July 2021 e-letter

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We have not only been life partners for 44 years, we also work together, run an organization together, manage faculty and staff together, teach together, write together, grandparent together, play together, and always have a ridiculous number of details we need to take care of together on our plates. To make it more interesting, we each perceive our roles and responsibilities and those hundreds of details quite differently.

These differences in style and approach could be a source of tremendous conflict or they could complement one another quite nicely. They have done both in our many years together, but from early on, our journey has been learning how to minimize the conflict and to dance with the delicious energies of the complementary parts.

A big part of this favorable development has been fostered by understanding the ways that we are different Elements, energetically. The Chinese physicians mapped the Five Element System thousands of years ago, and it still provides a penetrating understanding of nature as well as of human relationships.

Take the simple aspect of how we approach our work. David can switch gears swiftly into work mode, skip meals to get the job done, and sit at a computer for 10 to 12 hours typing away. He doesn’t feel drained by it. He feels invigorated by the way this brings him into creative realms.

Donna can’t switch quickly into work mode. She hovers in the realms of playful encounters and spiritual connection. Systematically putting words onto paper or doing the administrative tasks required by our company are not her natural style. To go there, she needs preparation time, transition time, and a physical and mental space that allows her to do these tasks at her best.

We recognize that we reach our muses in different ways. But if we didn’t understand the Five Elements, we might pass judgments that were hurtful and anything but supportive of one another’s styles.

If Donna didn’t know that David is strong in the Metal Element, she might be highly critical of his approach to getting things done. If David didn’t know that Donna is strong in the Earth Element, he might be fuming about how much time she needs to shift gears before being ready to sink into their next project.

It is easy to think that there is something wrong with another person when you don’t understand that each of us is born with a specific element or rhythm. Rhythm is sometimes the translation from the Chinese to convey that this energy is highly dynamic. Each element or rhythm is one of five, and it determines a great deal about who we are, how we think, what we do, how we move, and where our motives lie.

In a nutshell, a Water element values deep meaning, a Wood element values clear truth, a Fire element values passion, an Earth element values calm connection, and a Metal element values intellect and wisdom.

How much would it help you to understand these qualities of other people’s inner lives! And to be able to know other people’s element just by looking at the way they walk, talk, and act? If you knew your boss was an Earth Element and that personal connection is super important to an Earth, you would communicate in a very different way than if your boss is a Wood Element who doesn’t focus so much on connection but is vitally interested in clarity and getting to the point.

How would it help you with your parenting if you knew your kid is a Water and you knew that Water’s NEED alone time and that they will often spend time in a dark room away from the rest of the world? How would it help you with your Fire friend if you knew that Fire types must have excitement and high energy and pleasure or they actually can whither a bit inside?

Whether or not you’ve heard of the Five Elements, this e-letter issue will give you free resources to take your understanding of this beautifully simple yet highly accurate system much deeper.

 Love and Blessings Whatever Your Element May Be,
Donna & David

Eden Method in Action

The Littlest Healer

No one is too old -- or too young -- to experience the healing power of The Eden Method and to help others experience the same! Discover the remarkable story of 3-year-old Gavin, who helped heal an older friend, along with his proud Grandma, who was moved to tears at his extraordinary intuitive skills.

Understanding The Five Elements

The Art of Finding Happiness By Discovering Your True Self

Watch Dondi on YouTube.

Do you love bread, but you avoid it at all costs because experts say bread is a huge “no-no” if you want to stay healthy? Ever felt frustrated that you’re a night owl because conventional wisdom states you need to rise with the sun if you want to be effective in life.

In this enlightening video, Dondi (who happens to be a night owl!) shares why the Five Elements system has the answers if you want to increase your happiness and honor your authentic nature at the same time.

Discovering the Five Elements

Back To Where It All Began!

Donna taught her daughters all about the Five Elements when they were little girls.

It wasn't just a theory.

The girls leaned on the Five Elements to help explain their Mom's divorce from their Dad, to help them weather being the "new kids in town," and countless other challenges in their lives.

And today, all three of them still continue working with the Five Elements system to enjoy better health and to create more happiness and success in their lives.

In this intimate video, Donna and her daughters return to where it all began -- their home in Oregon, where Titanya and Dondi first learned about the Five Elements. You might notice that their home looks a lot like a church… and that’s because it IS!

Donna purchased an old church back in 1980 and turned it into their family home. It was also the first place in Oregon that she taught people about the power of energy medicine.

Click on the video and take a fascinating walk down memory lane with Donna, Titanya, and Dondi. You'll get a first-hand glimpse of how our family leaned on the power of The Five Elements to weather a huge transition. 🙂

[Special Invite] Free Five Elements Class!

The Simple, Powerful Path to Better Health, Creativity, Fulfillment & More

Imagine being at a job interview and knowing what to say to impress your interviewer just by listening to his or her speech patterns? What if you could understand why your best friend loves interrupting you… and what to do to get her to stop! What if you had some effective ways of getting your kids to clean up their rooms every day?

The Five Elements system -- which consists of Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, & Metal -- is an elegant method for understanding human behavior. Mapped out by Chinese physicians more than 2,000 years ago, it remains a highly accurate method to understand people on a profound level.

The system is like a secret key that lets you open the door to know why people do what they do so you can cultivate more rewarding relationships with everyone around you (including the ones you’d rather avoid!).

The Five Elements also helps you understand yourself in a way that you never have before so you can finally let go of self-judgment and criticism and live in alignment with your beautiful, authentic nature.

For the first time ever, Donna is teaching a free online class with both her daughters -- Titanya, and Dondi! This is a fun yet transformational online class (and don’t forget it’s free!).

You can click here to sign up and watch for free >>>

Energy Psychology Series #2 of 10

The Functions of the Words Used While Tapping

One of the biggest challenges in being an effective tapping practitioner comes down to this question: What words do I use (or ask my client to use) to accompany the tapping process?

The right words, phrases, and sentences based on an individual's target problem or goal is often the critical difference between an effective tapping session and one that fails to create desired outcomes.

The second article in our Energy Psychology Series uncovers the ins and outs of the words and language used in conjunction with tapping. This article is summarized from the world's first peer-reviewed report on the functions and efficacy of wording used during actual tapping sessions. This report was researched and written by our own David Feinstein, a clinical psychologist and leading expert on Energy Psychology.

Read the summary and access the link to the full paper >>>

The Energy Between Us: How a Skeptic Became a Believer

Did you know that David met Donna at an evening course on bioenergetics over 40 years ago? David shares how, on the first night of the course, a fellow student, named Donna Eden, claimed to be able to see energy. But he liked her anyway!

Over time (and thanks to Donna, in no small part!), David’s intense skepticism around energy work turned into curiosity and eventually a full embrace. Today, David is a leading expert in Energy Psychology. He’s written bestselling books with Donna and contributes acclaimed academic papers to the field.

A guest blog by David, “Keeping Up with Scientific Knowledge About Tapping,” was recently posted on the website of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP).

Read his personal account plus expert insights about tapping here >>

Your Energy Minute

Soothe & Calm Difficult Emotions with the Five Elements!

We recently launched a fun (free!) 5-Day Five Elements Challenge to our audience on social media. Join Donna, on Day 1, as she shows you how to do five simple yet super effective exercises to quickly reduce fear, anger, panic, worry, and grief. Follow along and you’ll be surprised at how much calmer and clearer you feel in just a few minutes 🙂

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Karen BerryJuly 2021 e-letter