Osteoporosis & the Spinal Flush

If a person has osteoporosis, should I avoid clearing the neurolymphatic reflex points along the spine?

You may continue to massage these places, but just be a bit more gentle as you do so, and listen for any feedback that the person might give you. As you probably know, these points are tender in most people because they become clogged with toxins and stagnant energy. Massaging them helps clear the toxins and gets the energy flowing more freely, which will always benefit the person’s health.

The two cautions here are 1) that the physical pressure you use does not exacerbate any previous injuries or vulnerabilities, and 2) that the person’s energy system is not so weak or disorganized that stirring up toxins overwhelms the system’s ability to eliminate those toxins.

Simply having the person you are working with let you know how much pressure you can apply generally addresses the first caution. For the second, a general balancing such as the "Daily Energy Routine" (Chapter 3 of Energy Medicine) before you do the full spinal flush is usually sufficient.

If the neurolymphatic reflex points are still too painful for any real massage, place one finger on a back neurolymphatic point and the finger of your other hand on the corresponding point in front. Use a back and forth see-saw motion, pressing in on one point as you release on the other. This is much easier for even a highly sensitive individual to tolerate

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EverettOsteoporosis & the Spinal Flush

Multiple Sclerosis

I’m a registered nurse working in an office that treats many multiple sclerosis patients. Your book describes a woman who achieved great results from what you taught her. Can you tell me what techniques you used? Does it have something to do with triple warmer?

I believe you are referring to Beverly (Energy Medicine pp. 246–247). Multiple sclerosis involves an autoimmune process—an abnormal immune response directed against one’s own central nervous system, particularly the myelin sheaths that cover the nerves. You are on the right track with suspecting that triple warmer is involved. Triple warmer is the energy that aggressively mobilizes all the systems in your body to fight.

Because we are all bombarded with unprecedented stresses and toxins on a daily basis, triple warmer is continuously activated. For some people because of genetic or other predispositions, this leads to disorders of the immune system, such as multiple sclerosis. Because environmental and lifestyle-caused stresses are only getting worse, autoimmune disease may well be the illness of the future.

When I met Beverly, her energy looked like a series of blown circuits. Triple warmer meridian was in a perpetual state of emergency, and her immune system, nervous system, and circulatory system were oscillating among fight, flight, and freeze. This habitual emergency response needed to be interrupted. Without stopping this pattern, any healing work would not have had lasting impact. Here is what I did:

  • The entire first session was dedicated to communicating to her hypothalamus (which governs triple warmer) the message that she was safe. I did this by first sedating triple warmer (see Chapter 8 in Energy Medicine) and then balancing out all of the energies, most specifically her meridian acupressure points, neurolymphatic reflexes, and chakras.
  • Her energies were homolateral, so the Homolateral Crossover (Energy Medicine pp. 250 - 252) was an important part of her homework.
  • She needed to establish some strong crossover patterns, so I taught her the Celtic Weave, and all the rhythmic 8 techniques in Chapter 6 of Energy Medicine.
  • In addition, Beverly integrated nutritional support (she particularly needed more protein, which is very often the case with MS patients, as well as potassium to alleviate tingling, chromium, and Butcher’s Broom—all this can be energy tested) and specific energy techniques for a hypoglycemic condition (which includes strengthening the spleen and sedating triple warmer). Because she was connected to a hospital clinic, she began to teach other multiple sclerosis patients the techniques that were helping her, and this cemented them in for her. She also learned how to establish stronger emotional and physical boundaries, which I’ve found is often an issue for MS patients.
  • Finally, she was given techniques designed to keep her energies unscrambled and flowing, essentially the five-minute daily routine, Separating Heaven and Earth, pumping up the cerebral spinal fluid, and Heaven Rushing In when she felt despair or didn’t know what else to do. One additional principle for treating people with multiple sclerosis is that they need time to integrate energy shifts. So don’t rush the process, pause between techniques, and remind them that they must likewise pace their lives. A balance between action and rest is essential for all of us, but even more so here.

Autoimmune illnesses can be greatly helped by an energy medicine approach. While Western medicine can only suppress the symptoms of these disorders, working with their energetic foundation can get to their core. This not only initiates healing forces, it literally reverses the immune system’s attack on its own body. And I have seen MRI reports where the myelin sheaths literally regrew after a series of energy medicine treatments, something many people who work with MS believe cannot happen. While there is still a lot to learn about how to help people with MS, energy medicine already has a great deal to offer.

