Feline Infectious Peritonitis

My kitten, Vinnie, is 5 months old and has come down with a virus, probably Feline Infectious Peritonitis. Sadly, this virus is robbing him of his energy and vitality, and it is causing his intestinal walls to leak, resulting in a bloated belly. I've tried helping him with allopathic medicine, homeopathy, a raw diet, tracing figure eights over his belly, and massaging his neurolymphatics, yet he continues to decline. He is such a wonderful spirit being, and I don't want to lose him. This little guy accompanies me on hikes, goes to work with me, and communicates with me on a spiritual level. Can you please give me any other ideas?

I of course can’t be certain what Vinnie needs without seeing his energy, but let me venture a guess. When an infection is present, especially such a severe one, the spleen meridian tends to lose its life force. Bloating further suggests that his spleen meridian is in trouble, so I would definitely strengthen it for him. I would also have someone gently hold Vinnie while you use a surrogate test to determine if either his stomach or small intestine meridian also need attention. Once you've learned if either needs treatment, test further to determine if you can help best by sedating or strengthening the meridian.

Often, when an immune system is compromised, I recommend sedating triple warmer along with strengthening the spleen, but because he is such a young cat and may be fighting for his life, I would only do this if a surrogate test indicated that it was needed.

There's a wonderful book on energy methods for animals, entitled Four Paws, Five Directions, and you might look to it for other ideas. We are animal lovers and send our blessing to Vinnie and to you.

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EverettFeline Infectious Peritonitis

Energy Testing and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities

I have been devouring your book and tape series since I attended your recent lecture in Portland. It was an extremely enthusiastic crowd and arms waved like grain in the wind with questions. Mine didn't get answered. I have multiple chemical sensitivities and am reactive to even the most ordinary environments. I’ve had no luck with allergy doctors or the usual alternative therapies such as homeopathy and acupuncture. I am working with a naturopath who is trying to figure out how to help me, and he has already given me one really valuable tool, which is energy testing. Since he taught it to me, I have been relying on it heavily to determine what is safe for me.

But both energy testing and a Vega testing machine indicate that certain compounds my naturopath would like me to take, and which wipe me out, should make me much stronger. If I take even one drop of what he gives me, I have extraordinary reactions—awake for 36 hours, incapacitated with flu-like symptoms for two days, etc. How can this be? Energy testing seems to be accurate with many other things, but not for these remedies.

I am sorry your question didn't get answered at the lecture. Without being able to watch what happens to your energy when you are being energy tested, I can only venture some guesses about what may be helpful.

First, I would test specific meridians rather than using a general indicator test. Begin with the spleen meridian test and then, for verification, have your naturopath follow it with the kidney meridian test. Spleen is the most likely test to detect potential problems in metabolizing a substance that other meridians might show to be agreeable with them (your body may need it, but if it can't metabolize it, the substance can still cause harm). Another reason not to rely on a general indicator test (such as the stomach) is that the beliefs and expectations of the practitioner or of the person being tested are more likely to interfere. The reasons I would verify the results by testing the kidney meridian are: 1) kidney meridian governs the organ that filters and moves toxins out of your body, 2) it is a junction meridian (it affects all the other meridians), and 3) it governs the life force, so kidney meridian responds quickly when a substance compromises the body’s energies. You might also review the "nuances" of energy testing in Chapter 2 of Energy Medicine.

Your practitioner can also place the remedy on your alarm points in order to determine its impact on each individual meridian.

I have a lot of sympathy for you with multiple chemical sensitivities, and I believe the route out of this dilemma is to strengthen and reprogram your immune system so your body learns to adapt rather than go into allergic reactions. I hope you will continue to find Energy Medicine to be helpful as you formulate a strategy to accomplish this.

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EverettEnergy Testing and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities

Energy Testing a Substance: Is Skin Contact Necessary?

Does the skin have to have contact with the item in an energy test? Will the test still be valid if I am testing a vitamin through a jar while still in the store?

Skin contact through the semi-permeable membranes in your hand or mouth is the most reliable way to energy check an item.  However, because energy fields extend out from the body as well as out from the substance, you can get reasonably reliable results by simply having the substance in your energy field and then performing an energy test using a general indicator muscle such as the spleen test (Chapter 2). It is important to keep in mind, however, that the less direct the contact the greater the opportunity for other factors to influence the outcome. For instance, I find that if I am energy testing vitamins through glass, it rarely affects the outcome, but if they are packaged in plastic, it is more likely that the packaging will get in the way.

