May 2023 Newsletter
[It’s Donna writing to you this month 😀] I have always been happy. Family legend has it that I was born smiling. Joyful energies flow through me, and I feel them all over my body. I was puzzled that other people didn't seem to be run by these energies, and I came to realize that this wasn't a choice. These joyful energies just weren't turned on in them. It wasn't available to counter their frustrations, their sadness, their anxieties.
I wanted to understand this force, but it’s hard for me to look into my own body and see my energies. One day, however, when I was 10 or 11, lying down on the earth in my backyard, I could see energies that were more free-flowing than the energies I was generally familiar with. They were also lit up. I could see a visible light wherever they flowed. And they weren’t confined to pathways or fixed patterns like other energies in my body. What I loved about them is that they made me feel joyful and safe.
Many years later, when I got into my work, I set about trying to figure out how to show people to turn on these energies, which I came to call the Radiant Circuits. I later discovered that similarenergies were described in Ancient Chinese Medicine, where they were called the “Strange Flows” or the “8 Extraordinary Vessels."
But what I was seeing was more vast and dynamic. While these energies flowed along pathways that the Chinese physicians had identified, they weren’t confined to those pathways. When they came alive, they could go anywhere and everywhere in the body, spreading pleasure and delight.
In teaching people how to activate these energies, I figured out techniques for each of the eight circuits, which include the Belt Flow, the Penetrating Flow, the Regulating Flow, the Bridge Flow, and four others. Each has its own purpose and impact on your body and your consciousness.
I discovered that when people are stressed, these energies lay dormant. But moving the stress out of a person didn’t automatically activate their Radiant Circuits, though it was the first step. Once it was accomplished, the other techniques would work. For some people, these circuits had been dormant all their lives, and it was like slowly opening a door into a wonderland that they could gradually enter. For other people, however, it was an instant WOW!
Either way, the Radiant Circuits can lead you into those magical moments, vivid experiences, and spontaneous joy you knew as a child. I hope you enjoy your journey with the Radiant Circuits in this month’s newsletter!
Donna and David
Inside This Issue:
- A Grieving Mom Finds Hope and Healing with Radiant Circuits
- How Radiant Circuits Changed Donna’s Life!
- Laughter (Really!) is the Best Medicine
- The Empowering Effect of the Radiant Circuits
- Donna’s Dawn-to-Dusk Recipe for Radiance
- Enjoy a Beautiful, Radiant Moment with Baby Tiernan
- Turn that Frown Upside Down
- Free Radiant Circuits Class: The Pathways to Joy, Bliss and Wonder
- Your Energy Minute: Special 10-Day Joy Challenge!
Energy Medicine in Action
A Grieving Mom Finds Hope and Healing with Radiant Circuits
![Woman on Beach](
Overcome by loss, a grieving mom contracted Lyme disease which led her into a deeper cycle of fear, sadness and anxiety. When she discovered Eden Energy Medicine techniques including the uplifting, healing energy of Radiant Circuits, she realized she had found something special. What she didn’t know was just much her life was about to change for the better! Read more >>>
How Radiant Circuits Changed Donna’s Life!
One of the 9 primary energy systems of Eden Energy Medicine, the Radiant Circuits reinforce the energies of joy, wellness and bliss, trigger healing and instill strength and vitality in the body. In this uplifting, eye-opening video Donna talks to Dondi on how the Radiant Circuits gave her courage to leave her first husband, helped heal her Multiple Sclerosis and allergies, and even lose weight! Watch Donna and Dondi here >>>
Laughter (Really!) is the Best Medicine
Spontaneous Healing with the Radiant Circuits
![Women Laughing](
For most people “laughter is the best medicine” is simply a figure of speech but for the late Dr. Norman Cousins, it turned out to be literally true! His remarkable story is one of the most memorable and miraculous examples of the joyful energies of Radiant Circuits leading to spontaneous healing. Read more >>>
The Empowering Effect of the Radiant Circuits
From Keynote Presentation to Dance Party!
