Chronic Tension

One of my clients is unusually tense, and I'm finding it difficult to help him relax enough so I can do effective energy work with him. I'd appreciate any suggestions you can make.

First, make sure he's "hooked up" by holding the points on his navel and 3rd eye. Then do a "spinal flush" by massaging the neurolymphatics along his spine. This not only relieves tension, but also moves toxic energy out of the body.

Separating Heaven from Earth is an exercise you might lead him through. It helps move tense energies out of the body. What appears to be tension may be his efforts to hold his energies together because they are really very scrambled. I would check to see if the Wayne Cook posture (Chapter 3) is needed (put your finger about a foot in front of and to the left of his left eye and have his eyes follow as you move your finger to the far right—if he loses his strength on a general indicator test, it means he needs it).

With your client laying on his back, slip your fingers underneath his head, cradle his head with your middle fingers on his central lymphatic points (where the head meets the neck) and simply hold for a couple of minutes. A deep relaxation usually begins. I would follow this by gently holding the neurovascular points on his head. Use your hands and fingers to link points for triple warmer (the fight or flight meridian) with the main points on his forehead. Holding them for several minutes while he sits or lies quietly may make a big difference.

If he continues to remain tense, it may be that his energies are "frozen." The definition of a frozen meridian is that it (and the muscles related to it) have lost their natural electromagnetic polarity. Operationally, it means that there is no difference between the muscle’s energetic response to the positive and negative sides of a magnet. Unfreezing the triple warmer muscle at the bottom of the scapula (teres minor) will often help a person to let go of physical tension. See Q/A on "Frozen Muscles."

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EverettChronic Tension

Drained by EE Exercises

Can the energy enhancing exercises that you teach take energy away? I loved the opening chapters of your book and was motivated to start doing the "Daily Energy Routine" plus several of the other exercises. I started feeling worse, very low energy, on the second day, and after trying them a few more times I have given up.

Two things are likely. Whenever I’ve seen a client’s energies drain from the exercises in the "Daily Energy Routine," the person was homolateral. This has been the case in every instance I have known. If a person is homolateral, doing the homolateral crossover (p. 233) once or twice daily is critical if everything else is to work.

The other dynamic that may be at play is that because the energy exercises are designed to shift established energy habits in order to improve the flow of energy through your body, the triple warmer meridian, whose job is to maintain habits and homeostasis, may be treating the exercises as a threat. See the discussion on calming and sedating triple warmer that begins on page 235.

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EverettDrained by EE Exercises