Also see the other entries on MS, particularly "Multiple Sclerosis – Advanced Stages" and "Multiple Sclerosis and the Use of Magnets."

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EverettMultiple Sclerosis

Osteoarthritis of the Knee

What can I do for osteoarthritis in my right knee?

Without seeing your energies, I can only give some very general guidelines. Techniques that are likely to be helpful include:

  • Look at the meridian diagrams on pp. 101 – 109 of Energy Medicine and the "Muscle Meridian Chart" on page 287. Determine which meridian or muscle runs through the portion of your knee that bothers you. Hold the acupuncture sedating points for that meridian (pp. 120 – 123). If your leg feels weak after you hold these points, follow the sedating points with the strengthening points.
  • Hold your thumb and first two fingers softly behind your knee for three or four minutes. The neurovascular points there will pull blood to the area.
  • There is a technique, certainly a part of energy medicine but a field onto itself, called orthobionomy (numerous listings can be found on search engines such as Google). It basically deals with placing the middle finger on an area of pain and then folding up the body or the muscles up around the finger so you have taken the tension off of that area. There is no set time frame for this, but it is usually less than two minutes. After you stop holding, check the point again by pressing in on it. You will often find that the pain is gone.
  • Many people report that zone tapping (Energy Medicine p. 288) has been very helpful to people with their knees as well as many other forms of chronic pain.

Weave a figure 8 in and above the energy field all around the area of the pain.

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EverettOsteoarthritis of the Knee

Night Terrors

I recently suffered an awful experience. While I was not physically hurt, I was terrorized. I have worked through much of this pain, but occasionally at night I still feel terror. What can I do to ease this?

It sounds like a meridian called triple warmer, which governs the fight or flight response, is on over-alert and can’t turn off. The fear you experience deep in the night may be that triple warmer does not want you to give up your vigilance. It wants to keep you on alert so you do not let your guard down. By calming triple warmer when the fear is there, you retrain it, you show it that you understand the fear and you tell it in its language that you are managing the situation and that it is safe now. Be ready with these techniques for when the terror comes: 1) do the "hook-up" (Energy Medicine p. 119) while breathing deeply, 2) "smooth behind the ears" (Energy Medicine pp. 235 – 236), and 3) tap for up to a minute on the back sides of your hands, between the 4th and 5th fingers, just below the knuckles and toward the wrist.

Finally, each evening before you go to sleep, or if the terror returns, place one hand on your forehead and the other at the back of your head, with your thumb just below the occipital ridge (where your neck and head connect) and the rest of your hand above it. Hold for about a minute. You will simultaneously be holding several points that are involved with fear and others that act to calm the entire body

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Multiple Sclerosis and Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatments

I recently underwent Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatments for my multiple sclerosis. After 40 dives, I regained more cognitive function and was thrilled with the success of the treatment. However, after 80 dives my coordination is much worse. Do you have any insight as to why this happened?

Any of a number of factors may be involved when a treatment starts to work and then stops working or even does harm. I suspect that in your case the issue has to do with moderation. Extreme change, even if it is in a positive and healing direction, puts the triple warmer meridian (which governs both the immune system and the maintaining of habitual patterns in the body’s energies) on alert, and it will begin to respond to the treatment as an outside invader, fighting it, preventing it from being effective, and causing new problems as well.

No matter how brilliant the technique, its effects on the entire system have to be monitored, step by step. Moderation gives your nervous system a chance to absorb and metabolize the changes. This is a particularly sensitive issue in the treatment of multiple sclerosis because spleen meridian, which is charged with "metabolizing change" and which is the first meridian that triple warmer draws energy from when it goes on alert, is so centrally involved in multiple sclerosis.

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EverettMultiple Sclerosis and Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatments

Multiple Sclerosis – Advanced Stages

My daughter, Shannon, lives in Johannesburg and is a trained, registered aroma therapist. She has a life-long friend who has had multiple sclerosis for years and is no longer able to communicate or move her body except for her fingers. Because her friend's family is devoutly Catholic, Shannon has been reluctant to offer energy medicine, but she is working up the courage to ask them if she could try to help Candace in this way. So far, she has only provided her friend with gentle massage so as not to upset the family, but she knows that much more can be done, especially after having read the section in Energy Medicine on autoimmune disorders. I know it's a tall order, but can you make any further suggestions?

