Legal Disclaimers

Eden Energy Medicine services do not substitute for the diagnosis and/or treatment of illnesses, injuries, or other medical conditions by a physician or other appropriate licensed health care provider. While many of our practitioners are licensed in another health care specialty, no U.S. state has, to our knowledge, a license for "Energy Medicine" practitioners as such. It is a new field and the legal and professional guidelines are still being established.

Being listed on this site does not imply that Donna Eden or Innersource Inc. has a supervisory, legal, or other formal involvement in the practitioner's work. Innersource is the educational institution that provided their Eden Energy Medicine training, but upon graduation, Innersource does not control their professional activities. Neither Donna Eden nor Innersource Inc. assumes any liability for information, goods, or services provided by the practitioners listed.

Karen BerryLegal Disclaimers