Autoimmune Disorders

We met at the book signing after your talk in Ann Arbor. You asked me to write you because there wasn’t time to answer my question. I am trying to overcome an autoimmune disease which doctors have variously diagnosed as rheumatoid arthritis, Sjorgren’s syndrome, and lupus. My eyes are so severely dry that they have had to plug my tear ducts to prevent damage to my corneas and loss of vision. Did you have any ideas of how energy techniques could help me? I am willing to travel to see you as a patient if necessary.

While autoimmune illnesses may express themselves in a broad spectrum of symptoms, energetically they share many features, whether named rheumatoid arthritis, Sjorgren’s syndrome, lupus, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, Crohn’s disease, chronic fatigue disorder, or any of a host of 50 other tricky conditions (see the Autoimmune Association’s website at Western medicine is the first to admit that, while invasive interventions such as steroids are available to suppress the symptoms, little is known about how to cure these illnesses, where antibodies are produced against a person’s own tissue. By addressing the energetic roots of these conditions, however, I have seen the symptoms go into apparently permanent remission in cases where doctors could give no reason for hope, and I have seen this happy result dozens of times in my 23 years of practice.

Four primary energy intervention strategies should be considered for any autoimmune illness:

1.Calming the triple warmer meridian (and thus the immune system’s overresponse) and establishing a balance between the spleen and triple warmer meridians (see Chapter 8 of Energy Medicine).
2. Establishing and maintaining crossover patterns throughout the body (see the discussions of the Celtic weave in Chapter 6 and the homolateral crossover on pp. 250 - 252 of Energy Medicine).
3. Establishing and maintaining a general balance and harmony among all the energy systems, using techniques such as those in the 5-minute "Daily Energy Routine" (Chapter 3 of Energy Medicine).
4. Establishing and maintaining space in the body for energy to move, using lots of stretching and exercises such as "Connecting Heaven and Earth" (pp. 266 - 268 of Energy Medicine).

While for any serious, longstanding condition such as yours, I would strongly recommend that you find an energy healer in your area (see the recommendations for finding a qualified practitioner on the "Practitioners" page on my site or in the Appendix of Energy Medicine), these four points map a general approach to autoimmune disorders that would also be tailored to the person’s specific symptoms.

Regarding the severe dryness in your eyes, without being able to see or energy test you, I can only make a guess. Stomach meridian governs the body’s moisture, and it’s pathway travels through the eyes. Therefore, working with stomach meridian, such as tapping the ends of the meridian, holding the meridian’s acupuncture points, or flushing the meridian (trace backward once and forward three times) should help correct the energy imbalance that your symptoms may reflect.

Also, make a point of keeping spleen meridian strong by checking it regularly and using tapping, tracing, or holding to correct imbalances. This helps with autoimmune disorders by strengthening the immune system while maintaining a healthy inner environment.

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Karen BerryAutoimmune Disorders

Donna and David Keynote Major India Healing Conference Virtually While Eva Gold Presents In-Person

By Eva Gold

An outside view of the pyramid where the conference was held.

Donna and David were invited to present a keynote address at a major healing conference in India. India has opened its doors to embrace technology and modern approaches to wellness, all while respecting the ancient techniques of meditation and yoga. Donna and David’s travel schedule didn’t allow them to attend. Instead they delivered their presentation electronically from the U.S. while the entire conference was gathered and listening to them in India. Meanwhile, I flew to Pyramid Valley, India, to follow their talk with an in-person keynote and a post-conference class.

Great speakers came from all over the world to share their energy-healing discoveries, techniques, and inventions. There was a presentation about using light and crystals to balance chakras, meridians, and Radiant Circuits. Another fascinating speaker demonstrated the effect of light on allergies. Other topics included laser therapy for pain and tinnitus, regression for healing difficult cases, and many forms of meditation. Doctors, scientists, psychologists, and therapists shared their case studies, triumphs, and defeats.

When Donna and David were “Zoomed” in, they presented all kinds of energy ideas and exercises for beginners. Watching Donna’s energy artistry mesmerized me once again, as it always does, and the entire audience as well! She tested and corrected all the energies of the Daily Energy Routine, the Aura, energies crossing over, grounding, and more. But her most convincing tool, and what the audience really loved, was energy testing. They couldn’t get enough of it and embraced all of our EEM techniques unlike any crowd I had ever seen!