Shannon's challenge is a difficult one, even if she were not concerned about the family's religious background. As always, it's difficult to customize my advice without actually seeing how Candace's energies flow. However, positive forces can be brought into play even with the limited license you have been given.

Each of the following can be helpful:

  1. Clear the neurolymphatics along each side of Candace’s spine to move toxins and begin to re-balance her energy.
  2. Calm her triple warmer meridian on a regular basis by holding the acupressure sedating points (pp. 134 - 137 of Energy Medicine) and do the Triple Warmer Smoothie technique (pp. 252 of Energy Medicine) on her while she breathes deeply.
  3. Strengthen the spleen energy in every way possible: flush the meridian, trace it forwards, tap the spleen points as shown in the three thumps exercise, hold the spleen neurovascular points, and massage the spleen neurolymphatics. All of these approaches are described in the book.
  4. Help Candace pump her cerebrospinal fluid by placing her hands in the following positions and breathing deeply. Shannon could move Candace’s hands to these places, or use her own, but it is important that Candace take three or four deep breaths with each position that is held:
  • Place the left hand over the middle of the chest and the right hand above the right ear with the fingers extending upward towards the top of the head.
  • Keep the left hand where it is and move the right hand to the back of the head just above the neck, cupping the occipital bone.
  • Switch hands, this time placing the right hand in the middle of the chest and the left hand above the left ear.
  • Leave the right hand where it is, and place the left hand on the forehead with the fingers pointing up towards the top of head.

Remember, Candace needs to take slow, deep breaths with each position.

  1. Energy check the neurovascular (NV) points (illustrated on p. 274) and hold any which test weak. Shannon can use a surrogate test by having another person hold Candace's hand while Shannon energy tests that person, who energetically becomes a surrogate while touching Candace. Have the person touch each NV point on Candace's head while Shannon energy tests a general indicator muscle on the surrogate. Any NV points that test weak should be gently held. It is also valuable to link the points that were weak with the main NV stress points (the "frontal eminences" on the forehead) by holding both simultaneously.
  2. Shannon might stretch Candace's body to "make space," not only in her physical body, but also in her energy system. By this I simply mean to lay each hand flat on different parts of Candace's body and pull apart.
  3. Diet is particularly important when working with MS, and the required amounts and types of protein are often a critical issue. I usually recommend that people with MS eat a good deal of red meat (but you also must energy check to be sure the body is strong enough to metabolize it). If possible, it is far better to eat beef from cattle raised on organic grains because beef from cattle raised on steroids and pesticide-treated grains can interfere with the body's metabolism. I also know there is research showing that eating or swallowing in pill form animal myelin sheath (a protein itself) helps with symptoms of MS and, surprisingly, is relatively readily metabolized. You may try to track down this research on the Internet.

Also see the other entries on MS, particularly "Multiple Sclerosis and the Use of Magnets."

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EverettMultiple Sclerosis – Advanced Stages

Multiple Sclerosis & the Use of Magnets

I have multiple sclerosis. In your chapters on pain and on electromagnetic pollution, you speak about the use of magnets. Since multiple sclerosis is a disorder of the nervous system, I was wondering if there is a way to use magnets to help with MS?

The primary energy interventions for multiple sclerosis include

  1. Calming the triple warmer meridian (and thus the immune system’s over-response) and establishing a balance between the spleen and triple warmer meridians (see Energy Medicine Chapter 8) so the spleen meridian can do its job of metabolizing food, stimulation, energies, change, and emotions.
  2. Establishing and maintaining crossover patterns throughout the body (see discussion of the Celtic weave and homolateral crossover).
  3. Establishing and maintaining a general balance and harmony among all the energy systems, using techniques such as those in the 5-minute "Daily Energy Routine."
  4. Establishing and maintaining space in the body for energy to move using lots of stretching and exercises such as "Separating Heaven and Earth."
  5. Providing the body with the quantity of protein it needs and the kinds of protein it can best metabolize.
  6. Keeping the spine and nervous system healthy and keeping their energies flowing using techniques such as the "spinal flush." This is where magnets can be very valuable.

Magnets are about as high-tech as I get, but here you must be very careful (pay close attention to the precautions discussed in Energy Medicine Chapter 11). You can use magnets wherever you feel the tingling, painful, or numb sensations of MS. Years ago, when I had a constant buzzing in my hands, I not only found relief by holding onto a magnet's north side, actually wrapping a magnet pad around my entire hand, this also began to effect a permanent change.

