Eden Method Mobile App Contribution Not Refunded

If you have not received a refund, we ask that you copy the following letter into an e-mail, modify it as you wish, and send it to [email protected] directly requesting your refund and to hopefully put some pressure on Indiegogo to act and communicate in a more timely manner. Please also cc it to me at [email protected] and let us know if the payment arrives. We are very sorry for this inconvenience and thank you sincerely.

Subject: Refund Request

Dear Indiegogo Support,

This email request is in regard to my investment in the Eden Method App campaign sponsored by Innersource. I am very disappointed to hear that you have refused to release funds to Innersource for the Eden Method App development. You also have yet to refund my monies that were to be specifically directed to Innersource as part of this campaign. I have received notification from Innersource of your communication closing the campaign and intention to refund my investment. It has been more than two months since the campaign completed. Retaining my investment this long without using it for the stated purpose is unacceptable. Please process my refund immediately per the stated Terms and Conditions on your website and reinforced by your direct communication to Innersource, which they have shared with me. I expect to see the funds issued back to my account within 3 to 5 business days or I will have no choice but to issue a fraud complaint against you to my payment processor.


Your Signature

We promise to honor all of our commitments to you regarding the campaign. If Indiegogo does not release your monies to either you or us within a reasonable time frame, we will sponsor legal action as necessary to support all of the investors impacted.

With much appreciation,

The Eden Method App Team

Karen BerryEden Method Mobile App Contribution Not Refunded