
Eden Method in Action
From Hero to Homeless: How Energy Psychology is Saving Lives

Millions of veterans struggle with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which makes it exceptionally challenging for them to return to civilian life. Tragically, PTSD is also believed to be the reason why so many veterans -- heroes willing to give their lives to save others -- end up taking their own. But there’s help at hand. A small, passionate band of volunteer therapists are working tirelessly to bring health and healing to these forgotten heroes with powerful Energy Psychology techniques, and the results are nothing short of remarkable!
Two Minute Explanation of How Energy Psychology Works
How Can Tapping on the Body Lead to Psychological Changes?
Click the video above to watch David's very clear explanation.
This issue launches our 10-month series on Energy Psychology (see below). But how can tapping on acupressure points lead to the profound psychological changes being described in thousands of case reports and backed by a substantial body of research? Award-winning and NY Times best-selling author, David Feinstein, Ph.D., offers some insights in this two-minute video clip.
New e-Letter Series on Energy Psychology /Tapping!
Week One Begins!

How Tappers See Tapping

Day 4 is HERE!
The Energy Healing Challenge is ON!

Special Invite: Transform Your Health Online Summit
Get Access to Expert Support Absolutely Free!

Living The 5 Elements is Almost Here!!
Join Donna Titanya and Dondi On a Magical Online Adventure

A Photo Taken from Living the Five Elements
Your Energy Minute
Tapping Away the Blues
Feeling a little blue, worried or anxious? There’s a simple way to invite more joy, delight, and cheer into your heart in less than 60 seconds 🙂
Dondi Dahlin shows you how from John Adams’ (yes, that John Adams!) charming home in Quincy, Massachusetts.Programs and Upcoming Events
Click the images below...

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