My live presentation followed Donna’s and preceded Dr. Fred Alan Wolf, who is widely known as Dr. Quantum from “What the Bleep do we Know.” I found myself on a big stage, blinded by many lights and cameras. Although I had prepared my seminar in a logical sequence, I quickly realized that a linear approach would go against the natural flow of our participants’ way of being. They didn’t want or need long scientific explanations about how things work energetically, in fact, talking about energy and living with energy as a lifestyle is quite normal there. It was evident that energy testing was the most important thing for our friends in India to witness. So, I jumped into my ‘spontaneous shoes’ and went with the flow. They were quick to accept the theory of energy testing, but when actual proof was demonstrated right in front of their eyes, you could literally feel an energy shift in the room. They were delighted to experience simple methods of testing and correction. It was a pleasant surprise to most of them and it created an instant trust in EEM.

Eva Gold presents on stage.

When I walked off the stage I found myself surrounded by many people asking to be tested. They had come to the conference with a strong desire to discover and were very enthusiastic to learn more about EEM. They wanted to know where their bodies were, energetically. They loved ‘hooking up,’ spooning their feet, and doing crossover patterns. They were curious about the Triple Warmer and how to combat stress. Their radiant faces and curious minds melted my heart. One by one I met with every person who had questions or wanted to be tested and gave each of them one exercise to practice based on their imbalance. We kept it playful and enjoyed a fun evening. These people had the most sincere and heartfelt response to our EEM introductory presentation I had ever seen. It was 10:00 p.m. when I finally went to my room that night, exhausted but inspired!

Pyramid Valley was buzzing with excitement throughout the weekend. As I walked through the courtyard, I was delighted to see people walking around Thumping, Cross Crawling, and Hooking -Up. They wasted no time in putting their new skills into practice. People would stop me to show off what they’d learned and some even asked to be re-tested. They beamed when they were able to discover an imbalance – as they learned this is the first and most significant step towards resolving an issue. They LOVED testing energies! EEM was highly successful and I believe its popularity will grow in India from this point forward; it found a new home with friendly family members of bright minds, kind energy, and loving hearts.

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Karen BerryDonna and David Keynote Major India Healing Conference Virtually While Eva Gold Presents In-Person

Is Energy Testing Accurate?

Anne Jensen, Ph.D.
Kinesiology Researcher

By David Feinstein, Ph.D.

One of the challenges in developing Eden Energy Medicine was to teach people who – unlike Donna Eden – don’t “see” energy, how to work effectively with the body as an energy system. To do this, we rely on a method used widely by many health care providers – particularly chiropractors, kinesiologists, and Touch for Health practitioners – for assessing the flow of energy through the body.

Each of the body’s major energy pathways – the meridians – moves through a different muscle. By positioning the body and applying pressure in a manner that assesses the relative resistance of the muscle, a determination can be made about whether the meridian energy associated with that muscle is flowing through it optimally or is inhibited or blocked.  Conventionally called “Muscle Testing,” Donna calls this “Energy Testing” because the strength of the muscle is not being tested. It doesn’t change from one moment to the next.  What is being tested is the flow of energy.

Research on the reliability of Muscle Testing has been mixed and ultimately unpersuasive. This has long been of concern to us, but we have interpreted the inconsistent findings as being based on the fact that many of the variables involved in the process are difficult to control, contaminating research results. For instance, since the mind can demonstrably influence the flow of energy, if the practitioner is nervous about being evaluated in the research setting or believes a particular outcome will be correct, this in itself will influence the flow of energy through the meridians and thus the test. We teach our practitioners ways of keeping the mind from interfering with test outcomes, but these methods are not widely practiced.

So we have been particularly interested in new research on Muscle Testing that has come out of England’s exalted Oxford University and which is very encouraging about the accuracy of the method.  I recently met the scientist who conducted this research, Anne Jensen, Ph.D., at a conference in Vancouver. I had already read the papers presenting her research, and I attended her lecture at the conference and then had the honor of having lunch with her.

What did I discover?

I learned that the Oxford team estimates that more than one million people use Muscle Testing as an evaluation tool.  This includes approximately 40% of the chiropractors in the U.S., but also practitioners in dozens of other health care disciplines. Like Donna, Jensen makes a distinction between testing the strength of the muscle and the state of the muscle, for which she uses the term “neural control.”

In Jensen’s initial experiment, Muscle Tests yielded significantly greater accuracy than when the practitioners made an “intuitive guess” about the condition being tested. A replication of the study produced a similar finding.

