We are writing this on the morning of the 2019 graduation of the Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program in Europe, held at a magnificent 17th Century estate south of London, now a hotel and retreat center. You see the beautiful surroundings in the background of this photo, which features us with Madison King, who started and has masterfully run our CP program in Europe.
We will now have graduated well over 1,500 Certified Practitioners from the two-year intensive program, and they are serving thousands of clients and teaching dozens of classes every month. We want to also give a shout-out of appreciation to Michelle Earnest, who has just retired from doing a stunning job as our Director of Education.
It is a joy to have both our daughters, Titanya and Dondi, traveling and teaching with us, along with Dondi’s partner Roger and their son, our elder grandson, Tiernan (9½). Next stops are a weekend Energy Medicine class and filming in Switzerland and then presentations in Stockholm and Malmo Sweden. But today is a sentimental one for us as we see the work moving into Denmark, Dubai, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Jamaica, Libya, Romania, Rhodesia, Scotland, Slovania, Sweden, and Zimbabwe based on the group graduating today alone.
With love and blessings,
Donna and David

Donna and David with Madison King celebrating
a new group of EEMCP graduates in England!
Donna Saves a Young Woman’s Life
(Excerpted from Energy Medicine for Women)
We were working in Mexico. I was driving early one evening, alone, and about to turn into a market, when I came upon a gruesome scene. A bus had just hit a young woman and one of its back tires had stopped directly on her pelvis, hip, and upper legs. Mine was the first car to arrive.
I pulled over, jumped out, and went directly over to her. The bus driver, who looked like he was in shock himself, said, “No, no,” when I got to her and gestured for me not to touch her, fearing, I’m sure, that an untrained person might inadvertently cause further harm. I don’t speak Spanish, but I heard the words “Yo soy doctor” (I am a doctor) tumble out of my mouth. Everyone who was on the bus or who was now coming onto the scene cleared a space for me to be with her.
Time stopped; everything seemed surreal. The girl was unconscious. I saw that her life force was leaving her. Her aura had collapsed completely into her body and the energies were draining out at her feet. I focused on what could be done to keep her alive. The tire sitting on her became secondary. I was on the right side of her body and immediately began to hold triple warmer points that would stabilize her energies and take her out of shock. These points are on both sides of the body. I signaled to the nearest person, a Mexican boy probably about 13, to hold the same points on the left side of her body, and he promptly mimicked what I was doing, somehow maneuvering around the tire.
David's Latest Paper Receives Accolades

Energy Psychology: Efficacy, Speed, Mechanisms, has just been called “the academic ‘slam-dunk’ for establishing the legitimacy of the method” by the Canadian Association for Integrative and Energy Therapies. Deftly addressing the most troubling criticisms that have been put forth by skeptics of energy psychology, the paper examines the evidence and persuasively concludes that the method is unusually rapid in treating a wide variety of psychological difficulties. It also presents perhaps the most coherent explanation to date of what happens in the brain during energy psychology treatments. Explore, one of the premier journals featuring innovative healing practices from “conventional, alternative, and cross-cultural medicine,” has just posted the paper on its website and scheduled it for publication.
David wrote this about the paper: My goal was to provide an up-to-date, comprehensive, scientifically compelling overview of acupoint tapping protocols. It is meant both to summarize the state of the art for energy psychology practitioners and also to serve as a go-to resource that practitioners can offer with confidence to skeptical colleagues, insurance providers, mental health program administrators, researchers, funding sources, licensing boards, other governmental entities, gatekeepers in the mental health arena, and educated clients who are curious.
We have received numerous unsolicited compliments about the paper since it was posted a few days ago. Perhaps the most precious was from Suzanne Connolly, one of the top researchers in the field: “I just had a chance to read through your recent review. It is jaw-droppingly amazing! I can appreciate how much work you have put into doing this and I can only assume it has been a labor of love. It is brilliant and flawless.”
We hope you will take a look, and if you find it compelling, forward the link to mental health professionals you know or to friends who might benefit from the approach.
Take a Trip of A Lifetime! Join Us for a European Cruise on the Rhine!

Enjoy some of the most scenic spots in Europe as you cruise with your Eden Energy Medicine tribe. We're chartering the whole boat so come aboard for excellent Energy Medicine classes, incredible scenery, and lots of fun! March 22-29, 2021.
Surrounded by vineyard-clad hills with castles from yesteryear, the legendary Rhine is a must-see. We’ll visit France’s Alsace region with its priceless gem, Riquewihr. Then there is Breisach, rising above the vineyards of the Rhine, and Freiburg, the gateway to the Black Forest. You’ll see medieval towns, taste local flavors and touch history up close with guided hikes and bike rides. From Amsterdam’s colorful canals to the majestic Swiss Alps, this is going to be an amazing trip.
Registration opens next month and capacity is limited. If you are interested and would like to be on our priority email list for cruise announcements, click here for more information.
We're Celebrating the Nine Energy Systems!!!
Triple Warmer
Part Seven of our Nine Energy Systems Series
Triple Warmer
Triple warmer is the meridian that networks the energies of the immune system to attack an invader, and it mobilizes the body’s energies in an emergency for the fight-or-flight-or-freeze response. In carrying out these critical functions, it operates in ways that are so beyond the range of any other meridian that some consider it a system unto itself. Its energies work in conjunction with the hypothalamus gland, which is the body’s thermostat. The hypothalamus is also the instigator of the body’s emergency response.
Like an army, triple warmer mobilizes during threat or perceived threat, coordinating all the other energy systems to activate the immune response, govern the fight/flight/freeze mechanism, and establish and maintain habitual responses to threat.
Relieve Stress and Balance Triple Warmer with Donna Eden!!
When you feel stressed, your fight/flight/freeze response comes over you. This technique will help to release tension while also relaxing your eyes.
To begin this exercise, place your thumbs in the middle of your forehead, press in, then pull both of them out toward the temples. Follow your breath while you do this. Next, hold your thumbs on the temples and wrap your fingers around the back of your head, allowing your fingers to touch. Hold this position while breathing deeply. This not only lifts the stress off of you, it also helps to refresh the circulation around your eyes. Take a break from your computer or phone screen now and try this.
To view the complete collection of Eden Energy Medicine videos, click www.EnergyMinute.Innersource.net.
For more information, see Energy Medicine, (Tarcher/Penguin, 2008).
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