June, 2019
22Jun9:00 am4:30 pmCzech Republic EM101 ClassTaught by Vladimira DragneaArtičok, Třída Karla IV. 493
Event Details
EM101 and EM102 Classes in Hradec Králové, Czech Republic Taught by Vladimira Dragnea Study the fundamentals of Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) in a small, supportive setting with one of our authorized EM101/102
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Event Details
EM101 and EM102 Classes in Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
Taught by Vladimira Dragnea
Study the fundamentals of Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) in a small, supportive setting with one of our authorized EM101/102 Teachers.
Would you like to learn the basics of Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) in a fun, supportive environment? If so, these two classes are for you! They are straight forward, easy, and full of information to help you take better care of yourself and help others do the same.
Taught sequentially, EM101 and EM102 are each one-day classes that cover many of the key topics from Donna Eden’s award-winning book, Energy Medicine. The information you gain from these two classes will help you feel and be your best.
EM101 introduces EEM basics plus many topics that are important for self-care and healing. A quick Daily Energy Routine (just over 5 minutes) is taught that will have your energies humming in no time, plus ways to feel more grounded and centered are explored. EM101 also gives an introduction to meridians, one of the mainstays of EEM. Meridians are the rivers of energy that bathe and vitalize our body and its systems. Ways to work with and balance two key meridians, Triple Warmer and Spleen, are highlighted in this class, as well as additional techniques for managing stress.
EM102 picks up where EM101 leaves off and offers important techniques for moving energy, handling pain, and testing substances using energy testing. Using this cornerstone of EEM, you’ll learn how to dialogue with the body’s energies to determine energetic harmony before ingesting food and substances by using the Spleen Meridian energy test, as well as three easy ways to energy test yourself. Just like EM101, this class is full of practice, practice, practice, but it ends with each participant experiencing an EEM mini-session that balances and calms their energy.
IGEEM image compilation
Vladimira Dragnea
Vladimira Dragnea:
Dr. Vladimíra Dragnea je pokročilou praktikantkou energetické medicíny podle Donny Eden a provozuje kabinet přírodní medicíny ve státě Indiana, USA. Je oprávněnou lektorkou základů EEM a pravidelně učí kurzy energetické medicíny jak v USA, tak v České republice.
To register for this class, contact Vladimira by email, or visit her website at: www.energeticka-medicina.cz.
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EM101 – Saturday, June 22, 2019
EM102 – Sunday, June 23, 2019
9:00 – 16:30
3580 CZK per class
Při časné registraci (do 30. 4. 2019) dostanete slevu a zaplatíte 3280 Kč za celý víkend. Také je možno se zaregistrovat pouze na EM101 v sobotu, zde je pravidelná cena 1980 Kč, při časné registraci pouze 1780 Kč. Cena nezahrnuje ubytování ani stravu. Účast v EM102 je možná pouze po absolvování EM101.
Třída Karla IV. 493
Hradec Králové
Czech Republic
June 22 (Saturday) 9:00am - June 22 (Saturday) 4:30pm
Třída Karla IV. 493