Testicular Pain

I have been studying your book (Energy Medicine) and using your techniques. I have reached a stumbling block, however, with my 16-year-old son. He has been having chronic intermittent swelling and pain in his testicular area, specifically the epididymis. He had to have one testicle removed when he was three because it torqued and sucked into his abdomen. For the current problem, a urologist has been following him for 2 or 3 months, and we have had an inconclusive ultrasound done. My gut feeling is that he does not need exploratory surgery. When I do energy testing on him, his circulation-sex and triple warmer meridians, among others, are weak and painful. I have traced them backwards and forwards, done a spinal flush, a chakra exercise, the 5-minute routine, and sedated and then strengthened both the circulation-sex and triple warmer meridians. Today I got the triple warmer to test strong afterwards, however I cannot get the circulation-sex meridian to test strong no matter what I try. 
He also consistently experiences pain in his testicle and his groin every time he or I do the hook-up procedure. Can you offer any suggestions?

While it is always guesswork when I can't see a person's energies and how they respond to various interventions, I do have some guesses:

Circulation-sex and triple warmer sit together on the same basic rhythm (Energy Medicine Chapter 7) and often play off one another. Since you've not been able to get circulation-sex strong, I would look to its opposite force, which is stomach meridian (see "wheel" on p. 126 - Energy Medicine). I would sedate stomach using the acupuncture holding points (p. 120). It may be the meridian that can take away even the swelling and the pain.

I believe that the "hook-up" is actually activating the penetrating flow, one of the strange flows (Energy Medicine Chapter 8), which goes right through the testicles. You might see what his reactions are if you slowly travel up central meridian, holding two points at a time for about 10 or 12 seconds (on the midline, one with your right hand, the other with your left), and then move up the meridian, going to the next pair of points. I would also hold the spleen strengthening acupuncture points as spleen governs swelling and infections. And I would not do the hook-up for now because it seems to be moving the energy enough to cause pain, but not enough to help with the problem.

I would also "chakra clear" (Energy Medicine Chapter 5) the painful area, treating the area as a chakra. Ask him whether circling in one direction takes away the pain more than the other direction.

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EverettTesticular Pain

Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ears)

I have been reading your book (Energy Medicine) looking for clues about what I can do for my tinnitus. I am flushing Kidney meridian and then strengthening it. I also flush Triple Warmer and then hold its sedating points. This helps with some of the symptoms, but I would like to know if there are any other things I can do to eliminate this problem completely?

You are already doing a great job figuring out things for yourself, and yes I do have a few more suggestions. There is a point near the jaw that you can find by placing your index fingers in front your ears and your thumbs just below your cheek bone. When you open your mouth wide, your thumbs will drop into an indent. If this spot is tender, massage it daily. Also, if you wrap your hands around the back side of your head, your fingers will easily fall into the central lymphatic points. Massage them. You can find a picture of these points on page 96 of Energy Medicine. In addition to flushing and sedating Triple Warmer, I would follow the Triple Warmer meridian, starting at the eyebrow and going down and around the ear, feeling for sore spots. Wherever you find a sore spot, hold it with firm pressure, but not deep pressure, until the pain diminishes.

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My father suffers from reoccurring bouts of pneumonia and seems to be resistant to antibiotics. Suggestions?

Without being able to see him and his unique energy patterns, I can only tell you of generic treatments for recurrent bouts of pneumonia. During one of the bouts, it will help him if you work his chakras (Chapter 5 of Energy Medicine). This not only gets all of the energy centers into balance and harmony, it "stirs the pot," moving through old layers of disturbed and clogged energies. Then clear his back neurolymphatics with a spinal flush (p. 79) and massage the neurolymphatic points on the front of his body (p. 84). This will move the toxins that have become "stirred," as well as other toxins, out of the lymph system and into the blood stream, where they can be eliminated. Finally, sedate the meridians on the organs that are directly involved with pneumonia – lung and large intestine – using the acupuncture sedating points (p. 120). This combination about twice each day should help move the symptoms out of his body, and if done a few times each week after he is well should help prevent future occurrences. Also, teach him the neurolymphatic points on lung meridian (p. 85) and have him massage them daily

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Multiple Sclerosis

I’m a registered nurse working in an office that treats many multiple sclerosis patients. Your book describes a woman who achieved great results from what you taught her. Can you tell me what techniques you used? Does it have something to do with triple warmer?

