Holding Sedating and Strengthening Points

When holding my own acupuncture strengthening or sedating points, does it matter if my hand rests on my body, or should I be certain that the only parts touching are just my fingertips on the points I’m holding?

I tend to tell people to just have their fingers touching because the fingers direct the energy. However, as long as the fingers are doing the directing, sometimes the hand may actually enhance the process. At any rate, do not worry as long as your fingers have a firm connection.

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EverettHolding Sedating and Strengthening Points

Hiatal Hernia

My husband has a hiatal hernia. An x-ray taken during an attack revealed his stomach to be 60 to 80% above his diaphragm. Surgery has been recommended. I have your book and my friends are encouraging us to try energy medicine techniques instead of surgery. I do not know where to put my faith.

This is a very difficult question to even begin to approach without being able to see or test his energies and make an assessment. I can tell you that I have seen many many instances where energy work did correct a condition where surgery was the standard medical treatment, including hiatal hernias. Following are three procedures that have been helpful, and he will know within two or three days if they are working:

  1. Relaxing the body as much as possible (bath, massage, deep breathing, etc.) and then sedating stomach meridian using the acupressure sedating points (p. 121 of Energy Medicine), holding them two to three times longer than suggested in the book.
  2. Massaging the neurolymphatic points for small intestine (p. 84).
  3. Modifying the diaphragm exercise (pp. 266 – 269) by first doing it as described, and then pushing in hard with the fingers while bending over as you push.

Doing these two or three times should lead to some relief within a couple of days if this is going to be enough to help. If there is no sign of immediate relief, he will have to consider either the surgery or an immediate and thorough assessment and intensive work with an alternative healer. If there is some let-up in the symptoms, he could continue to do these procedures to see if the condition can be turned around completely. Best would be to find a local energy medicine practitioner who could work in conjunction with his physician. But I have seen these techniques alone help the system to relax so completely that all the organs come back into their natural positions

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EverettHiatal Hernia

Hepatitis C Virus

I have been diagnosed with Hepatitis C virus. There is nothing that my doctor can do short of considering a liver transplant. Do you have any suggestions?

I have only one experience with Hepatitis C virus, but we did get him over it. Here are some of the interventions that were helpful in that instance:

  • Working with liver meridian—twice daily—sedating and then strengthening the meridian using the acupressure points
  • Massaging the neurolymphatic reflex points all over the body
  • A liver cleanse (you can find good recipes at health food stores or book stores)
  • Energy testing for methionine and silymarin, available at health food stores, and if either or both test strong, taking them in the quantities that test strong for as long as indicated by periodic energy tests. To do this:
  • "Energy localize" liver (have someone do a general indicator test on you while you lay your whole hand over your liver)
  • Repeat, holding the bottle between your hand and your liver
  • If either or both test strong, you can use the same test to determine the quantities you need, which may change from day to day

It is important to understand that no organ exists on its own. The energy that vitalizes one organ depends on the health of the others, so at a minimum, use the "Daily Energy Routine" to keep all your energies in balance.

The liver can restore itself so it looks like a newborn baby's liver if you can find the right key. I hope these suggestions will help you find it.

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EverettHepatitis C Virus

Heart Chakra and Heat

I love your book and am enjoying doing all the exercises.  I did have a strange experience after doing the chakra exercise on pages 168 - 169. When I got to the heart chakra part of the exercise, my arms, from my shoulder to my fingertips, started radiating an energy that felt very healing, but I also began to feel an alarming amount of heat.     I stopped doing the exercise immediately. Is this normal?  Is it safe? 

Without being able to see your energies, I suspect one of three things may have occurred:

  • The energies may have become congested in your arms.  I always instruct students to shake off the energies from their hands and arms as they move from one chakra to the next since stale chakra energy can spiral into their own force field. This can be avoided if you are centered and keep shaking off the energy.  Another way to clear the energies is to put your entire arms under cold running water and drain off the excess energies.

  • The second possibility is that you activated your own healing forces and were channeling a powerful spiritual energy that sometimes causes a great deal of heat.

