October 2019 e-letter

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The two of us have the privilege of working very closely together. While we travel a lot, we almost always fly to the same places on the same flights. But this month has been different. We’ve hardly seen one another.

David has been teaching at Omega in upstate New York and then presenting a keynote and a post-class at the Energy Psychology Conference in Vancouver. Meanwhile, Donna has been involved in several projects, including teaching in our Year 4 Certification program.

A highlight for Donna this month has been seeing the beauty of the stories that come out of the deep work done in Year 4 – extremely poignant and gratifying to witness. It has also been a month for some precious Grandma time and a lot of creative behind-the-scenes work within Innersource.

For David, he continues to be awed by the power of Energy Psychology. This month one of his stage demonstrations was a couple who for three decades had barely had an argument.

But in recent years, they formed a business together. Unexpected and extremely uncomfortable tensions were emerging. They each felt alone in a rising though unstated panic that they were drifting apart in ways they would not be able to stop. Within 45 minutes this was all on the table, addressed, and big steps toward turning the tide had been taken.

Meanwhile, a middle-aged man who was frozen in his work and his marriage, unable to find or hold a job for the past three years, felt his body come alive during the tapping session as genuine enthusiasm about his next career step was flooding him.

And an extremely bright and accomplished woman who could not stop blaming herself for having gotten cancer asked for help with tapping. In the space of an hour, the costs of her parents pushing so hard for her to excel in everything had been emotionally contacted and in important ways transformed, along with her ability to muster her creativity to meet her illness without the dampening effects of self-blame.

Every day, with 1,500 practitioners certified in our work, people are helped in dramatic ways. We hope that in reading this issue of your Energy e-letter, some clue, some idea, some technique will be useful to you on your path.

Donna and David
Donna and David summer

Finding Your Passion With the Five Elements

Mary Brophy

Mary Brophy: "I know myself now in a way I didn't a year ago, or a month ago."


Many of our case studies demonstrate how Eden Energy Medicine can be used to treat symptoms associated with physical and emotional conditions.

But EEM can also enrich our lives in ways we hadn't even anticipated, increasing our knowledge of self. This in turn can help us to show up in our lives more fully.

This was the case for Mary Brophy, who at 68 years old, knew herself fairly well and had grown through many years of therapy, energy tapping, Eden Energy exercises, and journal writing.

But to her surprise, she's now starting a new journey in her life thanks to Energy Medicine Yoga.

Discover how EMYoga incorporates the Five Elements, leading to expanded self-awareness and personal growth.

Presenters Wanted

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Are you a teacher, healer, or fan of Eden Energy Medicine who is ready to share your wisdom with a receptive audience? Maybe you've combined EEM with other healing modalities to create a distinct system, or perhaps you had a breakthrough when working with your own or a client's energies. Your epiphany could become someone else's path to healing!

In the fall of 2020, we will be running ENERGY FEST, an international gathering where our lively and supportive tribe comes together to exchange ideas and expand our horizons about the power of ENERGY to make significant changes in our lives.

In addition to our wonderful keynotes and Donna's feature presentation, ENERGY FEST will offer 21 more intimate style classes (each approx. 2.5 hours in length) to be taught by members of our community.

It is our privilege to invite you to submit a proposal to teach one of these 21 classes at ENERGY FEST 2020.

Please submit your proposal via our online form by December 1, 2019. All submissions are welcome.

Click HERE for Presenter Details→.

Remembering Pat Carrington

Pat Carrington

We were very fond of Pat Carrington, influenced by her work, and supportive of her in the last years of her life. As we were starting to write a memorial for her, we saw this tribute from our friend Nick Ortner, who knew Pat more intimately, and we got his permission to reprint it here.

I’m feeling both sadness and joy in my heart as I share with you the news of the passing of our dear friend and mentor, Dr. Patricia Carrington. The sadness is obvious when we lose someone we love. The joy is often harder to find, but I think in Pat’s case, at the wonderful age of 95 with decades of incredible contributions to the world and to our field, we can together celebrate her life.

If you’re not familiar with the work of Dr. Carrington, she was one of the original true thought leaders in the field of energy medicine, actually using Tapping in the '80s and leading its spread! She’s the originator of the “Choices Method”, which I still use daily and include in many of the meditations we release.

When I first met her in 2007 while filming The Tapping Solution documentary, she was 83 years old and sharp as can be! A true testament to this work. I thought this morning about how we could best honor Pat, and I think she would like nothing more than for her work and her message to continue to spread and be seen by others. So I’m sharing that original video interview from 2007. You’ll find it chock-full of wisdom and insights that you can apply to your own life today.

Watch it here

remembering Pat Carrington image

50% Discount Ends October 25 at Midnight!

Lauren Walker and Donna Eden

Have you heard that yoga is really good for you?

What if you could combine it with Eden Energy Medicine and make it even more effective? That's a bold statement, isn't it?

Energy Medicine Yoga, created by author and Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner Lauren Walker, unites these two ancient traditions for a new and revolutionary way to look at Yoga!