I believe you are referring to Beverly (Energy Medicine pp. 246–247). Multiple sclerosis involves an autoimmune process—an abnormal immune response directed against one’s own central nervous system, particularly the myelin sheaths that cover the nerves. You are on the right track with suspecting that triple warmer is involved. Triple warmer is the energy that aggressively mobilizes all the systems in your body to fight.

Because we are all bombarded with unprecedented stresses and toxins on a daily basis, triple warmer is continuously activated. For some people because of genetic or other predispositions, this leads to disorders of the immune system, such as multiple sclerosis. Because environmental and lifestyle-caused stresses are only getting worse, autoimmune disease may well be the illness of the future.

When I met Beverly, her energy looked like a series of blown circuits. Triple warmer meridian was in a perpetual state of emergency, and her immune system, nervous system, and circulatory system were oscillating among fight, flight, and freeze. This habitual emergency response needed to be interrupted. Without stopping this pattern, any healing work would not have had lasting impact. Here is what I did:

  • The entire first session was dedicated to communicating to her hypothalamus (which governs triple warmer) the message that she was safe. I did this by first sedating triple warmer (see Chapter 8 in Energy Medicine) and then balancing out all of the energies, most specifically her meridian acupressure points, neurolymphatic reflexes, and chakras.
  • Her energies were homolateral, so the Homolateral Crossover (Energy Medicine pp. 250 - 252) was an important part of her homework.
  • She needed to establish some strong crossover patterns, so I taught her the Celtic Weave, and all the rhythmic 8 techniques in Chapter 6 of Energy Medicine.
  • In addition, Beverly integrated nutritional support (she particularly needed more protein, which is very often the case with MS patients, as well as potassium to alleviate tingling, chromium, and Butcher’s Broom—all this can be energy tested) and specific energy techniques for a hypoglycemic condition (which includes strengthening the spleen and sedating triple warmer). Because she was connected to a hospital clinic, she began to teach other multiple sclerosis patients the techniques that were helping her, and this cemented them in for her. She also learned how to establish stronger emotional and physical boundaries, which I’ve found is often an issue for MS patients.
  • Finally, she was given techniques designed to keep her energies unscrambled and flowing, essentially the five-minute daily routine, Separating Heaven and Earth, pumping up the cerebral spinal fluid, and Heaven Rushing In when she felt despair or didn’t know what else to do. One additional principle for treating people with multiple sclerosis is that they need time to integrate energy shifts. So don’t rush the process, pause between techniques, and remind them that they must likewise pace their lives. A balance between action and rest is essential for all of us, but even more so here.

Autoimmune illnesses can be greatly helped by an energy medicine approach. While Western medicine can only suppress the symptoms of these disorders, working with their energetic foundation can get to their core. This not only initiates healing forces, it literally reverses the immune system’s attack on its own body. And I have seen MRI reports where the myelin sheaths literally regrew after a series of energy medicine treatments, something many people who work with MS believe cannot happen. While there is still a lot to learn about how to help people with MS, energy medicine already has a great deal to offer.

Also see the other entries on MS, particularly "Multiple Sclerosis – Advanced Stages" and "Multiple Sclerosis and the Use of Magnets."

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EverettMultiple Sclerosis

Osteoporosis & the Spinal Flush

If a person has osteoporosis, should I avoid clearing the neurolymphatic reflex points along the spine?

You may continue to massage these places, but just be a bit more gentle as you do so, and listen for any feedback that the person might give you. As you probably know, these points are tender in most people because they become clogged with toxins and stagnant energy. Massaging them helps clear the toxins and gets the energy flowing more freely, which will always benefit the person’s health.

