When we started the Certification Program in Eden Energy Medicine about a dozen years ago, it was first in Florida, then Chicago, and it finally settled in Phoenix. But soon, the Foundations Year became so popular that we had to regionalize it. Now Foundations classes are taught in some 50 locations all over the world. More than half the people who complete the Foundations Year go on to Year 2, which culminates in a process that allows them to represent themselves as Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioners. Some 1,500 people will have completed the program when the current Year 2 class graduates in January.
Inevitably, Year 2 has been growing and, in this issue, we announce that it is also being regionalized. This allows for smaller classes, easier access, and more personalized attention. Year 2 was already being offered near London and, beginning next April, we are thrilled that it will also be offered in Phoenix, Chicago, and Baltimore. We spent months selecting our new Regional Directors for the Year 2 program and are so pleased to have dynamic, enthusiastic members of our community running it now in such wonderful and convenient locations. This feels like a major leap for us as an organization and as a movement within health care. If you’ve not looked into the Certification Program, new classes start each spring.
As this season of Thanksgiving approaches in the U.S. this week, we are grateful for so much, with the advances of energy medicine into the culture being particularly on our minds with this issue of the e-Letter.
With our love and blessings,
Donna & David
Energy Healing in Action:
The Power of the Daily Energy Routine for a Kindergarten Teacher and Her Students
by Mary Lichtenstein
It all began when a kindergarten teacher sought me out in my private Eden Energy Medicine practice to help her with her anxiety issue. We worked together, and eventually she overcame her anxiety and improved her overall quality of life. She was so impressed with Eden Energy Medicine and the Daily Energy Routine (DER) that she started to teach and utilize it every day with her students. One day, she invited me to join her class, and I watched these little angels do the DER. She reported that the results were amazing for all the students, but especially one little boy.
When this little boy began kindergarten in September, he was non-verbal, aggressive, and just not happy. As a matter of fact, during the first week of school, he took off all his clothes and proceeded to wrap himself up in the carpet. His teacher was a bit overwhelmed and nervous, but she kept up with the DER every day. That was in September.
Year 2 of the EEM Certification Program -
Three New Locations for You!

Calling all Foundation students and graduates, come expand your skill set and confidence in one of our three NEW Year 2 locations!
Year 2 takes your practice to a whole new level! The techniques and protocols you have already learned will really sink in, and you will get to go deeper into the art of strengthening the energies that support health, healing, and vitality. (the “you will” is kinda repetitive?)
Learn new skills and protocols and become a member of a larger tribe of like-minded people who love EEM!
Make one of the best decisions of your life
and join us for Year 2 in Baltimore, Chicago, or Phoenix!
Registration opens December 15.
Black Friday SALE is Almost HERE!
Save OVER 45%!

Are you eager for more ADVANCED techniques from Donna? We’ve got them in one of the best Advanced Classes she’s ever given.
For Black Friday, we are releasing her latest advanced class, Playing with the Frequencies, for over 45% off! This class shows you how to think outside the box and work with the Nine Energy Systems in brand new ways to bring about extraordinary results for your clients.
Black Friday SALE runs this Friday-Sunday.
Be sure to check your email so you can pick up
a copy at this super low price.
Eden Energy Medicine Around the World!
Eden Energy Medicine teacher
Marcia Rowland teaches in
Minnetonka, Minnesota!
We have over 200 authorized teachers teaching Eden Energy Medicine in North America, Europe, and other parts of the globe. This Year 1 Foundations class took place recently in Minnetonka, Minnesota!
The photos show Marcia Rowland's Minnesota class putting stickers on their alarm points and the students' favorite ways of balancing Triple Warmer and Spleen meridians.
Marcia is a long-time Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner who regularly teaches Foundations classes as well as having her EEM practice in Minnesota. She loves sharing her love for Eden Energy Medicine.
More information is available at: EnergyMedicine-MN.com.

For more Eden Energy Medicine locations
around the world, click here!
We're Celebrating the Nine Energy Systems!!!
The Basic Grid
Part Four of our Nine Energy Systems Series
The Basic Grid
The basic grid is your body’s foundational energy. Like the chassis of a car, all the other energy systems ride on the energy of the basic grid. For instance, when you are lying down, it would appear to a seer such as Donna that each of your chakras sits upon this foundational energy. Grid energy is sturdy and fundamental. But severe trauma can damage and deform the grid, and when this occurs, it does not usually repair itself spontaneously. Rather, the other energy systems adjust themselves to the damaged grid, much as a personality may be formed around early traumatic experiences.
Repairing a person’s basic grid is one of the most advanced and intense forms of energy therapy. If a grid’s structure or a car’s chassis is sound, you never notice it is there; if it is damaged, nothing else is quite right.
Grid work is so elemental that it’s only taught in Year 4 of the Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program. If you suspect you might need GRID work, please contact one of our Advanced Eden Energy Medicine practitioners. Click here to visit our practitioner directory!
Donna Eden's Daily Energy Routine!
Over the years, Donna started teaching a simple energy routine that people could do every day in five to seven minutes to establish positive “energy habits” in their bodies which strengthen their immune systems and help them navigate through the stresses we all face today. Thousands of people around the world are now doing it daily!
Based on their feedback, Donna would tweak it every now and then to make it even more effective. It is solid, and we have tons of evidence that it works. You need only do it!
Here is a quick list of what is covered in this Daily Energy Routine:
1. The Four Thumps
2. The Crossover Shoulder Pull
3. The Cross Crawl
4. The Wayne Cook Posture
5. The Crown Pull
6. Connecting Heaven and Earth
7. The Zip Up
8. The Hook Up
To view the complete collection of Eden Energy Medicine videos, click www.EnergyMinute.Innersource.net.
For more information, see Energy Medicine, (Tarcher/Penguin, 2008).