![Radiant Circuits Mind Heart Connect Conf Dondi Australia](
An unexpected Radiant Circuits moment temporarily transformed Dondi’s highly anticipated workshop at the prestigious Mind Heart Connect conference in Australia into a fun dance party 😃“I played a song for the attendees to listen to and ponder,” explains Dondi. “When I said that they were welcome to dance, the audience jumped up in celebration and started dancing!” This is a wonderful example of the empowering effect of Radiant Circuits -- it can lift you out of heavy energies like self-judgment that hold you back from exciting, unforgettable life experiences. Watch Dondi and her audience members enjoying a Radiant Circuits experience >>>
Donna’s Dawn-to-Dusk Recipe for Radiance
![Donna on path](
When people meet Donna for the first time, many of them are astonished to discover that she’s “walking on sunshine” almost all the time 😃This leads them to ask, “Is Donna’s joy real?” The answer is yes and exhilarating, joyful Radiant Circuits energy is a BIG reason why! Donna even has her own “Recipe for Radiance!” Read more >>>
Let’s Enjoy a Radiant Moment Right Now!
Baby Tiernan Shows Us How
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Do you know Radiant Circuit energies are all around us and we can find radiance in the ordinary and even the mundane? Children and babies know how to do this easily and naturally! This delightful video captures Dondi’s son, Tiernan in his unbridled joy over something that’s remarkably ordinary. “Tiernan was often a serious baby,” says Dondi. “But he would have full belly laughs whenever I used packing tape!” This video is of Tiernan going into full Radiant Circuits bliss over the packing tape… you’ll find it impossible not to laugh along with him 😃 Share in Tiernan’s radiant bliss >>>
Turn that Frown Upside Down
The Amazing Benefits of a Smile
![Man Smiling](
Smiling is an easy way to encourage a healthy flow of Radiant Circuits energies. When you smile, your brain produces neuropeptides that fight off stress and feel-good neurotransmitters or “happy hormones” known as dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins that can instantly lift your mood.These endorphins also act as a natural pain reliever. Here’s another great reason to turn that from upside down -- it takes about 13 muscles to smile and about 47 to frown. Imagine that! And if you’re having one of those days where you need a reason to smile (or laugh) here’s something that might do the trick. Read more >>>
This Month's Featured Program
FREE Radiant Circuits Class: The Pathways of Joy, Bliss and Wonder
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Imagine if you had a toolkit of simple energy-based techniques you could turn to at any time to invite more joy, bliss, and wonder into your life. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? Donna’s free Radiant Circuits class is designed to show you exactly how to unleash the power of your Radiant Circuits so you can carry an inner flame that lights up all areas of your life! By the end of this class, you’ll have a deeper understanding of Radiant Circuits and how you can work with these beautiful uplifting energies to cultivate an inner state of genuine joy no matter what. Find out more and join Donna’s joyful, FREE class here >>>
Your Energy Minute: Special Edition
Join the 10-Day Joy Challenge (June 1-10)
Get ready to turn up the dial on joy! The 10-Day Joy Challenge will help you tap into the uplifting, exuberant energies of the Radiant Circuits in your day to day as you retrain your energy system for more bliss, wonder and awe.
We love doing these challenges together so that we collectively raise the vibration for not just ourselves but also for the planet. The Joy Challenge starts June 1st and you can sign up to receive a daily video from us from June 1 - June 10.
Click HERE to sign up for the Joy Challenge >>>
Want to Know More? Try Our 1-Hour Free Classes
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Did you know that in addition to David and Donna's events, we also spread the word about other exciting talks, courses, and book releases occurring in the healing community? This includes events sponsored by such luminaries as Hay House and Mindvalley as well as exciting new movers and shakers in the industry! You can now select the emails you receive from us, including offers from our partners.
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