February 2022 Newsletter
Eden Method in Action
Nerves on Fire:
Overcoming Decades of Severe Pain from a "Mystery Condition"

Straight From the Heart
We Stand Together Even When The World Falls Apart

"Politics" is derived from the juicer Greek word, "politeia," which implies an active engagement in which people empower each other to enhance their communities. – Jean Houston

"The Earth is what we all have in common."
—Wendell Berry
The Body’s Two Ways of Protecting Itself Are Microcosms of What Is Playing Out in the Culture
2nd of Series
Donna Eden & David Feinstein
Special Announcement
Mark Your Calendar…It’s FINALLY Here

Energy Psychology Series #9 of 10
Bringing Light to Darkness

How Tapping Can Bring Peace and Healing to Survivors of Earthquakes, Shootings, Pandemics, and Other Disasters
Fundamentals Classes Are Open for Registration!
Learn to Use Energy Medicine to Heal Yourself and Loved Ones

Your Energy Minute
Boost Your Immune System Now
You can improve your immune system, reduce your stress level, and increase good feelings with a simple, easy energy medicine technique. Donna, Titanya, and Dondi show you what to do from Big Bear Lake, California, 7,500 feet above sea level!
Click HERE to watch >>>
Want to Know More? Try Our 1-Hour Free Classes

Did you know that in addition to David and Donna's events, we also spread the word about other exciting talks, courses, and book releases occurring in the healing community? This includes events sponsored by such luminaries as Hay House and Mindvalley as well as exciting new movers and shakers in the industry! You can now select the emails you receive from us, including offers from our partners.
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