I have suffered over the years from bouts of depression. I have finally come to some relief, using Prozac. While it is wonderful to have found a medication that helps, I am now having trouble with side effects. What would you suggest?
Depression scrambles the body’s energies and also slows the movement of energy through all the body’s systems. This in turn often causes the meridians to run backwards. The 5-minute "Daily Energy Routine" can, in itself, be helpful, and there are numerous other focused energy techniques that can get all the energy systems hooked up and flowing again. However, long-standing endogenous depression, in particular, can be very tricky to treat, and anti-depressant medication can be a godsend.
But because medications themselves often also scramble the body’s energies, prescribing is an art that often also involves a great deal of trial and error. Assuming you have discussed the side-effect problem with the physician who is managing your medication and that your current choice and dosage is as good as he or she knows how to get it, here is how to use an energy medicine approach to counter the side effects. First you would check both the Prozac and its dosage with energy tests. You would begin using the spleen as a general indicator test (Chapter 2 of Energy Medicine). You would also need your physician’s involvement or at least consent to do these tests, and if you cannot get it, you have the choice of staying with your current dosage and medication or finding a physician who is willing to at least explore an energy approach to counter the medication’s side effects.
If the spleen indicator test shows the Prozac to be strong, you would then use the same test to determine the proper dosage. This is a time where your intention for the test makes a difference. You could do the first general indicator test holding either the container of pills or a single pill. Your focus is on whether this is the proper medication.
When you are testing the dosage, you would, at the time of day when you would normally take the medication, test one capsule. If the test shows weak, cut the capsule in half. If half the amount tests strong, this is more likely to be the proper dosage for you to take at that time of day. If the original capsule tests strong, cut another capsule and see if adding part of it keeps you strong. Continue until you test weak. The amount that last tested strong will probably be a good dosage to take each day at the appointed time (if the medication is normally taken twice each day, this would be the amount to take each time). Because, however, other factors that are specific to you on that day may vary, and anti-depressant medication seems to work best if you stay with the same dosage each day, it can be useful to do the test on several days to see the amount that is most frequently needed.
If the general indicator test does not stay strong, perhaps your physician has samples of other anti-depressant medications that you can energy test. Once you have identified a medication that is in harmony with your energy system and determined the proper dosage, you would then test this dosage on each of the alarm points (p. 112). This would show you which meridians are having trouble with the medication, even though the spleen general indicator test showed that it is generally good for you. You would then work with these meridians daily to keep them strong and flowing, including working with them while holding the medication on the related alarm points. The "5-Minute Routine" (Chapter 3) will also help stabilize your body’s energies so you can more readily tolerate the intrusion of the medication