  • Most likely, however, is that the "alarming amount of heat" was because the energies of both triple warmer and heart meridian share the same element, which is "fire." Because the two meridians are on the same element, they have a close relationship with one another, and because heart is yin and triple warmer is yang, they are both important in maintaining a balance in "fire" element. Fire element governs body temperature. When the heart chakra was being balanced, triple warmer probably relaxed, allowing a large amount of energy that had been held in the heart chakra to be freed, spiraling up as heat from deep within, and then radiating down your arms.

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EverettHeart Chakra and Heat

Hashimoto’s Disease

I have a thyroid condition called Hashimoto’s disease. It has been somewhat controlled with acupuncture and now medication.  Despite these efforts, I still have symptoms. What can I do energetically to ease this problem?

Without being able to see your energies, and not knowing what your acupuncturist has tried, I can only make a very generic recommendation, which is to be sure that triple warmer and spleen are in a good balance (see Chapter 8 of Energy Medicine). Triple warmer and spleen govern the thyroid. To maintain that balance, diligently keep calming triple warmer and strengthening spleen. You might also, several times each day, do the "hook-up" (p. 119) and the "smoothing behind the ears" (pp. 235 - 236) exercises and tap the spleen neurolymphatic points (p. 84). Because the thyroid often balances itself as the body’s energies come into a better balance, I would also strongly recommend the five-minute "Daily Energy Routine" (Chapter 3).

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EverettHashimoto’s Disease

Gray Hair

Recently you mentioned that you knew some herbs and other substances that are good for preventing and reversing gray hair (and other hair problems). Would you share them with us here?

Absolutely! But before we start, I want it on the record and understood that you should energy test anything I recommend here, using energy localizing. Always remember that no two people are the same. What may work for one person won't necessarily work for another.

Also, rotate substances. The body habituates so that a remedy that was working may stop working. If you give your body a break from it, it will often start working again. Energy testing shows you when you need to rotate.

The following describes what I have found to be useful in preventing – or sometimes even reversing – gray hair.

A Native American woman told my aunt to take the mineral copper. She did, and her hair came back from gray. Make sure you energy test this, because you can overdose on copper. Plus we can't let ourselves be fooled into thinking that what worked for one person will work for another.

When I had multiple sclerosis, I found a few herbs, minerals, and vitamins that were helpful. Pantothenic acid not only helped my toes not be numb and swollen, but I believe pantothenic acid, along with iodine, also helped keep my hair from falling out, which it was doing in huge handfuls when I was sick.

In addition to copper, iodine, and pantothenic acid, I've seen benefit from B12, chlorophyll, and DMAE, as well as coconut oil put directly on the hair. Massaging mehndi (a henna) into the scalp is done in India to prevent grayness. Because hair needs fresh sources of protein, collagen can also be helpful. Again, energy test for any of these.

Stress and genetics play a large role in the decline of the tiny hair pigment cells. With their decline, you lose the pigment color in your hair. But energy work can influence this.

Your body is always losing and replacing its hair. A normal hair cycle should lead to more hair. Growth cycles are related to energy balances, so when the energy between head and hair has gone awry, hair graying and hair loss is often a result.

Factors that interfere with the cycle – like medication, illness, infection, or chemicals – have the potential to stop hair from being formed properly. It can get dry, it can go gray, and it can fall out. Balancing the energies in the head can counter this (use Neurovasculars, Crown Pull, Rooster Comb Hold, meridians, etc.)

Problems with the thyroid or pituitary glands can also cause graying and baldness, so test and balance the associated meridians. A very simple technique is to tape a magnet or two onto your hairbrush so the south side faces your scalp. The energy of a magnet's south side stimulates growth. Many people have shown me positive results after I suggested they do this.

Not only was color restored to graying hair when using the magnet, but their hair grew in thicker. When this approach works, it is usually because there is a sebaceous gland problem. In fact, simply massaging the sebaceous glands on the scalp can also help with hair issues.

A Native American woman gave me the following technique. I have known this to work for many people, and I have now seen it in many cultures. Join your hands together like you are praying. Keeping your fingertips joined to each other, pull your fingers inward to create an "m" shape. Then buff your nails together in up-and-down circles. Don't do the thumbs (this causes facial hair).

