanced level Eden Energy Medicine practitioners. The Fundamentals classes also serve as the first year of our two-year Certification Program in Eden Energy Medicine.
So whether you are interested in this training for your own personal benefit, for bringing the methods to your family and friends, for applying it in your own practice as a professional health care provider, or changing careers and becoming a professional practitioner yourself, this is the next step.
Classes are intentionally small and are held at over 50 locations around the world – so that you get the mentoring you need to leave class feeling confident in your skills and abilities.
Click here to learn more.
Healthy Eye Challenge

New year, new you, new eyes.
Our hyperconnected lifestyle comes with opportunities we could have never imagined, but all that screen time is taking a toll on the health of our eyes. Thankfully, Energy Medicine has much to offer when it comes to recirculating energy through the eyes.
Join us for our free, 31-Day Healthy Eye Challenge beginning in January. Each day, we will post a short video on both Facebook and YouTube featuring fun exercises from Donna, David, Dondi, Titanya, and other experts. You can stay updated here: https://www.facebook.com/EdenEnergyMedicine/
September 10 - 13, 2020
Energy Fest

We are so excited have received over 160 proposals for ENERGY FEST! ENERGY FEST is an international gathering where our lively and supportive tribe comes together to share ideas and expand our horizons about the power of ENERGY to make significant changes in our lives.
In addition to our wonderful keynotes and Donna's feature presentation, ENERGY FEST will offer 21 more intimate style classes (each approx. 2.5 hours in length) to be taught by members of our community.
More details to come soon. This truly is an event that must be experienced, as there is nothing else like it anywhere!
Thank you for joining us on our 7 month chakra series. This concludes the series, and we hope you enjoyed it!

The Seventh Chakra
Quick Phrase: Soul Connection to the Cosmos
When our 7th or Crown chakra is open, we need only meditate or direct our attention to the heavens to feel our oneness with the cosmos and our connection to the realm of the spirit.
The Crown chakra, called in yoga traditions “The Thousand Petaled Lotus” or “The Point of a Thousand Meetings,” supports spiritual growth and renewal. The top half of the brain sits in the energies of the seventh chakra, as does the pineal gland, which regulates our sleep and waking cycles.
Where the Root chakra can be a pilot light feeding all of the chakras above it, the Crown chakra can be like the sun filtering the light of spirit down through all of the chakras beneath it, warming them with the oneness of the cosmos.
Some of my more profound experiences have occurred when my Crown chakra was open and all my other chakras were fed because of it. This is like a sunrise moving right through you instead of you just looking at it. You feel an absolute connection with everything, a sacred moment.
At its best, the opening of the seventh chakra is combined with strong first, second, and third chakras grounding us to this Earth we live on, as well as well-developed fourth, fifth, and sixth chakras. This gives us spiritual awareness that is grounded in primal forces, in our connection to all living beings, and in our capacity to frame experiences so they provide context and support for transcendent encounters, which can otherwise be overwhelming.
People with a strong Crown chakra that is not supported by equivalent development of the other chakras can seem flighty and disconnected, like they are “all ‘Om and bliss’ with no meat and potatoes.”
If the seventh chakra is too open, with no integration of the more earth-bound chakras below, it can manifest as mental illness in the body, such as schizophrenia. If the seventh chakra is shut down or blocked, the ability to transcend the daily concerns of the physical world will be impaired.
But it is not desirable to open the Crown chakra too suddenly, which may abruptly draw the person into an “out of the top of the head” experience. With the psychic experiences of the sixth chakra, we may hear voices or see visions.
With the seventh chakra, we can lose ourselves if we unexpectedly and without appropriate grounding merge totally with everyone and everything, losing boundaries that are necessary to maintain a sense of identity and sanity.
Meditation, prayer, ritual, and energy work are all safe ways of systematically opening our Crown chakra and deepening our spiritual connection. Keeping our chakras clear and in balance not only enhances our ability to navigate our way on Earth, it energetically reconnects us with the cosmos.
Let's Get Grounded with Dondi Dahlin!
A lot of people nowadays talk about grounding. To be grounded means you have a strong electrical connection to the Earth. In these modern times, it is unfortunately easy to lose our grounded connection due to electromagnetic radiation (in the form of cell phones, telephone poles, computers, etc.), wearing rubber-soled shoes, and suffering from chronic stress.
To re-establish your connection, take those shoes off and stand on the ground or in a natural body of water. You can also thump your Stomach meridian points on your cheekbones! A meridian is a pathway of energy and tapping Stomach meridian helps to reconnect the body’s energies to the Earth. Benefits of grounding include better sleep, better immune function, better digestion, and being able to think more clearly!
To view the complete collection of Eden Energy Medicine videos, click www.EnergyMinute.Innersource.net.
For more information, see Energy Medicine, (Tarcher/Penguin, 2008).

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