June 2022 Newsletter

While we had already written our Introduction to this issue (bumped to below), the recent series of decisions by the Supreme Court in the wake of everything else that is unfolding prompted us to stop the presses so we could speak frankly to you.
In our January e-letter this year, we initiated the “Energy Medicine and the Politics of Health” series with an article called “Political Choices Are Health Choices.” It showed how social policies, based on state-by-state comparisons in the U.S., impact life expectancy, sometimes by as much as seven years!
We believe that the majority of people, whether progressive or conservative, support policies that are favorable for health. We all want our children’s and grandchildren’s generations to thrive. We are writing this to encourage you to champion health-affirming policies.
And now onto our June 2022 Energy e-Letter: “The Power and Beauty of Diversity”...
The theme of this month’s Energy e-letter is the “Power, Beauty and Energy of Diversity.” We are all part of one human family. In terms of our area of specialty, we are all governed by the same subtle energies that influence our health and happiness.
If you study with us, you’ll notice we primarily work with 9 energy systems in the body. And these systems are in all of us, no matter the color of your skin, your political persuasion, or your gender identity. Our blood is red, our teeth are white, our energies flow through every organ, and our differences are as beautiful as our similarities.
We thought this issue would be a great time to celebrate diversity and inclusion because in the US, June is very special.
Juneteenth marked an extraordinarily important day in US history, the hard-earned end to one of our most deep-seated travesties, slavery. Juneteenth finally became a Federal Holiday in 2021. We honor this day by sharing below an insightful interview that our daughter, Dondi Dahlin, had with Curtrice Goddard, who is bringing energy medicine to underserved communities.
June also is considered Pride month as the LGBTQ+ community comes out in full force in parades across the states as well as in other countries across the globe. As you can imagine, Donna LOVES the pride parade and waves her flag with the best of them as the parade marches by (see article below.)
We welcome everyone into our Eden Method community and hope to see you all in person at our own community celebration called ENERGY FEST in September (more on that below).
Happy Pride Month and Happy Belated Juneteenth!
Donna & David
Energy Medicine in Action
Devoted to Facilitating Real Change
Watch this engaging and inspiring interview with Curtrice Goddard
Curtrice Goddard is an author and guide for personal transformation. She has experienced the power of energy medicine firsthand. She says working with energy-based tools has been a game-changer in her life, and it has given her a deep sense of self-confidence and personal power.
Curtrice is now devoted to bringing energy medicine and energy-based tools into the social justice conversation to facilitate evolution and to help heal all communities, including mainstream America. She believes that real change cannot happen unless we give people the tools they need to do transformational work from the inside out... and we couldn't agree more!
In an interview with our Dondi Dahlin for the Shift Network, Curtrice explains that a big part of her greater purpose is to share her knowledge about energy work so more people in her community will come to understand that they are powerful beyond measure, they are invaluable, and they are so much more than what they've they've been told to believe about themselves.
Please click here to watch >>
The Art of Attuning to Cultural Differences

Dr. Johnson with Robert Ntabwoba and Jaques Sezikeye, who he trained to provide acupoint tapping treatments to people in local communities in Rwanda, circa 2009.
As the introduction to this issue of the e-letter emphasizes, the fact that we all have the same basic energy systems is a great equalizer. However, as energy healing practitioners, skillfully attuning to cultural differences can be the difference between helping or failing to help a client.
David’s recent paper, Uses of Energy Psychology following Catastrophic Events, has quickly become one of the most widely viewed papers in one of the top psychology journals. An early pioneer in applying energy psychology in post-disaster settings, psychologist Carl Johnson, emphasized in an interview with David that treatment success can sometimes “hang on the use of a culturally or personally sensitive word.”
Registration is Now Open!
Reserve Your Spot at Energy Fest 2022

Energy Fest is exactly what it sounds like -- it’s a celebration of all things energy! It’s the only in-person event where you can deepen your knowledge of energy medicine, explore exciting, new energy-based tools and modalities, and have the time of your life on the dance floor (our dance parties are legendary!)
Energy Fest 2022 includes presentations from world-class teachers like clinical psychologist and president-elect of the American Psychological Association, Dr. Thema Bryant (see below), bestselling author and one of the most respected teachers in Shamanic Medicine, Dr. Alberto Villoldo, Master of Bioenergetic Medicine Dr. Sue Morter, and yes, Donna too!
Registration for this fun, one-of-a-kind learning and healing experience is now open. We have special gifts and surprises for early birds, so now’s the best time to sign up!
Energy Fest 2022 Speaker Spotlight
Dr. Thema Bryant, Ph.D.