One more thing about testing vitamins and other supplements. If you can find a weak meridian and see if the vitamin or substance will make it strong, rather than to see if the substance weakens a strong meridian, this gives additional information. This will tell you that the substance will have a beneficial effect rather than just that it will not harm you. An easy way to do this is to have the person who is doing the energy test flutter a hand over the area just under your left breast. This will temporarily result in a weakened general indicator test. Immediately place the substance in your hand or your energy field and you will see if the vitamin strengthens you.

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EverettEnergy Testing a Substance: Is Skin Contact Necessary?

Energy Testing – If Everything Tests Strong

When I tested my son for allergies, he remained strong on everything—even poison!   I then tried a few friends, and they reacted the same way.  I am so disappointed because now they do not think anything in your book works. What am I doing wrong?

Without having seen what was going on, here are my suspicions. The most important thing to know is that this is not a contest of will or strength. Sometimes people throw in all of their muscle strength, including all the auxiliary muscles that support the muscle being tested. But what you are wanting to test is whether the energy is flowing. Putting all one’s muscle strength into the test begins to test something different from the flow of energy. Think of pushing against a wall. You don’t need to use all your strength to know that the wall is going to stay standing. You can push lightly and know it is solid.

Testing family members can also be tricky. In the mother-child relationship, for instance, the mother is wired to be giving healing energy to the child, and the energy test can be picking up this influx of energy rather than the substance being tested. There can also be a surrogate relationship that is unintentionally formed between family members, where the test is providing information about the tester rather than the person being tested.

Then once you had an obviously inaccurate result with your son in front of everyone, your confidence was gone and the test with the other people may have been influenced by your fears or their growing skepticism. There are a number of important nuances in energy testing (see closing discussion of Chapter 2).

There is, however, no substitute for practice and confidence in getting accurate results. One of the best ways to develop confidence is to set up some "double-blind" situations so you can know after the test whether the results were accurate and build a track record of accurate tests (also discussed in Chapter 2). There are two other conditions, however, which may confound an energy test, and these are always taught in more advanced classes: "frozen" muscles and "switched or scrambled" energies:

  1. Sometimes, muscles can become "frozen." What is happening is that the body’s cells, which are actually tiny batteries, lose their polarity. The inside of the cell, which normally has a "positive" charge, and the outside, which normally holds a negative charge, both wind up having the same charge or a neutral charge. When this occurs, energy cannot move in and out of the cells or the muscles and organs made up of those cells. While learning how to correct for frozen muscles is a more advanced technique that generally I only teach in classes where I can supervise the person’s work, I do address it in another Q/A (see "Frozen Muscles").
  2. Sometimes, a person’s energies may be "switched." This means that the meridian energies are running in the opposite direction from their normal flow. This will confound an energy test of that meridian. This is also true for "scrambled" energies, where the meridian energies are uneven in their flow or move off their natural pathways or aren’t crossing over or are colliding with other energy systems. The 5-minute daily routine is designed to restore and keep such energies in alignment and to build patterns and habits that keep the energies from becoming switched and scrambled.

Energy testing is a reliable procedure backed by increasing numbers of research studies being published in reputable journals, but it is also an art, and it is an art worth cultivating.

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EverettEnergy Testing – If Everything Tests Strong


A dear friend of mine has serious emphysema and is being evaluated for a lung transplant. So far, she hasn't been willing to consider anything outside of traditional medicine, but she might change her mind one of these days and I'd like to know if energy medicine could help her. Your class at my Unity Church while I was battling bladder cancer several years ago set me on a life-saving course, and that experience left me with a passion for alternative medicine. I’m hoping that my friend will soon open to these possibilities.

Because energy medicine is non-invasive, gentle, and not prone to serious negative side effects, people are often willing to try its methods even though they may be skeptical at first. Further, it will not interfere with, and often complements, more traditional courses of treatment. You could suggest to your friend that she might feel a little better if she does the following simple exercises. You or someone else can help her with them if she is in a weakened state:

  • Have her do a hook-up (described on page 119 of Energy Medicine -- you can hold the points for her if it is too exhausting for her to hold them herself).
  • Flush lung meridian on both sides of her body. Simply trace the meridian backwards one time with your hand and then forwards three times. See p. 107 for a drawing of this meridian pathway.
  • Work with the pain chasing technique described in Chapter 10 for lung meridian and see if it helps to rid her of any tender spots along the meridian pathway.
  • Massage the neurolymphatic reflex points for both lung meridian (on the sternum and between the ribs) and for the central vessel (where the arms hook onto the torso). These spots are illustrated on p. 85. They are usually tender because toxic energies tend to get clogged in them.
  • Finally, hold the neurovascular points on her head for about 3 to 5 minutes. Use your hands to lightly hold spots both on the top of her head and on her forehead. This will help the circulation to her lungs.