There are nerve endings under the nails that go directly to your scalp, and it stimulates meridian flow. The nails reflect and affect liver, blood, and energy. If the liver, blood, and kidney essence is plentiful, then the hair is thick, healthy, and retains its color.

To close, one special story. The pitch black hair of my wonderful old friend, Jimmy Wong, went pure white after a heart attack. He used a Chinese herb, He Shou Wu, and it returned to black.

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EverettGray Hair

Graves Disease

I have Graves disease and am facing the prospect of having radioactive treatment designed to kill my thyroid. I would consequently have to take medication for the rest of my life.  Can energy medicine offer an alternative treatment?

The triple warmer meridian governs the thyroid. Graves disease involves triple warmer having been in a state of panic for so long that it does not know how to properly manage the thyroid.  Without seeing your unique energies, I cannot tell you which energy techniques would be most helpful, but I can offer some best guesses. In my experience, sedating triple warmer via the acupressure points, and then strengthening it, followed by strengthening heart and spleen, also using the acupressure points, can alter the direction of this disease.  Balancing all body’s energies is also very important.  The "Daily Energy Routine," coupled with tracing the 14 meridians (easiest to learn from the videotapes), is a good way to accomplish this

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EverettGraves Disease

Getting Pregnant

I have been using many of your processes in my sessions and teaching clients the "Daily Energy Routine." They are a great complement to my own work as an energy-oriented psychotherapist. I am wondering if you can recommend a process or technique for someone who wants to get pregnant. I happen to have 3 female clients at the moment, all in their 20's, who have wanted to get pregnant for over the past year. Each has had a thorough gynecological exam, and there does not seem to be a medical problem. One did have some endometriosis that was surgically remedied. I am interested in what I can do in a session and/or teach them to do on their own. What energy blocks or impairments are hindering their ability to conceive?

It is of course difficult to recommend a technique without testing or seeing the person’s energy. A variety of energy patterns can interfere with becoming pregnant. I will mention the two that are the most common and suggest a strategy for working with each.

The first involves disturbances in the circulation-sex meridian. Its flow can become constricted even by something as innocuous as when a person is "trying too hard" to become pregnant. The correction is, basically, to "loosen up" the circulation-sex meridian by sedating and then strengthening it using the acupuncture points (p. 122 of Energy Medicine), massaging its neurolymphatic reflex points (p. 84), holding its neurovascular points (p. 274), and "flushing" it (p. 105, backwards one time, forward three times).

A second place to look is actually related. Triple warmer energy may be controlling and constricting the energies of the circulation-sex meridian since the two meridians sit as partners on the same element (see p. 210). If so, triple warmer will need to be sedated (see p. 235). Neither of these approaches will be harmful, and even if they are not actually needed, one or both may be just the ticket.

And there is a third thing to look at. Kidney meridian is always involved in getting pregnant. But not always on the woman’s side. It may be in the male’s energy. So everything you can do to care for both partner s’ kidney meridians will be good, including first sedating and then strengthening the meridian (p. 121), clearing its neurolymphatic points (p. 84), and holding its neurovascular points (p. 274) to keep a healthy circulation of blood through the kidneys.

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EverettGetting Pregnant

Gallbladder Removed

I really enjoyed your talk last year at the "Mind-Body-Spirit" Conference in London, so I bought your book and your video. As I watched the video, I saw you demonstrate how a woman lost energy on her right side because of a gallbladder operation, and this really got my attention. Having recently had my own gallbladder removed, I couldn't help but wonder how energy medicine might help me with the post-surgical swelling and pain that I'm still experiencing. In fact, I've wondered how this meridian was affected now that the actual organ is no longer there. Not only do I have a major scar from an incision that the surgeons made to remove my gallbladder "the old fashioned way," but I also have a small one near my navel where they first tried a laparoscopic procedure. This smaller scar is healing quite well, but it has definitely affected my stomach and intestinal system.