The two cautions here are 1) that the physical pressure you use does not exacerbate any previous injuries or vulnerabilities, and 2) that the person’s energy system is not so weak or disorganized that stirring up toxins overwhelms the system’s ability to eliminate those toxins.

Simply having the person you are working with let you know how much pressure you can apply generally addresses the first caution. For the second, a general balancing such as the "Daily Energy Routine" (Chapter 3 of Energy Medicine) before you do the full spinal flush is usually sufficient.

If the neurolymphatic reflex points are still too painful for any real massage, place one finger on a back neurolymphatic point and the finger of your other hand on the corresponding point in front. Use a back and forth see-saw motion, pressing in on one point as you release on the other. This is much easier for even a highly sensitive individual to tolerate

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Pacemakers and the Thymus Thump

I work with seniors doing reflexology and have recently taught many of them to do the three thumps to boost their energy levels. Most of them find it easy to tap on their collarbones, thymus and spleen points, but here's my question: Does the thymus thump need to be modified for those who have pacemakers? 

I have never seen the thymus thump (p. 78) be a problem for anyone with a pacemaker. However, I have noticed that people who have pacemakers tend to automatically tap more softly and usually use their fingertips rather than a clenched fist as they tap. This helps them to pinpoint the sternum area (below which the thymus lies) and to avoid the pacemaker. You can instruct your clients who have pacemakers to make these modifications to the thymus thump.

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Pain and Acupressure Points

On a few occasions I have held acupressure points to relieve pain for a few friends, but I haven't been getting the results I'd hoped for. What else can I do to bring about deeper, more lasting relief for them?

The sedating points are not always enough to relieve pain. I've often found it helpful to first hold the sedating points on both sides of the body and then hold the strengthening points. This combination brings a rush of fresh energy through the meridian that is affected, and it does a more thorough job of dispersing the pain signals.

Look at the muscle meridian chart on page 286 of Energy Medicine and find the muscle that is associated with the area of pain. This will not only help you identify the most important meridian involved with the pain, it will lead you to another option. You can reset the spindle cell mechanism within the muscle by gently stretching it apart with your fingertips and thumbs and then lightly pinching the skin over the center of the muscle. This sends a signal to the muscle and nerve cells to let go of tension and pain.

Also, look in Energy Medicine Chapter 11 at the discussion about the application of magnets to relieve pain. Magnets can be quite beneficial, but you need to use them carefully, and that chapter describes how to do this.

Finally, pain can also be relieved by using chakra-clearing techniques. Because small "chakras," vortexes of swirling energy, form over areas of pain and wounds, keeping this energy moving can be quite helpful. Simply rotate the left hand in a slow, counterclockwise, circular motion over the part of the body that hurts. This draws out stagnant energy and relieves pain. Do this for a few minutes, but not more than five minutes. Then move your hand in a clockwise motion to balance the energy you have just cleared.

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Paralysis & Visualizing Energy Flows

If someone has lost the use of a limb due to a stroke, for example, and can't physically perform the three thumps or trace his or her meridians, can he or she benefit from visualizing these energy medicine techniques?

Absolutely! Visualization and mental intention definitely move energy. One of the first stroke patients I ever treated regained some muscle function after just a few days of imagining the energies crossing over from the healthy side of his body to the paralyzed side, and then again to the healthy side. While this kind of mental exercise is good for anyone, it can offer a secondary benefit to older people by helping to keep their minds sharp.

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Prostate Cancer and Radiation

I am receiving radiation for prostate cancer. Although I am managing most of the side effects quite well, I am having difficulty with rectal bleeding. Are there any techniques from energy medicine that might help me?

Three meridians are particularly important here: large intestine, kidney, and spleen. Rectal bleeding is generally associated with the large intestine meridian, kidney meridian will help with your prostate, and spleen is always a key meridian in strengthening your immune system.