We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Thema Bryant has agreed to be one of our keynote speakers at Energy Fest 2022 in Cleveland this September! Dr. Bryant is President Elect of the American Psychological Association, the largest professional organization representing psychology (it includes more than 121,000 researchers, educators, clinicians, and students as its members). In explaining why we were turning toward her for this important spot, we explained that our energy medicine practitioners have powerful techniques for regulating the nervous system, but not necessarily a psychological perspective on trauma. Trauma is Dr. Bryant’s specialty.
It’s Pride Month & We’re Waving The Rainbow Flag!

Donna and her adorable grandson Tiernan having fun waving the Rainbow Flag in 2013
In the United States, UK, Canada, Australia, and other countries around the world, Pride Month is dedicated to supporting and celebrating the LGBTQ+ community. You might recognize the Rainbow Flag as the fun, colorful symbol of LGBTQ+ pride, but did you know that each color symbolizes something specific and special?
The most popular version of the Rainbow Flag includes 6 colors -- red means life, orange is for healing, yellow means sunshine, green represents nature, blue is for harmony, and purple means spirit. There are other versions of the Rainbow Flag, and one of the more recent versions includes black to represent diversity and brown to represent inclusivity.
If you know Donna, you know she loves everyone no matter who they are or where they’re from, and the team at Eden Method feels the same way. It’s why we’re happy to “wave the Rainbow Flag” and celebrate Pride Month 🙂
Eden Living is Re-Opening Its Doors
Receive Donna’s Wisdom & Guidance LIVE online Every, Single Month

Donna Answering Questions on the Eden Living Membership Site
Eden Living is a one-of-a-kind online community where you can build a lifelong habit of using energy tools to improve your mental, emotional, and physical health. Membership includes special access to wisdom, guidance, and love from Donna herself in a live online segment, every, single month (you won’t find this anywhere else!)
You'll also have the chance to connect with advanced Eden Method practitioners and beautiful, loving, and supportive people from around the world under one “digital” roof. Eden Living enrollment opens just a couple of times a year, and the good news is our "virtual" doors are about to swing open soon 🙂
Click here to join our wait list and be the first to know >>
"Politics" is derived from the juicer Greek word, "politeia," which implies an active engagement in which people empower each other to enhance their communities. – Jean Houston

"The Earth is what we all have in common."
—Wendell Berry
7th of Series
If you didn’t read the first installment, we suggest you start here.
From Wake-Up Calls to Waking Up
David Gruder, Ph.D., DCEP
You and your clients know that humanity is at a deeply stressful crossroads. However, the exact nature of the profound choices we are individually and collectively facing is unclear to many, and a wise path toward building humanity’s future remains foggy at best. In this sixth installment of our Politeia of Health series, Dr. Gruder returns to offer a forward-moving way of making greater sense of the tidal wave of upheavals that have been cracking the foundations of humanity. He then goes on to propose a framework to help you select and enact whatever you decide your part is to be in helping humanity emerge into its best possible future.
Dr. Gruder is the Founding President of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology.
Your Energy Minute
Hold Your Heart Chakra and Boost Your Immune System!
You can improve your immune system, reduce stress and increase happy feelings with a simple, easy energy medicine technique. Donna, Titanya, and Dondi show you what to do from Big Bear Lake, California, 7,500 feet above sea level!
Want to Know More? Try Our 1-Hour Free Classes

Did you know that in addition to David and Donna's events, we also spread the word about other exciting talks, courses, and book releases occurring in the healing community? This includes events sponsored by such luminaries as Hay House and Mindvalley as well as exciting new movers and shakers in the industry! You can now select the emails you receive from us, including offers from our partners.
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