February 2018 e-letter

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For us, the year has started with exciting preparations and satisfying closures. Without going into detail, Innersource is always carrying four or five major challenges beyond its regular day-to-day operation, and two of those have come to nice completions just this month.

The year began with Donna’s first ever overseas keynote, delivered electronically from the U.S. to a live audience at a major healing conference in India. It was a smashing success (more in this issue). This month, we are preparing for a week-long basic Energy Medicine course in Costa Rica (in March); the next launch of our Foundations Courses worldwide in April and May; keynote addresses and a post-conference class at ACEP’s 20th Annual Energy Psychology Conference in Orlando in May; our Certification Program’s Year 2 opening and Year 4 closing classes at the Wigwam in May; a 5-Day Energy Psychology class by David, also at the Wigwam in May (and this one will be streamed!); an Advanced Class this summer with Donna covering techniques she’s never before taught for tying all the energy systems together; followed by three classes at Omega Institute, one by us together, one by David alone, and the third is another of Tanya and Dondi’s famous 5 Elements weekends. And then we start planning for the second half of the year.

Meanwhile, on the online front, we are honored to be featured speakers for the 10th Annual Tapping World Summit, which starts at the end of this month, both Mindvalley and the Shift Network are re-launching their highly successful online Energy Medicine programs, and we are super excited to be gearing up for our Energies of Love Super Summit this summer. And of course those “Energy Minutes” keep coming (see one of our favorites in this issue). A lot to choose from. Stay tuned!

Donna and David

​How Young Do You Need to Be to
Practice Eden Energy Medicine?

Aletha Harden, age 2, is holding her younger brother’s neurovascular and Large Intestine acupressure points. The patient seems pleased. Just random? Her Mom, Leslie Keppler Harden, writes: “I caught Aletha a few weeks ago watching a Donna Eden video and talking back to Donna. Donna really captured her attention. Althea is a chip off her Dad, for sure! Harmon Harden studied Eden Energy Medicine with Donna Eden.”

A big thanks to Judith Poole, one of our long-time practitioners, for bringing this precious photo to our attention.

February email image

Energy Healing in Action:
On-The-Spot Relief in India

Eva Gold is an EEM Advanced Practitioner and Certification Program Faculty Member based in Toronto. She teamed up with Donna and David in late January for a most interesting collaboration.

Donna and David were invited to present a keynote address at a major healing conference in India. Their travel schedule didn’t allow them to attend. Instead they delivered their presentation electronically from the U.S. while the entire conference was gathered and listening to them in India. Meanwhile, Eva flew to India to follow their talk with an in-person keynote and a post-conference class.

The response from the participants was overwhelmingly enthusiastic and Eva had many magical moments. One occurred when a physician attending the conference asked for Eva’s help with his wife.

Eva Gold

Donna and David Keynote Major India Healing Conference Virtually While Eva Gold Presents In-Person

By Eva Gold

Donna and David were invited to present a keynote address at a major healing conference in India. India has opened its doors to embrace technology and modern approaches to wellness, all while respecting the ancient techniques of meditation and yoga. Donna and David’s travel schedule didn’t allow them to attend. Instead they delivered their presentation electronically from the U.S. while the entire conference was gathered and listening to them in India. Meanwhile, I flew to Pyramid Valley, India, to follow their talk with an in-person keynote and a post-conference class.

Great speakers came from all over the world to share their energy-healing discoveries, techniques, and inventions. There was a presentation about using light and crystals to balance chakras, meridians, and Radiant Circuits. Another fascinating speaker demonstrated the effect of light on allergies. Other topics included laser therapy for pain and tinnitus, regression for healing difficult cases, and many forms of meditation. Doctors, scientists, psychologists, and therapists shared their case studies, triumphs, and defeats.

​Energy Minute from Big Sur, California!


The Radiant Hearts exercise pulls forth feelings of love inside of you, connects you with others, and offers a glowing feeling. Breathe in deeply as you bring in the energies of the chakras and meridians and tap into your Radiant Circuits for more joy!

To view the complete collection of Eden Energy Medicine videos, click www.EnergyMinute.Innersource.net.

For more information, see Energy Medicine, (Tarcher/Penguin, 2008).


Join us for one of our upcoming events and leave with the tools to help you get out of pain, improve your immune system, and feel more joy!

"There is a wonderful transparency and authentic presence in Donna. I am always awed and feel like I am experiencing a master's teaching like those we have read about in the time of Socrates, etc.“

- Natalie Dobson

10th Annual Tapping Summit event image
Energy Psychology Conference
EM Omega Costa Rica event image
Playing with the Frequencies promo image

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Karen BerryFebruary 2018 e-letter