Last but not least, I had a severe reaction to the anesthesia and antibiotic medication that was used during the operation, so the ordeal of major surgery was made even more stressful than usual. Remind me to not do this again any time soon. Meanwhile, any advice you can offer would be gratefully received.

A. The gallbladder meridian is still there, even though your gallbladder has been removed, but its energy flow has likely become scrambled because of the operation. You can rebuild this pathway, by first sedating and then strengthening the gallbladder meridian. I would recommend that once or twice each day you hold the gall bladder acupuncture points (see page 122 of Energy Medicine).

A major operation like you've had not only affects the meridian that is most obviously involved, it also tends to scramble your energies in many other ways. For example, a number of your other meridians may be running backwards, and your energy may have become homolateral rather than crossing your body as is needed. To correct these possible imbalances, I’d suggest the "Daily Energy Routine" (Energy Medicine - Chapter 3). Then trace all of your meridians as an additional step. They are illustrated in Chapter 4, but are easier to learn from the Energy Healing videotape set. You'll be surprised by how quickly you can learn them. This will help your recovery process, and might also help you calm the stress from your body's reactions to the anesthesia.

Because of the symptoms resulting from the scar near your navel, I'd suggest that you sedate your small intestine, stomach, and large intestine meridians by holding the respective acupuncture sedating points, and follow this by holding the strengthening points for each. These pathways, too, will be rejuvenated by the jump-start of fresh energy.

If you do these procedures one or more times daily, I suspect you will see some improvement, but because I am laying out a fairly complex routine, you might also want to seek out an energy healer who can work with these systems and supervise your back-home practice.

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EverettGallbladder Removed

Frozen Muscles and Meridians

I have been working with a woman whose energies seem very stuck. I suspect she has what you call "frozen" muscles, but I am unclear about how to verify this or how to treat it.

A muscle is considered to be frozen if it has lost its polarity. Operationally, this means that there is no difference in the muscle's energetic response to the positive and negative sides of a magnet. The muscle may have been traumatized by stress, physical shock, or a disease process, and if the resulting energy becomes stuck for a long time, energy slows down, becomes sluggish, and finally the muscle loses its polarity.

For example, even if a person seems to have completely recovered, emotionally and physically, from a highly stressful event, if the muscle associated with triple warmer continues to react in its "fight or flight" mode, yet neither fight nor flight has been implemented, the muscle can become frozen. When this triple warmer muscle is treated and becomes unfrozen, it is not uncommon to see a tremendous emotional release as the trapped energy is freed. Emotions are fueled by the body’s energies, and releasing physical energy that is frozen also releases emotional energy.

Meridians as well as muscles can become frozen, leaving the meridian clogged and depolarized. The Muscle Meridian Chart that shows how muscles and meridians are related can be found on page 305 of Energy Medicine.

Here is how I assess and treat a frozen muscle:

While holding one side of a small magnet against the muscle, energy test the muscle (I use a magnet the size of a quarter with a hole in the middle of it—these can be purchased at Radio Shack—for working with frozen acupuncture points, meridians, or smaller muscles. When working with major muscles, I use a larger, more powerful magnet). Repeat with the other side of the magnet. If the person is strong on both sides, the muscle’s energy is frozen. DO NOT USE MAGNETS IF YOU HAVE A PACEMAKER!

Working with frozen muscles and meridians is a relatively advanced technique because you need to know the specific energy test for each of the 14 meridians (see John Thie’s Touch for Health). Using alarm points or energy localizing or indicator muscles are not adequate for determining if a muscle is frozen, you must test the muscle directly.

To treat a frozen muscle, lay the magnet on the belly (center) of the muscle and repeat the energy test, this time having the client strongly resist for a good 10 seconds (this is part of the correction, it is not for the purpose of testing—where energy testing does not use full strength, this correction calls for full effort in resisting). Repeat using the other side of the magnet.

Now apply pressure against the muscle in the opposite direction (if you were pulling, now push; if you were pushing, now pull). For instance, if you're testing the indicator muscle for spleen meridian, after you have pulled the client's arm away from the body for at least 10 seconds (while holding the magnet in place on each side), now push their arm towards the body for ten seconds—again holding the magnet on the belly of the muscle. Repeat using the other side of the magnet.

