From the musical Camelot to the Royal wedding that many of you were watching in the middle of the night this past weekend, spring is a time of renewal, of life springing forth in new places, of love breaking through. The Camelot lyric goes on, “Those dreary vows that everyone takes, everyone breaks” might have been the (overstated) theme for a Royal marriage that breaks new ground where outmoded tradition, the old vows, would have stifled life’s urge forward.
In the wedding sermon, the Rev. Michael Curry – emphasizing that "love is not only about a young couple" – invited the billion (yes!) people watching from all over the planet to "imagine a world where love is the way . . . When love is the way, the earth will be a sanctuary . . . When love is the way, we actually treat each other, well, like we are actually family."
Our company motto, “Raising the vibration of the planet, one person at a time,” is about treating your body with the energies of love, treating those around you with the energies of love, and treating the planet with the energies of love. How? That is the topic of our N.Y. Times relationship-list best-seller, The Energies of Love (which Jean Houston called “one of the most important books of our time”) and also the theme of the exciting upcoming online Super Summit described below. We hope you will join us!
Meanwhile, may you dwell in the energies of love always,
Donna & David
Energy Healing in Action:
Energy Medicine Comes to Broadway
Kim Faure played one of the leading characters in the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical Cats, among several other notable Broadway roles. She also followed in the footsteps of her mother (Dianne Faure) by becoming an Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioner. In a recent interview in the influential theatre blog, “Fit for Broadway,” Kim encourages her colleagues to use the Daily Energy Medicine Routine. From the interview:
“I did the Daily Energy Routine before every show. A lot of performers are ritualistic in their show routines including me, so these exercises fit perfectly into that rhythm. They are easy, don’t take a lot of time, and help for centering, communicating to an audience, clearing your head, and getting your energies flowing before you perform or audition. . . .
“As performers, we are naturally very aware of our bodies. We have to be. But at the same time, the show must go on, and we quickly learn how to ignore some of our body’s signals. Doing daily energy work on myself facilitated a dialogue between me and my deeper self on a level that I have never had. I quickly realized that even though I needed to push through certain times, I couldn’t just push through life. There had to be a balance. And that’s why I am so passionate about this work. Eden Energy helped me find that balance and truly changed who I was, how I cared for myself, and how I lived my life.”
Click here to read the entire interview.

Kim Faure
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In order to continue receiving email from us, we need your explicit consent. Time is of the essence! The regulation goes into effect Friday, May 25th. PLEASE let us know your preferences as soon as possible.
This week we emailed our entire list to let everyone know about a new privacy laws in Europe known as the General Data Protection Regulation, or “GDPR”. One part of the regulation is designed to protect you from receiving unwanted email. We can all appreciate that! The regulation goes into effect tomorrow and many of you have already granted consent. Thank you!
If you haven’t yet granted consent, please click the website below to select your email preferences!
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As a way of saying THANK YOU to those of you who affirm your interest in what we share by completing the form, we are offering a $10 coupon good for one-time us on our Eden Energy Medicine Store (valid until the end of 2018).
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Mind, Energy, and Matter
By David Feinstein, Ph.D.
Are subtle energies the invisible force that connects mind and matter? A new book by Dawson Church demonstrates how the conscious mind can and does affect the physical world. As we enter elevated emotional states, we change the way energy flows through our brain. This triggers shifts in hormones, neurotransmitters, enzymes, and even the way our genes express themselves.
Graham Phillips, a journalist with a strong scientific background, was highly skeptical about claims that a mental activity like meditation could actually change the structure of the brain. To put what he was hearing to a test, he had a full neurological work-up, including MRI readings of the volume of various brain regions. He then embarked on two months of daily meditation. Among the changes when he was retested were that an area of his brain involved in emotional regulation had increased in volume by 22.8 percent!

The empowering implications of this and many other studies are the topic of this remarkable book, and they are vital for understanding Energy Medicine. For instance, several studies show that energy healers are able to affect the brainwaves of their clients; at least 175 studies show that changes in brain waves influence the health and behavior of cells; even more dramatic studies have found that energy healers have been able to heal cancer. Mind to Matter connects the dots, showing the degree to which our minds can influence what occurs within our bodies and also beyond our bodies, where focused intention can impact the molecular structure of water and the healing of serious illness.
Imagine you have the tools to make your relationship get better and better!
The Energies of Love Super Summit starts June 12, 2018
Click the image below to watch the Summit Trailer!
We have been helping thousands of couples find harmony in their relationships. We’d love to help you, too.
Join us for strategies, techniques, and tools to help you live your best relationship!
The Energies of Love Super Summit starts June 12!
Announcements coming soon.
The EEM Family Returns to the Omega Institute and We Hope You Will Join Them!
Over 40 years ago, the Omega Institute was one of the first of its kind to guide participants to find inner unity, happiness, and more fulfilling lives. The Omega campus is located on 250 beautiful rural acres in Rhinebeck, NY, and attendees describe it as an adult summer camp for body, mind, and spirit. It is truly a place where community comes together based on the OMEGA motto, “Awakening the Best in Human Spirit.” We have been honored to present many programs at Omega, and we also love swimming in, rowing, and spending time around their lake and woods.

This July, Omega is bringing our family back for three exciting workshops. Titanya and Dondi are teaching their engaging, informative Sacred Dance Weekend workshop July 20-22. Omega has been having them return for this one annually for more than 16 years now. Immediately following the weekend, David will be teaching his Introduction to Energy Psychology workshop that is open to both professionals and the general public, a 5-day event from July 22-27. Participants go deep into their own story and also learn or hone their existing skills in the method with one of the field’s most prominent leaders.

Then on the weekend of July 27-29, the three of them will join Donna for an Energy Medicine workshop. It is an increasingly rare opportunity to be able to take a basic EEM class with Donna herself, but this is just such an opportunity. Whether you are brand new to Energy Medicine or want to take a refresher in the magic of Donna’s teaching, this is your chance. Also, your friends and colleagues will be grateful if you are the one who guided them into this joyful event.
Energy Minute from Big Bear Lake, California
Eden Energy Medicine for Your Immune System!
When you are new to Energy Medicine, some people think that it is hard to learn. Donna assures us all in this video that Energy Medicine is easy!
When you are stressed, put your hands over your heart. Take deep, gentle breaths in, then out. By placing your hands over your Heart chakra, you calm not only the Heart energy, but also reinforce energies in the thymus gland which help to govern the immune system.
Hold your Heart chakra, breathe deeply, and let go.
To view the complete collection of Eden Energy Medicine videos, click www.EnergyMinute.Innersource.net.
For more information, see Energy Medicine, (Tarcher/Penguin, 2008).
Join us for one of our upcoming events and leave with the tools to help you get out of pain, improve your immune system, and feel more joy!
"There is a wonderful transparency and authentic presence in Donna. I am always awed and feel like I am experiencing a master's teaching like those we have read about in the time of Socrates, etc.“
- Natalie Dobson