We are still high from the EEM Certification Program graduation ceremony last week in Phoenix. Many people have told us that it was more meaningful (and emotional) than their high school or college graduation! This brings the number of Certified Practitioners who have graduated from the two-year program over the past dozen years to nearly 1,400, and we could not be more pleased!
The next Foundations program (Year 1) starts this spring, in most cases in a community near you! We are enormously proud of our Foundations teachers. We see in the class that just graduated how well-prepared they were when they came into Year 2!
This issue features a fascinating use of Energy Medicine, by a high school teacher who is trained in EEM, which transformed the life of one of her students. We also triumphantly announce an achievement by our entire EEM Community as well as our happy upcoming participation in one of our favorite conferences. You will also learn, in the Energy Minute, a powerful technique for helping keep your thoughts clear and your mind sharp. Also, Donna will offer an Advanced Class in San Diego this summer. Set aside July 6-8 to join us!
Sending you our love and blessings,
Donna and David

The EEMCP Graduation Spiral in Phoenix, Arizona
Energy Healing in Action:
A Math Teacher Uses Cross-Over Techniques to Significantly Help a 17-Year-Old Student
By Karen Harris
Karen Harris is a math teacher and Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioner. She shared with us the story of discovering the reason behind one of her student’s academic difficulties. Through asking a few pointed questions, it became apparent to her that this young man’s energies were homolateral (not crossing over).
Karen suggested a few very simple cross-over techniques and encouraged her student to follow through with the exercises each day. What came about in the following months shocked Karen and delighted her student! Here is what Karen had to share…
I had a new student enter my math class who was working very hard. He paid attention in class and did the work he was asked to do. He was very organized, neat, accurate with notes, etc. He was a model student. He had high marks (honours) in both academic English and Social Studies, and yet he was enrolled in the lowest academic math class he was able to take. Something was wrong. Something didn't fit. I pulled him out of class after watching him for a couple of weeks and asked him why he was in this math class.
"I can't do math!"
"What do you mean you can't do math?"
"I can't do math! I try and try and try and I just can't do math!"
I then remembered seeing him get extra help from the academic math instructor the semester before.
"What did you get in that math course last semester?"
Yeash! Maybe he can't do math! We went on in the conversation for a few minutes and then it hit me! I began to quiz him.

Scholarship Drive is Still On! Exciting Updates!
Being able to grant partial scholarships to students who have completed the Foundations Year and are eager to go on to graduate from the two-year EEM Certification program is one of the most heart-warming as well as heart-breaking things we do. This year we are running the Certification program in both the U.S. and Europe and expect at least 75 scholarship applications. We would love to offer scholarships to each and every applicant but, since we were only able to raise enough funds for 15 the previous year, we set a modest goal of 20 for 2018.
Well guess what? You, our EEM community, smashed that goal and generously donated enough for 28 scholarships, with some time still to go before the scholarships will be awarded! That means that twice as many people as last year who would not have been able to complete the program will be bringing a viable and successful alternative/complement to Western medicine to their communities.
That is, at least 28 communities will one-day be assured of having the healing benefits of a Certified Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner being in their midst because of this year’s drive! We are thrilled! You have already made a HUGE difference in helping us bring Eden Energy Medicine to those in need, and it’s not over yet.
Click here if you are moved to make a scholarship donation for this year's program. We would love to not have to turn anyone away due to funds. Thank you!!!

The 20th Annual Energy Psychology Conference Comes to Orlando May 3-7!

The Conference of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP) is always a wonderful event! Their 20th Annual is going to be amazing, and we are very honored to be prominently featured.
Donna and David will be presenting a keynote called The Energies of Joy: Activating the Radiant Circuits and a post-class on What Energy Medicine Has to Offer Energy Psychology. David will also be presenting the opening talk for the “Research Day,” prior to the Main Conference. And our daughter, Dondi Dahlin, will be doing a presentation on The Five Elements, the topic of her recent, award-winning book.
And we are just a small part of the program. Many of the field’s leaders will be using full-engagement teaching methods, including hands-on practice, teaching innovative strategies that will help your clients heal more quickly and completely.
Because ACEP considers us a sister organization, people from our community are eligible for their special VIP pricing. Register by January 29 and save up to $310! For even more savings, become an ACEP member and you can save up to an additional $160 (ACEP USA membership is only $125). It is a wonderful organization, bringing energy psychology and acupoint tapping to all walks of life all over the world! Click here to learn more and register.
"I wouldn’t even call it a conference. It’s an enlivening, soul-enriching, mind-exploding experience. Every. Single. Year."
~ Gail Gillespie, Ph.D.
Save the Date! July 6-8, 2018!
The ink is still drying but we want you to know that we just signed the contract for Donna’s new Advanced Class in San Diego! More details will follow next month, but we wanted to give you a head’s up to save the date – July 6-8, 2018.
This class will qualify for those who need to renew their EEMCP certification and will also be live-streamed. Watch your inbox for more information in February!

Energy Minute from Ashland, Oregon
The Crown Pull can help alleviate your headaches, plus move energies that will help your body detoxify after the holiday season by releasing energies that govern the liver and small intestine.
To begin, place your fingers in the center of your forehead and press deeply. Next, pull your fingers across your forehead to your temples. Move your hands back to the center of your forehead, on the hairline. Continue to press and pull across the mid-line of your head, traveling across the top and back and base of your skull. Breathe deeply while doing this exercise and feel the release!
To view the complete collection of Eden Energy Medicine videos, click www.EnergyMinute.Innersource.net.
For more information, see Energy Medicine, (Tarcher/Penguin, 2008).