The following protocol should strengthen your entire system as you go through the radiation:

  1. Sedate your large intestine meridian by holding the acupuncture sedating points (on page 123 of Energy Medicine) for about two minutes, and then hold the 2nd set of sedating points for another two minutes. More detailed instructions are written on page 119, and I believe you fill find them easy to follow. Just make sure you use the sedating points and not the strengthening points.

  2. Sedate your kidney meridian following the same instructions as above.

  3. Massage your K-27 (collarbone) points for about 30 seconds to further stimulate your kidney meridian. This will also cause the other meridians to flow in the proper directions.

  4. Massage the large intestine neurolymphatic points down the sides of each leg, as shown on page 264. Although they will feel tender, massage them hard for about 30 seconds, but not so hard as to cause bruising. This will break up some of the toxic energy in the meridian.

  5. Tap your spleen points, located a few inches below your breast toward the sides of your body for about 30 seconds (see page 51). These, too, are neurolymphatic points and will feel tender .

  6. Close your mouth, purse your lips, and blow air into your cheeks. Blow hard without allowing any air to escape. Hold this for as long as is comfortable and then release it. While this makes no sense anatomically, energetically-speaking the orifices are connected and this has the effect of strengthening the rectal area so that it will be less vulnerable to bleeding.

I suggest that you do the first four items between one and four times each day, and the last two items five or six times each day.

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Protecting the Healer

Like you, I have been sensitive all my life to subtle energies. This has been a great gift because it makes my life so much richer, but it has also been a curse because I am vulnerable to all kinds of influences that other people hardly notice. I have taken great inspiration from your personal story. I’ve also both overcome serious illness and found that I have a bit of a healing touch. I am, in fact, considering pursuing energy healing as a career. I’ve had some real successes applying the techniques with friends and family, but sometimes I am simply overwhelmed by another person’s energies and illnesses, particularly when I am attempting to help them using energy techniques. What do you do to protect yourself?

Early on in my practice of energy medicine, way back in the 70s, I tried hard to do what I was taught as the "correct" ways of protecting myself. Most popular was to put a white light around yourself. These techniques all separated the healer from the client and induced fear about what could happen. I found, however, that most all of the tools and techniques taught to me got in my way and interfered with the really joyful experience of feeling someone’s energy.

I organically figured out what worked best for me. If I "took on" negative energy, I learned how to imagine I had a faucet at the bottom of my spinal column, and I would rush it out into the ground. I would turn the faucet on and release it. I found that doing "Separating Heaven from Earth" before and in-between clients helped to move out anything that I had taken into my body. The "Hook-up" became invaluable because the hook-up has more than one benefit. Yes, it keeps central meridian zipped up, which is very important in not having the person’s energies spiral into your own chakras, but it also activates the strange flows which know full well how to dance with someone else’s energies. So, what my friend Jean Houston calls "leaky boundaries," can be a positive thing. Energy exchanges can be highly creative interchanges.

I think there is way too much fear about picking up someone else’s energy, and the fear itself more readily allows for the transmission of negative energies into your body and creates an atmosphere that prevents them from easily moving through.

One exercise that proves uniquely beneficial is the Celtic weave. Weaving your own field tightly around you allows the boundaries between you and another to be more lax. The aura becomes a powerful bridge of giving and receiving, but at the same time you are continually pulsing back to yourself – moving into the other person’s field and moving out, in rhythm.

Of course some people are very sensitive. I am actually one of them. There is no substitute for having enough rest, having the proper diet, and making sure that your own energies are balanced, using a daily energy routine, etc. Integrity insists that if you don’t feel good, you don’t do the work. That is when you are most vulnerable as well as least competent. Healer, heal thyself.

I found that at the beginning and the end of every session, without planning to, I would take a deep breath that would make me very conscious of my own self and my own space. It simply made me feel strong. And I was. But that same breath, taken at the end of a session, was also information for me that the session was over, it was through. My body could go off duty.

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