The results have been profound:

"What has been developed by Donna and Lauren is genius! EMYoga's revolutionary style is that bridge (between Energy Medicine and Yoga) I could feel but not yet see and more effective than I ever imagined. … in my mind it rivals any style of yoga I've experienced."

— M. Thomas

It's such an incredible way to practice yoga. It brings a lot of awareness, joy, as well as a feeling sense of ease and fluidity in my life: I love it!"

— C. Simon

Right now, save 50% off Yoga Journal’s 8-week online Energy Medicine Yoga course featuring Donna and Lauren and get started with this powerful, healing practice.

Act fast -- the 50% discount ends October 25 at midnight! Enter coupon code DONNAEDEN400 to receive the discount.

Click here to learn more and to register.

Chakras and Colors

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In honor of our chakra series (see the article below), we thought we’d take a minute to talk about chakra colors. Here’s what Donna sees regarding chakras and their color.

The colors usually assigned to the chakras correspond to the spectrum, with red at the Root chakra and violet at the Crown. With due respect to the standardized charts developed, this simply is not how I see it.

Chakra color is a perfect example of the ways our energies are truly as “unique as a thumbprint.” There may be some correlation between the spectrum and the chakras, but I have seen violet in the Root chakra, red in the Crown, and every other color combination you could imagine.

Finally, the color of a chakra and each of its layers is in constant flux depending on its state of rest, activity, health, and other factors, so each chakra is a glorious and very complex light show.

This wide variation in colors is not so surprising when you consider that color is a vibration we experience through our visual system. If each chakra is characterized by a different theme that is played out in the infinite ways our lives can unfold, and if each layer of a chakra carries different kinds of information about our experiences and how we have processed them, of course every layer of every chakra would carry a different vibration!

And each different vibration would appear as a different color to those who are able to register chakra energies through their visual system. The chakras are highly detailed natural maps of our individuality, so one would expect their appearance to be complex and unique.

Eden Method Teacher Training

Dana on Mission Bay in San Diego

Dana on Mission Bay in San Diego

Would you like to be an Authorized Teacher for the Eden Method? If you are a graduate of Year 2 of the Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program (or you will be a graduate by 2020), then you are eligible for the Eden Method Teacher Training!

Since it was created in 2012, the Eden Method Teacher Training (formerly TEEM 101) has received rave reviews. It is currently being revised and updated for an even stronger program to launch in October 2020.

We are excited to have secured the beautiful and tropical Dana on Mission Bay in San Diego for this exciting class!

Click here for more details!


Take a seven-month journey with us through the chakras.


The Fifth Chakra


Quick Phrase: Integration and Expression

The Throat chakra has the sacred job of holding and metabolizing the information of all the chakras. It also helps us express that information to the world in our own unique way.

It can serve as a “truth barometer,” helping us sense whether or not what we are saying or hearing resonates with our own truth. The Heart chakra can feed the Throat chakra and imbue it with a delicacy of expression regarding timing, appropriateness, and finesse.

The Throat chakra is physically different from the other chakras. It has the same swirling pattern of energy seen in the others, but it also has seven chambers that extend up and down the throat, like bridges connecting the head to the torso.

These seven columns carry the energy of the other chakras in both directions at all times. Some chambers may be moving information up while others may be moving information down.

Besides being a passageway for energetic information, the 5th chakra breaks down energies that pass through it and synthesizes them to build and maintain the energy body just as the thyroid gland governs metabolism in the physical body.

Another unique pattern in the fifth chakra is that the energies that cross from the right and left brain hemispheres also cross at the Throat chakra, creating a discernible figure 8 pattern.

Expression is a primary function of the Throat chakra. The two basic imbalances most likely to present themselves in the Throat chakra are the inability to speak up (not enough yang) and the inability to shut up and listen (too much yang). Listening immediately shifts the energies from yang to yin.

It is hard to describe what the beautifully complex Throat chakra really looks like. The chambers do not remain static, like vertical columns. Rather, figure 8 patterns keep the energies crossing between the chambers in a way that reminds me of the lines on a sheet of music, except they are in continual motion. They are rhythmic vibrations with a soft resonance that often create a beautiful concert.

Eden Energy Medicine for a Sore Throat

When you are not feeling well and have a sore throat starting to settle in, you can help to move these stale energies that gather in the areas of your tonsils, nose, and throat.

Begin by pressing your fingers deeply at the chin on both sides. While continuing to press deeply, massage along the jaw bone towards the ears, pushing and pulling up just behind at the bottom of each ear. Then finish the exercise by pushing deeply down each side of the neck. This helps to clear energies on the Triple Warmer meridian, too!

To view the complete collection of Eden Energy Medicine videos, click www.EnergyMinute.Innersource.net.

For more information, see Energy Medicine, (Tarcher/Penguin, 2008).

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Did you know that in addition to David and Donna's events, we also spread the word about other exciting talks, courses, and book releases occurring in the healing community? This includes events sponsored by such luminaries as Hay House and Mindvalley as well as exciting new movers and shakers in the industry! You can now select the emails you receive from us, including offers from our partners.

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Karen BerryOctober 2019 e-letter