While the experiments did not show Muscle Testing to be 100% accurate, they do suggest that the approach provides information that should be considered along with intuition, observation, and client reports. And some of the practitioners did achieve nearly perfect accuracy in their tests.  We consider this an extraordinary finding since the research was being conducted outside of any treatment context, where the natural rapport between client and practitioner is likely to enhance the accuracy of the test.  One other finding of great interest is that practitioners who were relatively new to Muscle Testing were as accurate with the method as those who had been using it for years, suggesting that if you are applying a method incorrectly, applying it incorrectly for a decade does not make you better at it.

Click here to learn more about Jensen’s online courses.

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Karen BerryIs Energy Testing Accurate?

Spreading the Spirit of Tikkun Olam

EP Canada

David Feinstein presenting at the Energy Psychology Conference of Canada

By Dondi Dahlin

When I recently MC’d the Energy Psychology Conference of Canada, our good friend Sharon Cass-Toole told me that we need to keep spreading healing and “Tikkun Olam.” Tikkun Olam is a Jewish concept represented by acts of kindness to repair the world. Sharon has extended the spirit of Tikkun Olam at her Energy Psychology Conference of Canada every year for the past 19 years. This year was no exception in bringing healing and light to people, especially those who have experienced grief, loss, and trauma. And, truly, who hasn’t? That is just about all of us. We are living in some scary times, fueled by fear, ignorance, and intolerance. Sharon shows us how to empower ourselves with an excellent array of teachers, classes, vendors, and music that she offers every year. People from all over the world attend the only conference of its kind in Canada.

This year the Energy Psychology Conference of Canada was held in Vancouver, British Columbia and it featured a multitude of workshops including transforming grief and loss, the effect of transgenerational traumas, helping children and teens through Energy Psychology, emotional reframing of trauma-induced pain, birth trauma syndromes, sound healing, sacred geometry, epigenetics, and an exquisite panel of doctors and healers who discussed what to do when energy healing fails. Keynote speakers included Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona, Dr. Christine Page, Dr. David Feinstein, and Dr. Dawson Church.

We celebrate Sharon and her husband Meyer Toole, and look forward to their 20th anniversary event in Toronto, October 2018. In these days when so many people are turning to online education, we love to support high-quality live events like theirs. Live events are rarely lucrative. The people who run them do it out of love and passion for the work. Conferences like Sharon and Meyer’s, with diverse offerings and excellent presenters, hold a magic that will never be duplicated online. It is wonderful to bond face-to-face with people of like minds! We will be in Toronto in 2018 to further this important work and we hope to see you there! Click here for details about the 2017 conference.

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Karen BerrySpreading the Spirit of Tikkun Olam

The Relationship Roller Coaster

By Dondi Dahlin

My Mom and David have always been extremely hard workers. The people who work with and love them are often trying to get them to slow down. But, when you feel you were born to help others heal, your work is never done.

They often fold their strong work ethic into unique workshops, specifically one which started a long time ago and has come full circle with their New York Times Bestselling book, The Energies of Love.

Before The Energies of Love there was The Relationship Roller Coaster, and it took place while white water rafting on the Rogue River in Southern Oregon during the early 1980s. That’s right! Imagine battling white water, flying down class IV rapids in an 8×5 floating container, and diving deep into the issues of your relationship with your mate. At night, after navigating the mighty river, couples would delve into the dynamics of love around a cozy campfire while learning techniques to communicate more effectively. Mom and David took many couples on this adventure while traversing their own relationship and inviting nature in.

Throughout my teenage years, Mom and David packed school auditoriums with their teachings about The Relationship Roller Coaster and I gleaned the information and techniques to improve my own relationships through my 20s and 30s. Now in my late 40s, I still use techniques they taught me 35 years ago, and when I do, there is always positive progress in my relationship with others and with myself.

One of the most important things that Mom and David taught me was how to recognize whether a person perceives the world visually, tonally, digitally, or kinesthetically. Knowing this valuable little gem has helped me get through a lot of conflict over the decades in a much more graceful and far less debilitating way than if I wasn’t aware of people’s sensory types. Knowing my own sensory type has allowed me to understand why a tone in someone’s voice can trigger me so immediately into defensiveness, or why I look at situations and see everything wrong with them, or how easily I can feel my heart hurt and how quickly tears come. Can you guess my sensory types? If you don’t know yet, I will give you a hint: My mind never sees in graphs or lines and logic can seem completely illogical to me.

