January 2023 Newsletter
The cultural historian, philosopher, and activist, Jean Houston, is a dear and cherished friend. For more than five decades, we have looked to her for guidance and inspiration. She has written the Foreword to two of our books, keynoted several of our conferences, and counseled us on many decisions. A few years ago, we put a very challenging question to her: "Jean, with so much suffering and threat facing the world, don’t you find it incongruent to consistently be putting out such a positive message?"
Her answer was decisive: "Your discouragement is because your primary source of information about the world is from the news. I’ve visited over 100 countries and worked with all levels of those societies, from the top leadership to the poorest of the poor. What I see is overwhelming good in people, constructive action, a hundred inspiring stories for every act of evil." Read More On How We Are Staying Hopeful for The Future >>>
Inside this issue:
- From "Poor Me" Granny to Free-Spirited Biker!
- The Secret Behind Donna’s Happiness
- Energy Heals Even When All Hope Seems Lost
- It’s The Most Popular Energy Medicine Tool Of All!
- Explore a World of Vitality, Joy, & Abundance with Dondi
- The Daily Energy Routine Rates Higher Than Mindfulness
- Your Energy Minute: Tap in Hopeful, Happy Energy with Donna!
Donna and David
Energy Medicine in Action
From "Poor Me" Granny to Free-Spirited Biker!

"I have reversed my diagnosed Osteoporosis, displaced vertebrae, collapsed lung, and so much, much more!" - Marie Long
Over the years, we’ve received thousands of success stories from members of our global community. One of our favorites comes from Marie Long who started doing Donna’s Daily Energy Routine in her 80s and we feel it’s the perfect story to begin a hope-filled 2023! Here’s Marie in her own words:
"At 87, I feel younger and more supple than ever in my life. I recently visited my son in Japan and was riding with him on his motorbike! I thoroughly enjoyed it. Me, who never even wanted or has ridden even a pedal bike, is now experiencing a great new adventure at 87. It has been 26 months since I started doing Donna’s Daily Energy Routine, and I will continue to do it for the rest of my life. I have reversed my diagnosed Osteoporosis, displaced vertebrae, collapsed lung, and so much, much more! The "piddling little exercises" as my granddaughter calls them take only about 5 minutes a day with benefits beyond my belief. God bless you all, One day, Donna, I hope to meet you and give you a humongous hug. I love you and thank you from the bottom of my heart. To think, coming from allowing myself to sink into the poor-me-redundant-granny-nobody-needs-me victim role, I am now a geriatric delinquent biker and my granddaughter is very proud of me! The Daily Energy Routine is certainly my "keep young" secret."
Is She Really That Happy?
Dondi Dahlin Reveals The Secret Behind Her Mom’s Happiness

One of the most common questions Dondi receives is when people ask if her mom Donna’s joy is real. "Is she really that happy?" As Dondi says, "She IS human (believe it or not :-)) so she can occasionally have moments or even days of sadness or angst. But for the most part, she is really happy and it is real." In this delightful article, Dondi shares the secret behind her mom’s happiness! Read more >>>
Energy Heals Even When All Hope Seems Lost

Dalia Gamal was able to use her Level 1 skills to help change the life of a young woman
When Dalia Gamal's inspiring post popped up inside our Eden Energy Medicine Facebook group, we knew we had to share it! This is a beautiful story of Dalia's young client and her journey from a serious loss of intellectual skills to where she is now -- a thriving college student on the pre-med track. This is also a profoundly powerful story of how energy heals even when all hope seems lost and what it truly means to take charge of your health with simple energy-based tools for life-changing results. Read Dalia’s story here >>>
The Daily Energy Routine Rates Higher Than Mindfulness In Student Research Project

Róisín Devoy, has won the prestigious Carmel Staunton Prize for her research on Donna’s Daily Energy Routine.
We’re excited and proud to share that Eden Energy Medicine practitioner, Róisín Devoy, has won the prestigious Carmel Staunton Prize for Best Final Year Project from Maynooth University, Ireland, for her research on Donna’s Daily Energy Routine. Róisín has uncovered evidence that suggests the Daily Energy Routine can increase vitality and create a positive mood significantly more effectively than mindfulness! Róisín’s remarkable journey began at her first energy medicine weekend workshop in Cardiff in 2017, where within the first few minutes of watching Donna, she experienced a feeling of being told, ‘you have to do this!’ Read more >>>
It’s The Most Popular Energy Medicine Tool of All!
Donna demonstrating an exercise from her Daily Energy Routine!
If we organized a "popularity contest" to choose the most beloved Eden Energy Medicine tool of all, we have no doubt that Donna’s wonderfully simple yet powerful Daily Energy Routine (DER) would win by a landslide!
Every year more people are introduced to the magic of the DER, and they fall in love with how easy it is to do and how quickly they get to see a significant improvement in their overall health and well-being. It’s why we offer our annual 7-day Daily Energy Routine Challenge, which includes free daily videos and themes 🙂
This year’s challenge ran from the 9th to the 15th of this month, but don’t worry if you missed it! You can catch up on the entire playlist (or do it again if you want to!). Just click here >>>
Exciting News!
Explore a World of Vitality, Joy, & Abundance with Dondi
We’re thrilled to announce that our own Dondi has been invited to speak at the world-class Mind Heart Connect event in Australia! Dondi will share her expert insights and teachings on becoming more resilient and enjoying a life of vitality, joy, and abundance using energy medicine, energy psychology, and The Five Elements.
Mind Heart Connect will take place this April 28th to the 30th in Melbourne and aims to empower more people with the knowledge, skills, and tools they need to take charge of their mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
The good news is you don’t have to go to Australia to participate in this transformational event. You can enjoy the main day of keynote speakers via Livestream from wherever you are in the world, and when you register before January 28th, you’re eligible for a one-time-only Super Saver discount! Watch Dondi share the exciting details in this video>>>
Energy Medicine for a Woman
It’s Shaping Up to Be One of Our Most Well-Received Classes Yet!

Energy Medicine for a Woman is our brand new class, and it’s designed especially for women who want to release pain, achieve vibrant health, and move toward a wonderful sense of overall well-being no matter what their age or phase of life!
Built on Donna’s work, the course was created by 3 of our most respected Advanced Eden Energy Medicine practitioners, Janel Volk Hubbard, Amy Galloway McDowell, and Eva Gold. This unique program can help women address and potentially overcome everything from painful menstrual cycles, distressing postpartum, perimenopause, and menopause issues to digestive challenges, hormonal fluctuations, and more. Find out more here (& enjoy your special discount!)
Energy Minute
Tap in Hopeful, Happy Energy with Donna!
Ready for a hopeful and happy 2023? There’s an astonishingly simple yet effective technique you can use to send affirming, positive signals to your nervous system every time you experience uplifting, joyful moments in your life. Watch Donna demonstrate how to do it at Canada's spectacularly beautiful Niagara Falls. Click here to watch and follow along >>>
Want to Know More? Try Our 1-Hour Free Classes

Did you know that in addition to David and Donna's events, we also spread the word about other exciting talks, courses, and book releases occurring in the healing community? This includes events sponsored by such luminaries as Hay House and Mindvalley as well as exciting new movers and shakers in the industry! You can now select the emails you receive from us, including offers from our partners.
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