The government’s tax structure encourages donations to organizations that serve the society and its members. The policy is brilliantly crafted to call to our higher angels. Approximately 3% of people’s incomes in the U.S. goes to charities, and this is the time of year that many are deciding where and how and how much to give.
For us, our differences come out as we make these decisions. Most of what we can spare goes right back into bringing Energy Medicine to the world, but giving even a little bit to other causes aligns our spirits with those efforts. Both of us are passionate about social injustice and have been giving to Amnesty International and the Southern Poverty Law Center for decades. Beyond this, Donna is more drawn toward causes that directly help individuals who are suffering, whether through hunger, oppression, or abuse. David is more drawn toward those oriented around larger social issues such as education, population control, and the environment. We both support one another’s inclinations but sometimes disagree on how much goes in each direction. These make for interesting dialogues that cause us to examine our deepest values.
Where we come together with no effort is in our desire to teach our nine-year-old grandson, Tiernan (Dondi’s and Roger’s son), to think about what he can do to help others less fortunate. We provide him with some funds that he can designate among a variety of worthy causes. This year he is donating much of his allotment to an organization that brings clothing and medicine to needy children. He is also directing some of it for providing a duckling to a hungry family who will “benefit from hundreds of large, protein-rich eggs all year long. Extra duck eggs and hatched ducklings can be sold to buy medicine or help send a child to school,” not to mention supplying valuable down-feathers for bedding.
Another area in which he needs education has to do with the overwhelming number of good causes, the vast number of charities championing those causes, and the fact that some are more trustworthy than others. As Tiernan gets older, we will be teaching him how to use resources such as Charity Watch. These sites evaluate charities according to common-sense benchmarks such as how much of every dollar donated actually gets to the cause being supported rather than going into administrative or fund-raising activities.
Giving at whatever level you can, and even the process of choosing in a wise and heart-centered manner, aligns your spirit with the larger community and greater good.
Happy Holidays!
Donna and David
Energy Healing in Action:
Bringing a Dog Back from the Brink
When confronted with the declining vigor of her 16-year-old poodle, Jean Dresden found no solace in what standard veterinary practice could offer. She instead applied Energy Medicine exercises and found her pet to be responsive, resilient and able to enjoy life once again.
Jean’s dog, Squirt, was showing signs of aging. He was blind, arthritic and had been whimpering and showing signs of confusion. His condition worsened, and he became very lethargic and almost completely non-responsive. Squirt would not eat. He would only mildly stir when petted and had to be hand held in a position to urinate. Jean took him to the vet. The physical exam, blood tests, urine analysis, and x-rays all failed to show an underlying physical condition causing his symptoms. The vet could only suggest that an antibiotic – Clavomax - may provide some relief, but cautioned that it just may be the natural end to the dog’s life.
Jean was unwilling to accept this fatalistic diagnosis. Just 30 days prior, Squirt had been active and alert and able to hike in the hills. Jean decided to use Energy Medicine techniques. She traced his meridians using a chart showing meridians on a dog. She also used several of the exercises from the Daily Energy Routine:
Help Us Bring Energy Medicine to Families and Those in Need in Your Local Community

Please Donate Today to The Eden Energy Medicine
Certification Program Scholarship Fund
Just imagine what one practitioner can bring to a community! We are hoping our community will help us fund 15 Half-Tuition Scholarships to Year 3 in 2019. Can we join together and help realize the dreams of a most worthy group ready to become top-of-the-line EEM Practitioners?
Please consider making a generous donation (any amount helps!) to the EEM-CP Scholarship Fund now as a part of your year-end giving. 100% of your tax-deductible donation will go directly to a Year 3 student. And we have some appealing thank-you gifts for contributors, shown on the Scholarship Fund page! Click here to donate today.
Year 2 of the EEM Certification Program -
Three New Locations for You!