If you don’t know about the sensory types, and if I have peaked your interest in them, then you are in for a treat! For the last year and a half, we have been preparing The Energies of Love Super Summit. You will see marketing and publicity over the next few weeks about our very first endeavor into the world of summits, which can be so powerful and inspiring.

Don’t miss the fine print that The Energies of Love Super Summit is FREE! Added bonus: You don’t have to grab your oars and hit the river or pack into an auditorium to learn Mom and David’s simple yet profound protocols for having healthier, more loving relationships. We are bringing The Energies of Love into the comfort of your home!

What you won’t see during The Energies of Love Super Summit is what happened when we were on the road filming. When we went into the homes of Bruce Lipton and his wife Margaret Horton, Dawson Church and his wife Christine Church, husband/wife team Alberto Villoldo & Marcela Lobos, and Jean Houston we were all viscerally impacted by the filming sessions. More than once, our film crew was emotionally moved to tears by the wisdom of these incredible leaders and their thoughts about the biology, energy, spirituality, and psychology of relationships.

We hope you will join us for some of the most internationally recognized leaders in biology, psychology, shamanism, spirituality, new thought and human potential. You may have heard these experts before, but in The Energies of Love Super Summit, you will get to see them in new ways. The summit is video (not audio), and the experts open up about love, relationships, and what keeps two people together and evolving, or not. The summit brought us to laughter, tears, and into our hearts while we watched these accomplished teachers embrace vulnerability, the difficulties of relationships, and the infinite rewards of loving.

This event is made even more special by Mom and David guiding couples through a new evolution of their relationships, and in September we will share it all with you. I hope you will join us! I know I will be watching the summit for all seven days and sharing it with my friends so they can improve their relationships and have more joy in their lives. See you at The Energies of Love Super Summit!

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Karen BerryThe Relationship Roller Coaster

Can Energy Medicine be Used with Animals?

By Donna and David

Young Tiernan Tracing Rex’s Governing Meridian

We loved Shasta. Shasta was a Golden Retriever/Irish Setter mix who had the dignity of a Setter and the smarts and happy personality of a Retriever. She was the first dog who was truly ours together. We were in our 30s when Shasta entered our lives, just a few years after my (Donna’s) professional Energy Medicine practice had entered. Shasta was one of the first recipients of many of the techniques we now teach in the Certification Program. She was also one of my first collaborators as an Energy Medicine practitioner.

Shasta would greet my clients with a tail wag and a friendly sniff. Then she would take her place under the treatment table as I got to work. We had some concern that Shasta would take on people’s illnesses, but what I could see was that Shasta’s energies would engage the client’s energies in ways that were beneficial for both of them. That’s how it usually works for me as well.

We lived on an acre in the country just outside of Ashland, Oregon, and after Tanya and Dondi had left home, we took two more large dogs into the family. All three were between 70 and 90 pounds, and they all shared in their love of the land and in their love of food (remember the Far Side cartoon of two enthusiastic dogs watching their owner preparing their meal and one of them excitedly saying to the other, “Oh boy! . . . It’s dog food AGAIN!” It was like that.). We believed in energy testing our own diets, and we believed in that for the dogs. Each body is unique, and what would be good for one wasn’t necessarily good for the other.

As a result, we had a ritual about every six weeks of ushering the dogs into their accustomed spots in the back of our pick-up and driving them to the Grange Co-op, which was pet friendly and carried probably two dozen different types of dog food. We would march all three of these noble creatures into the Co-op and individually energy test them (using surrogate testing). “Ah, Shasta is OD’d on Science Diet for a while, but she’s strong on Nature’s Variety Duck and Turkey formula. Willow is ready to go back to Science Diet. Spirit is strongest on the Canine Wellness Protein Focused Formula this month.”

We will tell more stories about Shasta, Willow, and Spirit in future issues, but will close here by saying that the first Eden Energy Medicine canine recipient, Shasta, lived 17 healthy years. Even after her eyesight and hearing started to fail, she held her own with Willow and Spirit. She died quickly in an accident rather than old age.

We hope you enjoy this issue, which features a case history about EEM with a cat, an article on the incredible class Madison King will be offering for applying Energy Medicine with your pets, and an introduction to our upcoming Facebook Contest, “Favorite Fur Baby Friday”.

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Karen BerryCan Energy Medicine be Used with Animals?