Donna and David Keynote Major India Healing Conference Virtually While Eva Gold Presents In-Person

By Eva Gold

An outside view of the pyramid where the conference was held.

Donna and David were invited to present a keynote address at a major healing conference in India. India has opened its doors to embrace technology and modern approaches to wellness, all while respecting the ancient techniques of meditation and yoga. Donna and David’s travel schedule didn’t allow them to attend. Instead they delivered their presentation electronically from the U.S. while the entire conference was gathered and listening to them in India. Meanwhile, I flew to Pyramid Valley, India, to follow their talk with an in-person keynote and a post-conference class.

Great speakers came from all over the world to share their energy-healing discoveries, techniques, and inventions. There was a presentation about using light and crystals to balance chakras, meridians, and Radiant Circuits. Another fascinating speaker demonstrated the effect of light on allergies. Other topics included laser therapy for pain and tinnitus, regression for healing difficult cases, and many forms of meditation. Doctors, scientists, psychologists, and therapists shared their case studies, triumphs, and defeats.

When Donna and David were “Zoomed” in, they presented all kinds of energy ideas and exercises for beginners. Watching Donna’s energy artistry mesmerized me once again, as it always does, and the entire audience as well! She tested and corrected all the energies of the Daily Energy Routine, the Aura, energies crossing over, grounding, and more. But her most convincing tool, and what the audience really loved, was energy testing. They couldn’t get enough of it and embraced all of our EEM techniques unlike any crowd I had ever seen!

My live presentation followed Donna’s and preceded Dr. Fred Alan Wolf, who is widely known as Dr. Quantum from “What the Bleep do we Know.” I found myself on a big stage, blinded by many lights and cameras. Although I had prepared my seminar in a logical sequence, I quickly realized that a linear approach would go against the natural flow of our participants’ way of being. They didn’t want or need long scientific explanations about how things work energetically, in fact, talking about energy and living with energy as a lifestyle is quite normal there. It was evident that energy testing was the most important thing for our friends in India to witness. So, I jumped into my ‘spontaneous shoes’ and went with the flow. They were quick to accept the theory of energy testing, but when actual proof was demonstrated right in front of their eyes, you could literally feel an energy shift in the room. They were delighted to experience simple methods of testing and correction. It was a pleasant surprise to most of them and it created an instant trust in EEM.

Eva Gold presents on stage.

When I walked off the stage I found myself surrounded by many people asking to be tested. They had come to the conference with a strong desire to discover and were very enthusiastic to learn more about EEM. They wanted to know where their bodies were, energetically. They loved ‘hooking up,’ spooning their feet, and doing crossover patterns. They were curious about the Triple Warmer and how to combat stress. Their radiant faces and curious minds melted my heart. One by one I met with every person who had questions or wanted to be tested and gave each of them one exercise to practice based on their imbalance. We kept it playful and enjoyed a fun evening. These people had the most sincere and heartfelt response to our EEM introductory presentation I had ever seen. It was 10:00 p.m. when I finally went to my room that night, exhausted but inspired!

Pyramid Valley was buzzing with excitement throughout the weekend. As I walked through the courtyard, I was delighted to see people walking around Thumping, Cross Crawling, and Hooking -Up. They wasted no time in putting their new skills into practice. People would stop me to show off what they’d learned and some even asked to be re-tested. They beamed when they were able to discover an imbalance – as they learned this is the first and most significant step towards resolving an issue. They LOVED testing energies! EEM was highly successful and I believe its popularity will grow in India from this point forward; it found a new home with friendly family members of bright minds, kind energy, and loving hearts.

Karen BerryDonna and David Keynote Major India Healing Conference Virtually While Eva Gold Presents In-Person

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