Assess your results with the original energy-magnet test. You should get a normal response in which the client is strong with the south side of the magnet against the skin and weaker with the north side.

Here is how I assess and treat a frozen meridian (there are two possible treatments. Try the following one first, as it is easier and is perhaps all that is needed):

Hold one side of the magnet against the beginning or end of the affected meridian pathway and energy test for strength using the spleen test. You will find the beginning and end points for all the meridians illustrated on page 334 of Energy Medicine. Now hold the other side of the magnet against the same meridian point and repeat the energy test. If the client is strong with both sides of the magnet, the meridian is frozen.

To treat a frozen meridian, spin the magnet both ways at one end of the meridian (thread a piece of string or dental floss through the hole and tie the ends together so the magnet will hang a few inches down and will easily spin—a rubber band will also work). Spin it in both directions several times over the meridian point. Then go to the other end of the meridian and spin the magnet.

If this approach doesn't work, it could be because one or more acupuncture points have become "lost," or sunken into the body and are, therefore, less accessible to the magnet's energy. When this happens, the point has no more electrical juice than any other non-acupuncture point on the body. This is why some people don't get all the benefits from an acupuncture or acupressure treatment. When tested, a "lost" point acts frozen. To locate these points, find an acupuncture chart that shows all of the points on the meridian, and do the following:

Use a thin stiff piece of metal that you can place through the hole of the magnet while you hold it against each point along the meridian. Hold the magnet (with the metal inserted through it) on this point for at least 10 seconds. The metal stick acts like a laser needle that concentrates the magnetic energy into the point and reactivates it. [Some people use a Tai Chin stick*, a slender metal stick used in Chinese medicine, but you could use anything metal that has a blunt end to it.]

Flip the magnet over and repeat the process.

You can also use wood instead of metal in this procedure. Wood is softer and less intrusive, metal is more dramatic and faster. Wood combines the magnet's power with its own gentle stimulation. When I work with wood, I pulse the piece of wood into the affected point by pushing on it gently as it's inserted through the magnet. Its energies do not merge with the magnet until they have moved into the body, whereas the metal element merges with the magnet before the energy enters the body.

In fact, the elements can be a guide for making these procedures more effective. If the person has reactive energies or has an autoimmune disease, I might use the gentler wood element as it allows for easier adaptability. If a person is not relaxed or in the "flow" of their life, it is very good to draw upon water element, having them first take a relaxing bath or get into other relaxing water. Sometimes fire element is useful if a person has lost his or her vitality and you can shine a small flashlight through the hole in the magnet. I have seen people be very creative with earth element—using most anything from the earth that has a degree of stiffness to it can work, such as placing through the magnet the stem of a flower or a weed or a stiff piece of wheat. But in my experience, the technique that takes the energy the deepest in the body is the metal, serving in the same way that acupuncture uses needles, and also carrying the force of the magnet.

You can always energy test your clients to determine whether metal or wood would be better for their energy. Neither will harm the person, although with the use of metal triple warmer may overreact if the body cannot adjust quickly enough. If this happens, do a hook-up (pages 98 & 99 in Energy Medicine) and hold the triple warmer neurovasculars until the person sighs. This will help calm triple warmer's response and will allow you to proceed using wood instead.

The feedback that practitioners give me is that when they take a chance on which element feels right to use with a particular client, they begin sharpening their intuition not only about this specific choice, but all other energy work as well.

Frozen energy doesn’t often heal itself, so if a person has a frozen energy pattern, you may find chronic symptoms such as a general fatigue, sore muscles, or even an autoimmune disease. Once treated, there can be surprise releases as symptoms the person had simply learned to live with lift. People often have no idea that this kind of problem even exists until after they have experienced successful treatment.

*Where to get a Tai Chin Stick: OMS Medical Supplies Inc., 1950 Washington Street, Braintree, Mass. 02184 USA; phone = 781-331-3370 or 800-323-1839. In the catalog, the Tai Chin Stick is called a "Tei.Shin-Spring Modulator"

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EverettFrozen Muscles and Meridians