However, don't run off and buy magnet patches or sleeves unless you bring a compass or magnet to be sure the north side can be faced toward the skin. Sometimes the north and south sides are thrown in haphazardly, and it is really important that the north side faces out from the pad and toward your skin. Two companies that I do trust are Biomagnetics International and Dr. Leonard’s Catalog. Biomagnetics International sells a round pad, of about 4" diameter, with five magnets sewn inside. But of course there are others, and you can get individual little "bullseye-shaped" magnets with a hole in the middle from Radio Shack. Again, be certain you know which side is north and which is south, using a compass or one of the other techniques discussed in Energy Medicine Chapter 10.

I have literally taped little Radio Shack or Dr. Leonard’s magnets to points on my spine, and I have had many clients do the same, with good results for both areas where the spine goes out of alignment and also for the general functioning of the nervous system. You can also tape the north side of a magnet to an area where pain originates. At one time I had terrible pain shooting up the meridian lines from my feet and nothing seemed to help until I began taping a magnet on the meridian at the pain’s origin. But with any of these applications, use every precaution discussed in Energy Medicine Chapter 11. Also, unless you are very certain that you are reading your own body’s messages and sensations correctly in response to the magnet, have someone energy test the magnet before you tape it on and then periodically while it is on because the initial beneficial effects can be cancelled and reversed by over-stimulation.

Also see the other entries on MS as well as the entry entitled "Magnets."

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Multiple Health Problems

I am a 47-year-old woman, dealing with the following health issues: lifelong overweight, diabetes (3 years), and relapsing/remitting multiple sclerosis (15 years). Please tell me how your information and processes can help me overcome these issues.

Thank you for your interest in energy medicine and for looking our way for help with the difficulties you describe. In my experience, Energy Medicine has been helpful with diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and changing the biochemistry that sets a person up for weight problems. But longstanding, serious problems like you are describing are often beyond the scope of a self-help program, particularly if you are just starting to learn about energy medicine. You might, however, find more general benefits, such as greater energy and sense of well-being from our classes, books, and videotapes, and you might also see some improvements with the problems you list. But I would strongly suggest that you link up with a reliable practitioner. Finding a highly skilled practitioner who is tuned into you and your unique needs often requires serious shopping, inquiry into who is good within your community, persistence, and a bit of luck as well. Good healers are a precious resource. Fortunately, the number of people who skillfully work with subtle energies is increasing in every community. I wish you well in finding just the person who can help you, and I send you my best wishes.

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EverettMultiple Health Problems

Motion Sickness

I am about to go on your Energy Medicine Master the Basics Cruise and need some help with motion sickness. Any suggestions?

Because motion sickness may involve any of several energy systems, one or more of these should be helpful:

  1. Hook up:
    Place one finger in belly button and push in and up slightly. Place another finger on the middle of the forehead right above the bridge of the nose (third eye). Hold both points together and breathe.
  2. Hold Third Eye and Power Point:
    Place one finger on third eye position above and one finger in the indentation on the back of the neck at the base of the skull. Hold and breathe.
  3. Hold Large Intestine Point on Arm:
    Slide up from your pointer finger to the crease on the inside of your arm. Hold that point with the index finger of your other hand. Repeat on the other side and hold both arms at the same time. Breathe.
  4. Hold Liver Point on Foot:
    Put your finger between the big toe and the second toe, then slide up to where your big toe meets your foot. Push in and up towards your big toe. Do for each foot. Hold and Breathe.
  5. Hold Stomach Points and Second Chakra: Push on your cheekbones right below the center of your eyes with one hand. With your other hand, hold your belly right below your belly button. Hold and breathe.
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Meridian Treatment Contraindications

Is there anything to avoid with meridians?  For example, running them backwards all at once, sedating heart, governing, central, etc.?

​​​​This is an important question.  Do not flush or sedate heart meridian.  Rarely sedate spleen meridian. There are "forbidden points" in Chinese Medicine, such as points that are never to be used with a woman who is pregnant. Practitioners should be familiar with these constraints. They are usually listed on the standard acupuncture charts available from schools of acupuncture.

But there is another level of answer to this question, which is simply to stay alert for how the client responds as the work unfolds. Energy interventions give immediate feedback, and they are also quite forgiving. You can energy test the results of an intervention when you are unsure, and you can do the opposite procedure (such as strengthening a meridian you have sedated) to "undo" an intervention.

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