If she finds some relief from these procedures and wants to pursue an energy approach more aggressively, finding a qualified energy practitioner would be a natural next step, but even these techniques, done with consistency, might help considerably. When someone is in a health crisis, as your friend seems to be, it would be ideal to do these techniques at least 3 or 4 times a day, although there is always a dance between what is ideal, what is practical, and what her stamina will allow.

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EMF Sensitivity

I have an extreme EMF sensitivity and am wondering if you have any advice regarding how I might counteract these ever-present forces. I've done the exercises in your book (which I love), and I've tried working with magnets, but haven't been able to get the complete protection I need. I'm desperate for more ideas because, at this point, I can only use phones, computers, and even simple lights for a short snippets of time. Driving in my car affects me if I'm in it for too long, and I've recently started having severe reactions when planes fly overhead! Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night feeling like my head, my heart, and my nervous system are being fried. Do you have any suggestions? I'll do anything if you think it will work.

I have such deep sympathy for you and your EMF problem. I, too, am very sensitive to this kind of energy. We live in a world of EMF soup, and more and more people are becoming painfully aware of how it affects them. I hear your fear and discouragement about the exercises in Energy Medicine not having giving you full protection, but I think you can build upon what you have already learned. I want to give you a little further guidance by pointing out the ones that are likely to help the most. If practiced long enough and often enough, you should see further improvement. Getting an assessment and tailor-made instruction from a qualified energy practitioner would also be a good idea.

  1. Balance your energy by doing the "hook-up": place the middle finger of one hand in your belly button and of the other hand over your third eye, press in, pull up slightly (page 119). Hold this position, breathe easily, and relax. You're likely to sigh or yawn once you're hooked up.
  2. The "Wayne Cook" posture (p. 74) is one of the best exercises I know for unscrambling the body's energies.
  3. You can probably get a great deal of mileage out of "figure-8" exercises. Restoring the body’s figure 8 patterns creates a field around you that actually blocks out EMFs. Stand with your feet a foot or two apart and swoop your arms in figure 8 patterns in front of your body, out to the sides, and over your head (see p. 185). Do lots of them! They're especially fun to do with music.
  4. Chapter 11 chronicles my own slippery adventure with EMFs and presents several ways to use magnets to protect and heal yourself. I experimented with magnets in a hundred ways. These ranged from spinning magnets over my aura to protect it, to taping magnets to specific points on my body, to at one time laying a magnet under my pillow and attaching another one above my head on the headboard.

Because EMF’s are everywhere and can affect you throughout the day, I'd do the energy exercises several times each day to keep yourself balanced. This will gradually retrain you’re the protective energy field that surrounds you to be more resilient even when you're being exposed to strong EMFs.

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Drained by EE Exercises

Can the energy enhancing exercises that you teach take energy away? I loved the opening chapters of your book and was motivated to start doing the "Daily Energy Routine" plus several of the other exercises. I started feeling worse, very low energy, on the second day, and after trying them a few more times I have given up.

Two things are likely. Whenever I’ve seen a client’s energies drain from the exercises in the "Daily Energy Routine," the person was homolateral. This has been the case in every instance I have known. If a person is homolateral, doing the homolateral crossover (p. 233) once or twice daily is critical if everything else is to work.

The other dynamic that may be at play is that because the energy exercises are designed to shift established energy habits in order to improve the flow of energy through your body, the triple warmer meridian, whose job is to maintain habits and homeostasis, may be treating the exercises as a threat. See the discussion on calming and sedating triple warmer that begins on page 235.

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EverettDrained by EE Exercises


My 14-year-old daughter has diabetes. Are there any energy techniques that can help her? Although she has little self-discipline for daily exercises, I'll encourage her to practice whatever you recommend.

For the blood sugar to stay balanced, it is crucial that spleen meridian be kept strong. This is done primarily by sedating triple warmer—which drains energy from spleen—and then by directly strengthening spleen. In Energy Medicine, you'll note that there are several ways to do this, and I'd have your daughter use every way possible since what is required with this illness is to literally retrain a deeply held energy habit in her body. To strengthen spleen meridian:

  1. Hold the acupressure points for strengthening spleen (see p. 134). You can help her with this by holding them for her, but she may also be able to do it herself.
  2. Massage the spleen neurolymphatic points on the torso (p. 96).
  3. Hold the spleen neurovascular points on the head (p. 290).
  4. Tap the spleen points (part of the three thumps in Chapter 3) several times a day (p. 59).
  5. Flush spleen meridian by tracing it backwards one time and then forwards three times. You'll find a drawing on page 117.
  6. Liver meridian is also often involved in diabetes (as well as hypoglycemia). You can follow the same basic steps described here for spleen for balancing the liver meridian (p. 122).
  7. Do the "Daily Energy Routine" to maintain better harmony in her body (p. 72).