Calling all Foundation students and graduates, come expand your skill set and confidence in one of our three NEW Year 2 locations!
Can we talk about how you'll become a better healer and be able to handle and help even more situations with confidence? Learn new skills and protocols and become a member of a larger tribe of like-minded people who love EEM!
Make one of the best decisions of your life
and join us for Year 2 in Baltimore, Chicago, or Phoenix!
Registration opens soon.
TEEM Foundations Registration Now Open!

Opportunity for graduates of CP Year 3 and TEEM 101 to teach Foundations Classes in your local community -- Join us March 22-25 in San Diego for the lively, superb training!
In 2017, we completely re-hauled our TEEM Foundations Program. The revised format was tremendously successful when we launched it in the U.K. and we are excited to offer it in America this coming spring!
TEEM Foundations is a teacher training program for those who plan to become Foundations teachers, and it is an application-based class open to those of you in our community who are both Year 3 and TEEM 101 graduates. Click here for complete information on the TEEM Foundations program including how to apply!
HOLIDAY SALE! All Products 30% Off
Through December 19th!

Energy Medicine is Powerful Medicine.
Let it work for you.
Enjoy 30% off ALL Eden Energy Medicine
and Energy Psychology products.
Eden Energy Medicine is, without a doubt, one of the most natural forms of stress relief you have -- and it's right at your fingertips! With our holiday sale, you'll receive 30% off all our Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology products -- which means you can start practicing these stress relieving techniques right now. And when you bring your body's energies out of stress and back into balance, you'll start to notice all kinds of positive change in your life -- more energy, more joy, less aches! Due to the holidays, shipping times may be longer than normal -- please place your orders soon to help it arrive in time! This offer does not include products in the Beyond Innersource Marketplace.
Click here to go to our store!
Enter coupon code "holiday18" at checkout.
Eden Energy Medicine Around the World!
Rachel Jacobson teaching
Eden Energy Medicine in
Manchester, England!
We have more than 200 authorized teachers offering Eden Energy Medicine classes in North America, Europe, and other parts of the globe. Rachel Jacobson has recently presented our Foundations year Manchester, England.
The photo shows Rachel out in nature, one of her favorite places to do Energy Medicine, demonstrating "Heaven Rushing In!" and the next features Rachel with some members of her class doing the "Four Thumps" exercise.
Rachel is an EEM Clinical Practitioner who teaches regular groups and workshops in Manchester and the surrounding areas. She loves helping people empower themselves with the gifts of Energy Medicine.
For more information, visit: www.racheljacobson.co.uk.

For more Eden Energy Medicine locations
around the world, click here!
We're Celebrating the Nine Energy Systems!!!
The Celtic Weave
Part Five of our Nine Energy Systems Series
The Celtic Weave
The body’s energies spin, spiral, curve, twist, crisscross, and weave themselves into patterns of magnificent beauty. The equilibrium of this kaleidoscope of colors and shapes is maintained by an energy system known by different names to energy healers throughout the world. In the East, it has been called the "Tibetan energy ring." In yoga tradition, it is represented by two curved lines that cross seven times, symbolically encasing the seven chakras. In the West, it is seen in the caduceus, the intertwined serpents ¬also crossing seven times¬ found on the staff that is the symbol of the medical profession. Donna uses the term Celtic weave not only because she has a personal affinity with Celtic healing, but also because the pattern looks to her like the old Celtic drawings of a spiraling, sideways infinity sign, never beginning and never ending and sometimes forming a triple spiral. Like an invisible thread that keeps all the energy systems functioning as a single unit, the Celtic weave networks throughout and around the body in spiraling figure-eight patterns. The double helix of DNA is this pattern in microcosm. The left hemisphere’s control of the right side of the body and the right hemisphere’s control of the left side is this pattern writ large.
The Celtic Weave with Donna, Titanya, and Dondi!
The Celtic Weave helps to secure your Aura around you so you feel confident and fabulous!
To view the complete collection of Eden Energy Medicine videos, click www.EnergyMinute.Innersource.net.
For more information, see Energy Medicine, (Tarcher/Penguin, 2008).
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