Changing the deep habit of a spleen/triple warmer imbalance will not only help keep her blood sugar in better balance, it can help create a new pattern of insulin production in her pancreas. The type of diabetes determines how much the illness can be turned around. If she was born without the ability to create insulin, she will probably always need to have it supplied externally, but even in that situation, the procedures described here will help her pancreas to function more optimally.

I know she's a teenager and that it is hard to implement this kind of discipline into her schedule, but encourage her to at least tap the spleen points several times each day and to flush her spleen meridian once or twice daily

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Depression, Prozac, and Energy Checking Dosages

I have suffered over the years from bouts of depression.  I have finally come to some relief, using Prozac.  While it is wonderful to have found a medication that helps, I am now having trouble with side effects. What would you suggest?

Depression scrambles the body’s energies and also slows the movement of energy through all the body’s systems. This in turn often causes the meridians to run backwards.  The 5-minute "Daily Energy Routine" can, in itself, be helpful, and there are numerous other focused energy techniques that can get all the energy systems hooked up and flowing again. However, long-standing endogenous depression, in particular, can be very tricky to treat, and anti-depressant medication can be a godsend.

But because medications themselves often also scramble the body’s energies, prescribing is an art that often also involves a great deal of trial and error.   Assuming you have discussed the side-effect problem with the physician who is managing your medication and that your current choice and dosage is as good as he or she knows how to get it, here is how to use an energy medicine approach to counter the side effects. First you would check both the Prozac and its dosage with energy tests.  You would begin using the spleen as a general indicator test (Chapter 2 of Energy Medicine). You would also need your physician’s involvement or at least consent to do these tests, and if you cannot get it, you have the choice of staying with your current dosage and medication or finding a physician who is willing to at least explore an energy approach to counter the medication’s side effects.

If the spleen indicator test shows the Prozac to be strong, you would then use the same test to determine the proper dosage. This is a time where your intention for the test makes a difference. You could do the first general indicator test holding either the container of pills or a single pill. Your focus is on whether this is the proper medication.

When you are testing the dosage, you would, at the time of day when you would normally take the medication, test one capsule. If the test shows weak, cut the capsule in half. If half the amount tests strong, this is more likely to be the proper dosage for you to take at that time of day. If the original capsule tests strong, cut another capsule and see if adding part of it keeps you strong. Continue until you test weak. The amount that last tested strong will probably be a good dosage to take each day at the appointed time (if the medication is normally taken twice each day, this would be the amount to take each time). Because, however, other factors that are specific to you on that day may vary, and anti-depressant medication seems to work best if you stay with the same dosage each day, it can be useful to do the test on several days to see the amount that is most frequently needed.

If the general indicator test does not stay strong, perhaps your physician has samples of other anti-depressant medications that you can energy test. Once you have identified a medication that is in harmony with your energy system and determined the proper dosage, you would then test this dosage on each of the alarm points (p. 112). This would show you which meridians are having trouble with the medication, even though the spleen general indicator test showed that it is generally good for you. You would then work with these meridians daily to keep them strong and flowing, including working with them while holding the medication on the related alarm points. The "5-Minute Routine" (Chapter 3) will also help stabilize your body’s energies so you can more readily tolerate the intrusion of the medication

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EverettDepression, Prozac, and Energy Checking Dosages

Depression from Sedating Triple Warmer Too Long

Is it possible to hold someone's triple warmer for too long? In an effort to become deeply relaxed, I had my wife hold my triple warmer points well beyond the point when I sighed [the sign that indicates an energy connection], and I found, unexpectedly, that I began to feel depressed. I read somewhere that triple warmer is associated with the thyroid, and I am aware that this endocrine gland impacts mood.

Actually, it is possible that sedating triple warmer for too long could cause depression, especially if it is not balanced by strengthening the spleen meridian.

And you are right that the thyroid gland could be involved. The thyroid is actually governed by the balance of triple warmer and spleen, not just the triple warmer alone. So be sure to work with the two together – sedating triple warmer and strengthening spleen. Triple warmer is a powerful and assertive life force, and if you take its power away without providing the counterbalance of spleen energy, depression is possible.

Depression can also result from problems with the large intestine meridian as well as with an imbalance between triple warmer and spleen. An energy test will help you to determine which meridians are involved. From there you can experiment with the various ways described in Energy Medicine for bringing a meridian into a good flow and balance, such as tracing the meridian, flushing it, holding the relevant acupuncture sedating or strengthening points or the neurovascular points, massaging the neurolymphatic points, etc

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EverettDepression from Sedating Triple Warmer Too Long